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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Well OK - but your point would be better made if you were to choose to use a spell check --

But anyways, Adm Bashir insists that the fact that terrorists could infiltrate his base and destroy his aircraft and kill his soldiers and sailors, does not mean there was a security breach -- and so who do you think is going to investigate this attack on the naval station ?? -- Yeah, the same guy who think there's nothing to investigate, after all there was no breach to begin with -- The armed forces continue to hold the government hostage, blackmailed -- your armed forces, your money First Kiyani, then Pasha, then Rao now Bashir - See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil :

Navy Chief to conduct investigations into PNS Mehran attack: Gilani
By Express / PPI
Published: May 24, 2011

KARACHI: Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has charged Naval chief of staff Admiral Nauman Bashir to conduct the initial investigation of the terrorist attack on PNS Mehran in Karachi on May 22-23.

Talking to the media in Karachi, the prime minister praised the gallantry and valour of security forces and noted that the sacrifices of security personnel killed in the terrorists attack will not be forgotten.

Earlier, the Prime Minister visited PNS Mehran where the Naval Chief briefed him on the operation against the terrorists.

Gilani then visited PNS Shifa and PNS Rahat, where the injured soldiers are being treated.

He was also accompanied by the Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah.

PPI adds

Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has directed to revisit, improve and upgrade security at all defense installations.

“There is need to upgrade security measures keeping in view intentions of terrorists,” he said during visit to PNS Mehran Naval Air Base Tuesday. “Whatever possible action is required should be taken and government will extend all support,” he stated.

Gilani noted that joint action by Navy, Rangers and Police personnel demonstrated that all security forces are united to eliminate terrorists.

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir briefed on operational response by Naval commandos against the terrorists. He thanked Rangers and Police personnel for extending support to Navy and said this had re-affirmed commitment and determination on their part to deal hidden enemies of the country with iron hands.

The Commander of Response Operation briefed the Prime Minister on prevalent security arrangements and details of operation to wipe out terrorists. The object of operation was to protect lives of other officials and defence assets.

Lieutenant Yaser Abbas did not hesitate to sacrifice his life in line of duty. He said two terrorists who escaped from Naval base were actually facilitators who brought-in equipment and ammunition for their accomplices.
Slap on Pakistan's all security organizations "AS USUAL"

In a earlier post, we highlighted the think skinned vehicles Pakistani soldiers are transported in and how it's a matter of time that terrorists, in order to maximize casualties will target these vehicles -- but at the PNS Mehran attack, something similar and yet different happened, it reflects the deep and meticulous planning the terrorist did and of course it brings into focus the inside information and cooperation they must have had -- read below:

Foreigners were attacked during evacuation
By S. Raza Hassan | From the Newspaper
(4 hours ago) Today

KARACHI: The bullet-proof vehicles pressed into service to evacuate foreigners from the Pakistan Navy’s Mehran base immediately after Sunday night’s armed assault were attacked by the raiders who appeared to be aware of the emergency evacuation plan, security sources told Dawn on Tuesday.

It was because of the bullet-proof vehicles that the foreigners — six Americans and 11 Chinese — were safely evacuated, said the sources. They added that the vehicles had been hit by bullets, but were not damaged.

The sources also said that American contractors were working on a project to upgrade P-3C Orion aircraft.

It was not before dawn that security forces launched a final assault on the raiders and eliminated them.

Until sunrise, a portion of the base was in control of the assailants, the sources said.

Ten security personnel were killed and 15 others injured in the 16-hour operation launched to regain control of the base.

Two attackers were hunted down in bushes as they apparently made a run or attempted to hide, the sources said.

Two others blew themselves up when security personnel surrounded a building they were in, the sources said, adding that the structure was damaged in the blasts.

The officer-in-charge had earlier tried to negotiate with them, demanding that they lay down their weapons. But their reply was: “We know what you are going to do with us once we surrender.” Subsequently, they blew themselves up, the sources said.

The officer who attempted to negotiate with the attackers said that the two spoke Urdu clearly and from their accent they appeared to be locals.

As explained by Interior Minister Rehman Malik, the raiders took advantage of a blind spot that was not covered by security cameras at the rear boundary wall of the base along a storm-water drain.

They entered the base by cutting the barbed wire and using a ladder to scale the wall.

It was during a search after the operation that security personnel found the cutter and the ladder at the place.

The militants covered an approximate distance of one and a half kilometres from the wall up to the hangar where two P-3C Orion aircraft were parked and attacked the planes with rocket-propelled grenades.

They then moved on and occupied two nearby buildings where they took positions. The militants also took control of “Tower No.8”.
After taking up the positions, they kept firing at the security personnel who tried to move towards them or the aircraft.

Perhaps the first casualties were of the naval firemen who were rushing towards the blazing aircraft to douse the fire.

Inside sources said there was so much confusion that security personnel kept trying to use the same road leading to the hangars ahead of which the raiders had taken positions, instead of using an alternative road running along the rear wall that also led to the place.

It was for this reason that most casualties among security personnel took place in one particular area of the base, the sources said.
The bullet-proof vehicles pressed into service to evacuate foreigners from the Pakistan Navy’s Mehran base immediately after Sunday night’s armed assault were attacked by the raiders who appeared to be aware of the emergency evacuation plan, security sources told Dawn on Tuesday.

That is quite alarming. How does one know about emergency evacuation plan without inside information?
Musa i respect your posts but

No one trust on any kind of information provided by Military/Security and Govt and mark my word "In any kind of major conflict with military by some one directly.... this nation NEVER EVER support ANY SECURITY organization of Pakistan"

mark my word

"Because of Army and govt policies from last 60 years and lie lie.... and everytime lie.... in every event lie.. in every attack in every case military ISPR Govt all security organizations always provide false fake information to the media and to the people today... 99.999.999% people of this nation have NO TRUST not a 0.1% trust on this military and govt.

Our forces chief's and govt statements in every case " ham jhang jari rkaheengay ham terrorist ko nakaam kardengay BULSHITSS statements by BULLSHIT people aur jhoot pe jhoot pe jhoot"

guess what... a young a very young guy ... (it's not preception its reality) a young guy said to me "I never ever expect any kind of good thing from our military... i dont know why people of this nation giving money to the govt and govt spends $$$ on the military budget... our army chief's said to us everytime ... terrorist are well trained terrorist are very well equiped what a non sense idiotic statements by our military forces chief's when 16 20 30 hours of engagement where is our so called super duper SSG NAVY commando blaa blaa ??? they are not well trained enough ? they are doing excersizes they are getting very good training and a so called terrorist who just trained for very small event and trained for 1 single strike is far far more capable more well trained as compare to any country official Army Navy .. .. i am not atleast capable to understand this non-sense"

Extremely Bad!

It is not possible (reality) that 2 guys engaged massive security trained commando's and other special forces groups uptop 16 hours. Or we can say special forces are not well trained or capabel enough to counter 2 or 4 or even 20 terrorist. According to the Liar-Malik terrorist used water pipe line something like that... tu hamnay is awaam nay karna hey secure yaan security hakomat nay karna hey base ko secure man such a idiot statement by liar-malik as usual. Agreed its pure inside job, inside means might be Americans might be any other national who was inside base working with navy provide such information. Anyway what ever it is, the performance of our agency and security is extremely bad not even capable to secure base. The problem is not a single resignation not a single investigation nor any report.
That is quite alarming. How does one know about emergency evacuation plan without inside information?

100 percent inside job -- you know there is also a story that there are no records of these individuals in the national database -- now well you may not know this but there have been multiple cases of individuals added and deleted from the national database, as a matter of fact for as little as US$200.00 you can ensure that a particular individual is added or deleted.
India doesnt make its own decisions. All we ever hear is India says xyz and noone believes them. Then USA says xyz because India is regarded as irrelevant or illegitimate.

you are making no sense, India has stuck to all its decisions and never moved away from even one no matter who the opponent is. I wonder how you can talk about India's strength's when Pakistan cannot even make a decision, let alone stand by one. If you say decisions taken by India are irrelevant then by those standards Pakistan stopped making decisions in 1947.
Musa i respect your posts but

No one trust on any kind of information provided by Military/Security and Govt and mark my word "In any kind of major conflict with military by some one directly.... this nation NEVER EVER support ANY SECURITY organization of Pakistan"

mark my word

"Because of Army and govt policies from last 60 years and lie lie.... and everytime lie.... in every event lie.. in every attack in every case military ISPR Govt all security organizations always provide false fake information to the media and to the people today... 99.999.999% people of this nation have NO TRUST not a 0.1% trust on this military and govt.

Our forces chief's and govt statements in every case " ham jhang jari rkaheengay ham terrorist ko nakaam kardengay BULSHITSS statements by BULLSHIT people aur jhoot pe jhoot pe jhoot"

guess what... a young a very young guy ... (it's not preception its reality) a young guy said to me "I never ever expect any kind of good thing from our military... i dont know why people of this nation giving money to the govt and govt spends $$$ on the military budget... our army chief's said to us everytime ... terrorist are well trained terrorist are very well equiped what a non sense idiotic statements by our military forces chief's when 16 20 30 hours of engagement where is our so called super duper SSG NAVY commando blaa blaa ??? they are not well trained enough ? they are doing excersizes they are getting very good training and a so called terrorist who just trained for very small event and trained for 1 single strike is far far more capable more well trained as compare to any country official Army Navy .. .. i am not atleast capable to understand this non-sense"

Extremely Bad!

Stealth, this realization has come to me late but it has come strongly - I understand now, I get it - and while I am a supporter of the Pakistan armed forces, I cannot be a supporter of armed forces that is sympathetic towards her enemy, an armed forces permeated by Islamist ideology and worse of all, an incompetent armed forces.

We have tried to explain that people who have see that the armed forces cannot even organize an election, will not accept that the armed forces dictate to the government what policies it will have to follow or else -- these armed forces have been so busy trying to rule Pakistan, they don't know how to fight, they don't know who the enemy is -- and unfortunately, they will not come to their senses by themselves, they have to be forced to come to their senses -- but if you imagine that the present government will do that, don't bet on it. The present government is subject to blackmail by just about all players, including the armed forces, so they are not going to seek any kind of independent inquiry, after all, their behinds are on the line as well.

So it may be a while and many many more failures on behalf of the armed forces, before we see the realization that these armed forces, as they are presently organized, are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
100 percent inside job -- you know there is also a story that there are no records of these individuals in the national database -- now well you may not know this but there have been multiple cases of individuals added and deleted from the national database, as a matter of fact for as little as US$200.00 you can ensure that a particular individual is added or deleted.

There were reports that, the terrorists were speaking Urdu and some other foreign language. So they were probably not Pakistanis, but since they were speaking Urdu, they could very well be the Central Asian terrorists who come for training in FATA.

Military formation: One injured sailor told an official that the attackers "moved and dressed like us". The militants moved in tactical military formation and spoke in military parlance. They spoke between themselves in Urdu, as well as a foreign language.

BBC News - 'New kind of militant' behind Pakistan Karachi attack

Stealth, this realization has come to me late but it has come strongly - I understand now, I get it - and while I am a supporter of the Pakistan armed forces, I cannot be a supporter of armed forces that is sympathetic towards her enemy, an armed forces permeated by Islamist ideology and worse of all, an incompetent armed forces.

We have tried to explain that people who have see that the armed forces cannot even organize an election, will not accept that the armed forces dictate to the government what policies it will have to follow or else -- these armed forces have been so busy trying to rule Pakistan, they don't know how to fight, they don't know who the enemy is -- and unfortunately, they will not come to their senses by themselves, they have to be forced to come to their senses -- but if you imagine that the present government will do that, don't bet on it. The present government is subject to blackmail by just about all players, including the armed forces, so they are not going to seek any kind of independent inquiry, after all, their behinds are on the line as well.

So it may be a while and many many more failures on behalf of the armed forces, before we see the realization that these armed forces, as they are presently organized, are part of the problem, not part of the solution.

Agreed with you. but country like Pakistan where army is rulling since ages any civilian govt (on paper) cant do anything without military approval. Seriously not only innocent civilian our innocent soldiers are dying for nothing man nothing. I am very much very much pro-Pak-Military and hundred times more pro-ISI person before 2 years. I never fully blame our forces the problem is top brass. How they will elect how will elect who was elect by whom. We don't know. We have state with in state called Military.

IMO we have only one major problem. Implementation of Law, there was no resignation no court marshal from last many years. Why ? Big question mark on that. Can any one have any information what our TERRORIST COURT did from past 10 years ? any single investigation report ? GHQ attack report ? any ISI FIA HQ attacks report ? "No". Problem is our head of state never accept any kind of responsibility because they know, no one dare to hit them!

Rule of Law is the most major problem of this nation. Look at India, India economy is very good it is different discussion why India economy is going better and for what purpose and from whom support, But Indian courts are working very good even before 1990s.

The problem is "RULE OF LAW".
To secure American interests, they cannot abandon Pakistan.

A Pakistan run by Islamists will be the worst nightmare for this world, these advisors help formulate their future strategy in regards to this region especially Pakistan.

Their approach is very positive though.

FT.com / Comment / Opinion - America must hug Pakistan ever closer

Islam and Politics in Pakistan - Council on Foreign Relations

Cry, the Beloved Country

Can you explain the term 'Islamists' in your post?
more reasons why the militants had 'inside help / info'.

1- if the govt. spokesperson is to be believed, how did the militants know of the 'blind spots' of the surveillance cameras (only someone who monitors such details would know!?)
2- 'urdu speaking' 2 militants were speaking clear urdu - this shows that the LeT or Punjabi militant group was involved in this attack!? - TTP has deep links with punjabi militant groups.
3- from the point of entry, the militants took a 'bee-line towards the P3c's, which were 1-1/2 km away. they knew exactly where to go.
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