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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

You know Dance. After Pakistan ends cooperation with USA on WOT TTP won't have any reason for these bombings. Even today when they claimed responsibility of these attacks they said we conducted these attacks because of Pakistan's slavery to USA. They say we are fighting against America and it's "agents". They consider us the agents. They consider our military to be mercenaries. We have to remove this label from our forehead. Even after that if they continue their activities their would be more consensus among the Pakistanis against them.

So... some illiterate crazies call you Amrikan agents and what not... and to prove those crazies that you are not an Amrikan agent in their eyes, you are ready to change your foreign policy, and let them decide who be your allies and who not. So who is the bigger crazy here?

What is the guarantee that they will not attack you in future and call you slaves of an atheist China? Will you change your allies and foreign policies again to please them?

By saying all that you said above, you are only proving that you want them to decide what should your foreign policies be.

If I take your views seriously and look deeper into it, it becomes even more horrifying: They call you slaves of America. Okay, but why? Because Pakistan is not run on their version of Sharia.

So, are you ready to get the US and yourself out of this WoT which is keeping them from installing their Sharia all over Pakistan? Because US going back, and you retreating, will give them their well earned rightly deserved motivation to go further and ask for more and more. You ready to feed them?
personaly i think if they knew tat where the nukes are(probably our armed forces personals who are qadri type will tell them)

they can even get hand on nukes

the battle has reachd its final stage
Nothing short of a massive operation in NW will solve this problem.

You sure that's where the head of this beast is? I just wanted to point out that KSM and OBL both arrested from towns with a heavy military contingent - coincidence?? Others have been arrested from the homes of Jamaatis - Coincidence??
Regardless of extremist action, but this action more like a well-trained military action, it is very clearly targeted, the purpose is clear to the military bases and importantmilitary resources (PC3), do you really think that extremism can have Such action?

well the terrorists have held their ground against the coalition forces and the Pakistani army so its safe to say that the aren't your regular rag tag guerrilla fighters. They are battle hardened individuals and have the ability to plan and execute an elaborate attack. Insider help cannot be ruled out but to say they were trained by the CIA or any other spy agency for that matter is utter speculation.
True, most of the Mumbai attackers had no intention of being taken alive. Still, to fight passed trained guards at a secured military installation is not something rag-tag band of militants can do. You need some major planning and preparation for that. Most importantly, intelligence on target which may be provided by turncoats.

They were armed to teeth...Heavy Machine Guns , RPGs , High Caliber Rifles , Hand Grenades to keep fighting for more than 12 hours in such a secured location...? Can any outsider facilitate this..? This must be an Insider job and that too at higher level..
This event will bring in increased American scrutiny on Pakistan's military assets especially its nukes.

If the terrorists can attack a naval base, attacking a nuke installation is not impossible.
So... some illiterate crazies call you Amrikan agents and what not... and to prove those crazies that you are not an Amrikan agent in their eyes, you are ready to change your foreign policy, and let them decide who be your allies and who not. So who is the bigger crazy here?

It is not about proving someone it is about making WOT our war which it isn't right now. With America bombing Pakistani territory I don't think their can be any consensus about this war. The bigger craziness is that we are fighting a war for last 10 years with a huge population confused about that war. This is craziness.
Allah-o-Akbar ... killed 3 arrested 4 and have moved on to the next building ... excellent work by the SSG ... next step - conduct full inquiry and details must be made available to the people of Pakistan ... An action must be taken against external and internal enemies.
This event clearly exposes the fact that Pakistani navy is incompetant and needs the help of a trusted close powerful ally to help protects their mutual strategic intersts with that trusted close powerful ally.

The Pakistan navy can not even protect its own base, what will happen when India or U.S. invades the coast in Balochistan.

All Pakistanis should welcome a Chinese naval base after this event.
It is possible, if you say a terrorist organization to provide personnel, but such an operation has exceeded their ability, who trained them, who give them orders?
Firing has started again it seems..
This event will bring in increased American scrutiny on Pakistan's military assets especially its nukes.

If the terrorists can attack a naval base, attacking a nuke installation is not impossible.

Yes, it is possible for the true purpose behind, but no evidence.
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