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Attack on PNS Mehran Base - PAF Faisal Base

Did the photos of dead terrorists get released? Apart from the one taken by Rehman Mallik?

Something seems fishy here, could it mean that they were able to kill one terrorist and the rest escaped?
Yep, the rest escaped.
Yep, the rest escaped.

You are being sarcastic probably, but the way Rehman Mallik was addressing the media it sounded very vague. He said he saw three dead bodies, and said the fourth is "probably under the debris of a building", and the other 2 "probably escaped". No one seems to be sure. Releasing the photos might clear things up.
so what was the name of group you made in afghanistan against russia ?

They became the various warring factions that the Taliban fought...including the Northern Alliance
I wonder what else is a security breach in the good admiral's dictionary?
Absolutely unacceptable that our High Command is still content with its head buried in the sand.

I guess they are reflecting the same mentality as of the people who are saying that suicide bombings cannot be done by "our people" since no Muslim can do this...for god's sake wake up and let us take on this rabid dog!
The failure to segregate between "our people" and "not our people" shall ofcourse have dire consequences for us as we are witnessing today.

We should investigate the tragedy as a security breach so that we get to the depth of the matter!

To say that it was not a security breach is quite a strange comment at this stage.
In all aspects it was a failure and a security breach!
The admiral should have instead promised that we shall hold a thorough investigation and if there is any evidence of treachery then the perpetrators and all supporters shall be severely dealt with as per military law.
Either way, Pakistan should take this opportunity to launch an operation against the groups responsible, whatever form of support they have provided in this attack on Pakistan...
And i mean "whatever form of support"...

agreed 100%.
Has government issued any Official Statement on this attack.

All the news are contradictory.

For this to happen we first have to establish that there was indeed a serious security lapse on the part of those who commanded the Naval Base. i am not ruling out the possibility of a sleeping security guard/sentry/CCTV room NCO etc, but then primarily it is because of the paucity of resources. i would not divulge more into this as talking about the security arrangements we have in place in our cantts/bases would not be a bright thing to do. Only that, i may like to have the entire fence around the cantt electrified, but i may not be able to do that, i may want to shift the entire base (for instance the GHQ) to a more defendable and 'out of reach' place, but i may not be able to do that, i may like to employed a battalion plus for the round the clock out cordon of a military installation but then i may not have enough troops for the purpose, i may like to have three check posts ahead of my main check post so that if some bugger wants to blow himself up, he can do it at the first check post thus limiting the quantum of damage, but then either i may not have enough resources at my disposal for the purpose or that the sheer lack of space, crowdiness of the area and the installation being amidst a huge city or because my initiative may bother the lazy civilian traffic around the base etc may bar me from and so on and so forth.

But then you are also correct in saying that unless a few at the top are not slaughtered via court martials and sacking (this includes both the military and civilians), things might to start rolling in the right direction (the direction that ask us to be very very very careful regarding the security of our military installations).

i agree that there's a need of a hard awakening among our leadership, suicide attacks and armed assaults have failed to do that, so may be a few court martials, resignations and sackings might get the job done.


I agree with you and really do sympathize with my military brothers.
The brothers who are daily putting their life on the line to honor their uniform and country despite facing many shortages and inadequacies... yet are let down by nation and leadership in this dark time.
But there is a reason for this let down, right or wrong.

The nation always loved the army and that is why it is so bitter because it feels exposed and let down in these strange times.
The nation is confused and divided since it has been fed so much nonsense over the years, it is difficult to see the truth and that scares the people even more.
To make the nation aware we need leadership to come clean and if the civilian leadership is not setting an example, i would want my army to sacrifice once more for the sake of the nation.

I know that there are already many critics in the ranks who want their leadership to be more clear in its stance.

Let there be some scapegoats who bear the burden of the failure and in its wake let there be a most thorough and dramatic investigation by the high command and agencies which reveal the hundreds of names and places responsible for breeding extremism and intolerance...where the innocent minds are twisted to become hate factories.
Let there be a crackdown on the illegal weapons in possession of these organizations and individuals, just to send a strong message that this is no longer your playing ground.
Let us implement a security blanket where it is not easy for these lashkars to wield AK-47s and stash weapons by the hundreds.

We both agree that military is spread thin and despite the military budget debates...there are shortages because the task is huge and extremely unconventional.
So why not push the non military solution in front of the government?
Even if it means acknowledging strategic mistakes of the past.

Let us pass the list of all these extremist organizations and leaders to the provinces and the interior ministry...let us see how the matter is handled by the civilian leadership.
Let the ISI brief the honorable parliament that we are indeed putting our house in order but here are some actions we want to be taken in order to dismantle the militant networks which are supporting the TTP.
And for starters, it would not be bad if the Law minister of Punjab stops socializing with terrorists!!!
Let us expose the PML-N's connections to the extremists so that by the time next elections come, nation is aware of the truth and chooses wisely.
Let us see how the government prosecutes the laskhars.
Let us see who hesitates and supports the terrorists against the military and government.
Let us try to expose the enemies of the state via a much more honest and well thought out approach.

Let there be a clear cut military requirement from the government that these Lashkars need to be eliminated for our sake...
We cannot mingle with and tolerate gun wielding crazies and hope to remain a sane and violence-free society.
The military needs to do all in its power to facilitate this decision making since without military support and backing, it is impossible to take action against such militant factions.
The military of Pakistan has always played a role beyond that of a military and not all of it was negative...it is once more needed for military to help us out of a mess which is not just military in nature.

Let us deal with an iron fist against the support structure of terrorism, instead of sending our boys to a meat grinder all the time, without gaining much in terms of a result!
It is still not too late for us to redefine our strategy.
Just check the TTP ranks and even the recent videos after OBL.. Dont think they are living peacefully at homes.
They warned the US in Afghanistan and wants revenge for US led OBL death.

By that logic its a war between US and INDIA sponsored terrorists in norther areas...

New story. brilliant.

We had relations before with Afghanistan , they are also in our neighbourhood. Dont you have relations with Bangladesh , srilanka, uganda etc etc .

Its upto countries to choose to have relations.

Read my post again, as I read the same again thinking that I might have not communicated what i intended to.

Dost, those who were fed by US during soviet war might not exist. TTP has no long history, it is an organization using the name of Militants fighting during soviet War era. Now where this TTP is getting funds and weapon from? Enough evidences have been found during operation Rah e Nijaat / Rah e Raast that the TTP is fully sponsored by Indian from Afghanistan. So Indian connection cannot be ignored in the recent attacks in Pakistan.
Remember the statement of William Burn (US Diplomat) who said that India is training terrorists in Afghanistan and sending them to Pakistan, which was censored by Indian Media.
without inside help,attack cant be done........
instead of this,every body ranting about india-israel and usa..
even in ghq attack,insiders were involved,so here is also.
without inside help,attack cant be done........
instead of this,every body ranting about india-israel and usa..
even in ghq attack,insiders were involved,so here is also.

While we are suspecting a failure it can be lack of planning, negligence or an inside hand or all of them.
It also does not rule out the possibility that the operatives were also working for someone other than TTP.

So kindly do not declare with 100% confidence that it is just inside hand, just like those who say with 100% confidence that it is an outside hand.

However, it changes little in context of what needs to be done regarding TTP and direct/indirect support structure.
Read my post again, as I read the same again thinking that I might have not communicated what i intended to.

Dost, those who were fed by US during soviet war might not exist. TTP has no long history, it is an organization using the name of Militants fighting during soviet War era. Now where this TTP is getting funds and weapon from? Enough evidences have been found during operation Rah e Nijaat / Rah e Raast that the TTP is fully sponsored by Indian from Afghanistan. So Indian connection cannot be ignored in the recent attacks in Pakistan.
Remember the statement of William Burn (US Diplomat) who said that India is training terrorists in Afghanistan and sending them to Pakistan, which was censored by Indian Media.

Shame on terrorist and taliban sympathizers!!!!
While we are suspecting a failure it can be lack of planning, negligence or an inside hand or all of them.
It also does not rule out the possibility that the operatives were also working for someone other than TTP.

So kindly do not declare with 100% confidence that it is just inside hand, just like those who say with 100% confidence that it is an outside hand.

Be alarmed, because IF there is an Indian hand in these attacks, this will mean that there are India sympathisers/supporters inside Pakistan Navy..
Well we hardly come to know the truth in such cases. Speculations and hunch is what replaces truth.
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