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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

SSG fail the battle with these terrorists, now more troop deployed to the base, how sad!

Its all collateral damage. That's why SSG working on very slow pace. Plus facility carries very expense equipment..
why are some people comparing the to Mumbai? It's nothing like it. Mumbai was an unsecure city, a naval base is not (not to mention Kasab is fluent in Marathi).
Patanjali, its my prediction, i can see the impending danger very well, nothing is safe at the moment in pakistan, soon the terrorits will target Pakistan's neuclear weapons facilities in Kahuta. Anti-Pakistan militant groups will intensify terrorist attacks in pakistan in the coming days. Anything can happen in the next [few] days.

Ya know, the best you did was "Anything can happen in the nest few days". That's about it.

Attack on Pakistan's nuclear assets - the terrorists won't do that. They are no fools. Attack on key cities would rather be more economic and more resulting than trying to attack the nuclear installations. Resources spent on one failing attack on any nuclear installation, could well be used for 10 successful attacks in major cities in Pakistan. Which one do you think they would prefer?
why the f*** do you care!?
they'll report it whenever they want!
its not like their reporting will help our soldiers to catch the terrorists alive!

I mentioned that fact as something to be noted. No need for you to get abusive.
Don't like the post then don't read it. Nobody is forcing you to.
I will be really worried if the terrorist can enter Pakistan nuke facilities after reading RedVision message.

What do Indians and amercians here recommend?

terrorists cant attack nuke areas unless your agencies provide them informations about the nuke assets of pakistan
Commodore Irfan ul-Haq: SSG and Navy Marines have encircled the terrorists and protecting the assets successfully. Fire almost under control
they are not sleeping, they are testing YOU to see how long you'll troll!

JUST DONT REPLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact that he has been trolling since the beginning of the thread and now its page 32 and yet the mods still havent done anything even after he's been reported. Maybe you don't mind that when indians come on here and make light of a serious situation but I do
Well, the ease and the willingness with which the entire Pakistani leadership distanced itself from the OBL raid made a distinct impression that Pakistanis were afraid of the blowback effect. I mean, okay, it may have been an all American operation but why not try to make some noises/claims about that? Why just sit still--and most of them just sat until they realize that 'Pakistan' itself was now being targeted too much--when you can score some brownie/PR points? I think the fear of reprisals was great. Pakistanis know that disturbing just one hornets' nest like Lal Masjid caused so much death and destruction. And here it was OBL--the Hitler-equivalent of the 21st century.
I still don't know who attacked the PAF base today. However somehow it is still connected to the recent escalations since OBL death.
May be the Wiki leaks of year 2015 show us what happened today.
terrorists cant attack nuke areas unless your agencies provide them informations about the nuke assets of pakistan

Just that because a lot of media speculation on what Obama said and on here too.

Some people are very sensative on this thread.
then u are a racist,,,
let it be clear to u that south waziristan is totaly free and un inhibitdced for the passt couple of years and the only human beings there are pak army,,,, and still the talibans are roaring free ,, y? how they operate so effectively when their nervous centre is in the controle of a pak army?
it may be the 9/11 of pakistan just to portray to the world its sincerity in wot by showing its direct effect on itself,, i definitly see it this way,,

There is no body living in south waziristan other then Pak army yeah and every body walking around is taliban only let me guess you are a terrorist sympathizer.
SSG fail the battle with these terrorists, now more troop deployed to the base, how sad!


If you couldn't understand how SSG works then there is no need to speculate, more troops deployed to give back up & covering rest of area to not let any terrorist out from operation.

Take a single doze of aspirin and take rest.

This is time for hard brains but not frightened and disappointed.
i dont get why there is so intensive activity???, are these terrorists so strong??, 4-5 hours and still no escape
That's not the same as what you said. You were talking about not jumping to conclusions about Pakistan, which only could've happened just after 26/11, when I wasn't active.

But there is evience against both RAW and CIA - namely Raymond Davis.

Sorry, Raymond Davis and RAW are related just like Hillary Clinton and Hu Jintao. Please stop embarrassing yourself. This is my last reply to you as I dont want to digress from the topic at hand.
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