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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

PNS Mehran Base Commander has been 'suspended' pending inquiry!? - well its a start in the right direction - next shd be Commander Karachi, then the CNS himself.
Islamist terrorists seems to have much support on this forum - I wonder why this is? Is it because they have seen that their ideas are tolerated by certain members of the admin? -- Well, what would you call it when our esteemed member Rabzon has been treated in the way he was - After all if the the shabby and indecent and unfair treatment of Rabzon was authorized, or not authorized, perhaps the owners or administration will come clean with their own membership - It seems much like the Republic, this forum too is unwilling to respect it's forum members and what the admin itself say are their values.

looks like the liberal fascists are out of gas-plz stop complaining like a child and counter the arguments with arguments.

kill all in fata, ban on religious parties, shoot the bearded ones etc., etc., these are the words we keep hearing here and goes on to show who is the extremist.

for liberal fascists- anyone speaking against American terrorism or drone attacks is an extremist. Plz wake up and hear what the streets of Pakistan is saying.......
Islamist terrorists seems to have much support on this forum - I wonder why this is? Is it because they have seen that their ideas are tolerated by certain members of the admin? -- Well, what would you call it when our esteemed member Rabzon has been treated in the way he was - After all if the the shabby and indecent and unfair treatment of Rabzon was authorized, or not authorized, perhaps the owners or administration will come clean with their own membership - It seems much like the Republic, this forum too is unwilling to respect it's forum members and what the admin itself say are their values.

The idea is to tolerate the terrorists, the odd antagonistic or cynical Indian, The Questioning American and the uber secularist.
Ill admit it hasnt worked out well lately ...
especially with the badd-lagam hyper half baked Islamic revolutionists here.. whom I consider more deadly than the uber secularists, the "anti-Pakistan" elements-that-shall-not-be-named and others.
Those characters I know and can make a distinction with, they stand separate.. these guys are being brainwashed to become the "aasteen ka saanp" for this country.. and the religion.
Come on they have nothing to do with Pakistan - to them it's an "unclean" creation -- The Paradox of tolerance -- Are we really going to tolerate ourselves out of existence??

The idea is to tolerate the terrorists?? Really? This is most telling -- whose idea is it?

Well----what is more terrible---the emergency law or the taliban law----. I would take the emergency law anytime of the day. Under that law----anybody talking against the state----instigating against the state---trying to cause unrest, would be deemed the enemy of the state.

Which means that people like Imran Khan and his cohorts could be subject to capital punishment----all these hosts on the tv channels, and their interviewees, destroying the integrioty of the state and glorifying the taliban---they would be charged with anti state activity---charged in anti terrorist courst on war footings and executed on fast track basis.

But the problem is Gilani---does he have the ballz to be the man---or Zardari---does he have the cojones to take charge----.

Iphone---us's presence has nothing to do with what we neeed to do for our sakes----. We could have done it 9 1/2 years ago or the slopes of hindu kush---if we had any vision of what was to come.

Sir, what would enforcing of emergency do if nothing but to further push the country into chaos. We already saw a glimpse of it during musharrafs last year.

I would reiterate my point made above that people see the govt in its entirety and armed forces to some extent as US hired. Now we take their civil rights away and those feelings are cemented. Govt all of a sudden would become illegitimate in peoples eyes and they'd start a rebellion.

You agree that in this day and age of social networking its virtually impossible to cut off people from one another. Having watched the Arab uprising unfold before their eyes the entire civil society would be out in full force to overthrow the "opressive" govt. Army would be called to quell the rebellion.

At that point forget about taking on taliban, the govt would be busy trying to save its own skin and the people and the army duking out on the streets, that is if they choose to obey their orders, otherwise another marshal law in the making.

So much for going to drastic measures to fix things. Sir, with all due respect to your age and wisdom and life experience, I just do not see how an emergency rule can help Pakistan in this situation. Or maybe I'm just not seeing what you are seeing. Maybe our generation just lacks the more hands on and more blunt approach to solving problem that your generation possess.

But I would say this, stay the course that has been adapted in the past three years. Pakistan is at a tipping point and anymore drastic moves and this bucket would spill. Let this govt complete its 1 1/2 years left. Keep nibing and pushing and shoving at the militants. There will be lots of damages along the way and lots of nasty surprises but stay the course. There isn't much, in my view, we can do about completely eradicating terrorists, for as long as US forces are in the region militants have legitimacy to fight. In time even if US decides to stay for good, talibs won't be as strong as they are now. Whatever the sources that are supporting them will begin to withdraw their hand. Taliban can be and will be finished but it will take quiet some time with US forces staying in the region, more quickly if they leave now. Pakistan army has a huge score to settle with them.
The idea is to tolerate the terrorists, the odd antagonistic or cynical Indian, The Questioning American and the uber secularist.
Ill admit it hasnt worked out well lately ...
especially with the badd-lagam hyper half baked Islamic revolutionists here.. whom I consider more deadly than the uber secularists, the "anti-Pakistan" elements-that-shall-not-be-named and others.
Those characters I know and can make a distinction with, they stand separate.. these guys are being brainwashed to become the "aasteen ka saanp" for this country.. and the religion.

I thought it was all about freedom of expression.

But you know, the majority is not the extremist one. If you allow them (the pro-extremists) to be here, then it will more than harm, serve your cause. People get to see what they are talking, and then people not only criticize them, but also get more and more skillful at recognizing them. Well, you gotta admit, they (the pro-extremists) are pretty good at posing as protectors of Islam.
I thought it was all about freedom of expression.

But you know, the majority is not the extremist one. If you allow them (the pro-extremists) to be here, then it will more than harm, serve your cause. People get to see what they are talking, and then people not only criticize them, but also get more and more skillful at recognizing them. Well, you gotta admit, they (the pro-extremists) are pretty good at posing as protectors of Islam.

The only people who think these terrorist supporters are good at defending Islam are people who conflate Islam and Terrorism, in other words people who like these terrorist supporters know next to nothing about Islam.

Freedom of Expression -- is that an absolute freedom??

If it isn't and it obviously isn't, we are therefore left to choose, to define our parameters of responsibility -- The ranks of terrorist supporting Islamist, and are there any other kind, grow on the forum, because the forum, offer them a venue, a voice, a stage, from which to project the most harmful and vile notions, a defaming of an an entire religious faith and all thinking that they are being "tolerant" - but tolerant of whom? Why is it that the sensibilities of these islamists are what we should be concerned with instead of our sensibilities?
We can't afford direct confrontation with USA??? DO we??? Now we have to fight and end this WOT>>This is our own war now??? Do you guyx really want a war with USA??? Can we afford direct confrontation with USA????
The reason I am talking about the Khalifa / Khilafat is due to the fact that the Pakistanis want Khialafat, but they don't have any clue as to what the Caliphs did to the insurgents or they have conveniently forgotten. The Pakistanis praise that period in that islamic history as a great period of law and order.

Our history tells us that most of our Caliphs were ruthless against any insurrection, insurgency, religious fanaticism and religious hegemony.

Ironically some dellusional Pakistanis yearn for Khilafat but never in our history we were ever ruled by any Khalifa (apart from Sindh). And why is there a tendency among Pakistanis to talk about the historical events took place in places like Iraq or Syria in a way as if we were directly involved in them. When the Mongol invaded Baghdad we Muslims were doing this and when we Muslims ruled over Spain for 800 years.

We are unable to acheive anything worthy in any field but we have assumed that just being a Muslim it is our Allah's given right to own every achievement accomplished by other nations (Persians, Turks or Arabs) just because we are the follower of the same religion.
PNS Attack: Four Terrorists Mock Govt Might For 16 Hours

Posted: 23 May 2011 11:53 PM PDT

KARACHI: A fighting force of over 1,500 personnel comprising naval and military commandos and Rangers regained control of naval air base, PNS Mehran, 16 hours after a band of four heavily-armed Taliban militants attacked the base, destroying two US-made surveillance planes and killing 10 military personnel.
Those killed included eight naval and two Rangers officials while 15 troops received serious injuries. The martyred included naval officer Lieutenant Yasser Abbas, three firemen, three SSG personnel, one sailor and two personnel of the Pakistan Rangers.
This was the most brazen assault on a military base since the GHQ was besieged in October 2009 and has caused more embarrassment for the armed forces three weeks after al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden was found and killed near the military academy in Abbottabad in a unilateral action by US crack troops.
After a visit to the PNS Mehran air base on Sharea Faisal on Monday, Interior Minister Rehman Malik told a press conference at the Chief Minister’s House that around six heavily-armed terrorists attacked the air base at around 10:30pm on Sunday. How he reached the tally of six is not clear because only two bodies of terrorists were recovered with one said to have blown himself up and another accomplice who may have been buried under the debris of the destroyed structure.
The terrorists were between 22 and 25 years of age with fair complexion. They used ladders to climb into the air base under the cover of night, triggering a gunfight and a series of explosions.
The interior minister said two terrorists were killed when Navy commandos immediately reacted, one blew himself up and another’s body was believed to be under the debris. He said two other suspected terrorists were seen running away He said two naval surveillance planes, P3C Orion, were destroyed by the terrorists equipped with rocket-propelled grenades, LMGs and hand grenades.
Malik said two suicide jackets were found on the dead terrorists while only the head of the suicide bomber was recovered. The attackers sported small beards and wore foreign clothes, not the Pakistani Shalwar-Kameez, he said.
Malik said 17 foreigners, 11 Chinese and six Americans, were rescued by the naval commandos. The foreigners were there to train the naval personnel about Orion planes and other aircraft, he said.
The interior minister stated that the Taliban had already claimed responsibility for the attack, which was aimed at weakening the country as well as its defence and armed forces. Malik, flanked by Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah, clarified that no terrorist was arrested and all were killed. He claimed that a number of leads/evidences had been found, which would be investigated to ascertain the identity and motives of the attackers.
He said a joint investigation team had been formed to investigate the incident and it would be assessed if there was a security lapse. However, he said the navy commandos immediately responded, which prevented further destruction. Malik admitted that they had limited intelligence and limited forces to provide adequate security for every place.
In response to a question by a foreign journalist, he said Pakistan saw a 9/11 type of attack almost everyday. Pakistan had been fighting the war against the terrorists for 10 years for itself, but sometimes it fought the war for the world also, he said. Malik regretted that the country was not getting the kind of support it needed from its friends abroad, and as a result the prime minister had cut the development budget to divert the scarce resources to defence.
Without naming anyone, Malik lashed out at politicians and religious leaders who did not consider the Taliban and al-Qaeda enemies of Pakistan. He said these elements were giving the impression that they supported the Taliban and al-Qaeda despite the fact that al-Qaeda or Taliban had claimed all major attacks on the country.
He said that instead of playing politics, we should stand united to save Pakistan which the Taliban were are bent on destabilising. Malik recalled that when the government had launched an operation against the militants in Malakand, certain leaders had claimed that Taliban were ‘good people.’ And sometimes, he said, these elements even raised their hands in the National Assembly to offer Fateha for militants.
Answering a question about the presence of marriage halls inside the base, Malik said it had been decided that public access to such places would be reduced in the future. He disclosed that the venue of Monday’s briefing from the PNS Mehran base was changed to the CM House because there were reports/information that suicide bombers might attack the place. He said terrorists committed guerilla action and could attack any place, even the CM House.
Replying to a question about whether Mulla Omar had been killed, the interior minister said the question should be asked from Nato. He said there were rumours of Mulla Omar’s death in a Nato attack but the Taliban had denied it.
Malik said that the president and prime minister remained in constant touch with him during the operation to retake the naval base. He said all terrorist activities were being planned in Waziristan and al-Qaeda and the TTP were destroying the assets of the country at the behest of forces that wanted to destabilise Pakistan.
Malik said that a joint investigation team, led by a high-ranking Pakistan Navy official, would probe the PNS Mehran attack. Officials from the Rangers, FIA, police and other law enforcement agencies would be members of the team.
These P3's were provided by US - Do you really think they would be afraid of them?Looking at our navy's size i doubt it could survive onslaught of any fleet of US Navy.You people should write novels.

They are not afraid of these P3s... they are worried about Pakistan as a whole, their strategy very clearly involves weakening Pakistan.. to defang an ally before they leave Afghanistan so to speak... I think the people in the Pak Military are fully aware of this policy... This was obvious when they pushed the Taliban into Pakistan in 2001/2002
little off topic this thread already viewed 97000+ times and 2657 reply in 178 pages and 423 deleted post !!!
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