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Attack India And Live Life King size in The Valley


Jan 27, 2014
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If two boxes, India and Pakistan, are placed in front of me, I will vote for Pakistan,” Prof. Abdul Gani Bhat, a separatist leader, had told the media in 2008, while calling himself a die-hard supporter of Pakistan. He is not alone. Pro-Pakistan separatists like Hashim Qureshi also openly support such an ideology. But, ironically people like Qureshi and Bhat, who have defied the government order and public sentiments to dine with Pakistani’s duplicitous diplomats, do not shy away from living life king-size on the taxpayers’ money.

These ‘political activists’, in fact, are receiving a range of privileges from the state government—security cover, guards at home, vehicles, fuel and even secured hotel accommodation, for absolutely free. The government spent Rs 69 crore on salaries for guards to protect the anti-India political activists last year; Rs 40 crore towards paying PSOs; Rs 3.60 crore for hotel accommodation while another Rs 5.18 crore went for fuel to facilitate their travel. These shocking state payments are also extended to many ‘uncategorised’ political activists, whose names are kept in the domain of speculation by the government, citing the issue of sensitive threat perception. In 2013-14 too, the state government spent Rs 107 crore, including approximately Rs 4 crore as hotel bills and Rs 5 crore on petrol and diesel for the pro-separatist activists in the Kashmir Valley.

Rajesh Gupta, a BJP MLA earlier this week, had sought details of the number of political activists as well as the money spent on them by the Omar Abdullah government in the last five years. The MLA from Jammu East constituency told The Sunday Standard that he was surprised to see the details, as huge amounts of money are being spent on them.

Mirwaiz Umer Farooq, chairman of moderate Hurriyat Conference, on March 22 led a seven-member delegation to Delhi to meet Pakistan High Commissioner Abdul Basit. Photographs were clicked, closed-door meetings were held and the ‘political activists’, both from the hard-line and moderate faction of Hurriyat, left the Pak embassy, protected by state security officers in secured vehicles provided by the J&K government. Mirwaiz, who on many occasions issued sermons to boycott elections in the state, is among 1,472 political activists, provided security cover by the Jammu and Kashmir Police. In 2014-15, the government spent over Rs 120 crore on vehicles, hotel bills and security of these activists, which is more than the state’s budget of Rs 100 crore to provide succour to widows and destitute women under welfare schemes and three times more than the Rs 40 crore allocated for integrated child development schemes and the creation of additional 1,000 anganwari centres.

Apart from Mirwaiz, who has never missed a chance to criticise government development proposals in the state, several other pro-Pakistan separatists are also enjoying state’s hospitality and protection. Prof Bhat, Moulvi Abbas Ansari, former Hurriyat chairman Aga Syed Hassan Mousavi and Bilal Ahmed Lone, all executive members of the moderate faction of Hurriyat Conference, are some of the prominent separatists who are getting privileges from the government.

Attack India And Live Life King size in The Valley -The New Indian Express
Gift from congress party on behalf of masters from Islamabad. NO COUNTRY will allow terrorist's to be treated like in India in the name of secularism. If i ask i will become a Hindu radicals. When people is superior Secular states like United States show discomfort with world's only natural exercise like Yoga and meditation. Which is preached in a peaceful manner . But when Islamic Radicals have their way in all parts if India because if any one touch them all TV channels will fight for their human right and Secular responsibility. Take e case of Ifran Jahan case . Irresponsible statement like Daughter of Bhirar. Innocent girl killed because she was a Muslim . . All sort hf things to create a environment where all Islamic terrorist groups now see India as a major target . Thanks to Congress party and secular way of politics. And news channels which work hard to keep e minorities in a panic mode . As When Conversion by NGO , Christian groups , Arab groups became the basic fabric of our independent India and Ghar wapasi became the inhuman act . Shamelessly been flashed on English Indian News media why ?

How many converts they themselves went to a library and read Kuran or bible on his/her own ? The whole tribal belt is now full of Christian and Muslim converts . How is it even possible ? People living in India are the people who fought their right to be a Hindu no matter what even after 1000 years of brutality by Islamic and Christian invaders . SHOULDN'T WE RESPECT our ancestors sentiment . Which is the real fabric up this Country and we are secular not because the word Secularism added into our constitution but because majority are Freedom and Humanity worshipping Hindus . If you don't belive me see Saudi Arabia or Vatican.

God Save my Country !!!_/\_
Shame on us for this fking secularism... Just want to beat up someone today.
what positions they have in government to avail all these facilities....seriously why indian gov are providing them these freebies...or may be kashmiri gov providing it...is it the any part of section 360 where satat gov decision other than defense can't be challenged or override by Indian Gov??
what positions they have in government to avail all these facilities....seriously why indian gov are providing them these freebies...or may be kashmiri gov providing it...is it the any part of section 360 where satat gov decision other than defense can't be challenged or override by Indian Gov??

Bhai look what is happening in Kashmir . Is secularism not mentioned for Kashmir Pandits ? The real people of kashmir ....? Who shed their blood to save their motherland for many centuries even before 720 AD and way beyond 2000 BCE ? Where is equality d freedom as promised by our constitution ? Or these laws favours only the minorities ?
And most of these ungrateful son-of-bitches have sent their sons, daughters and relatives to study in fancy schools and universities abroad from the money they're scrounging not only from the Indian government but also from their handlers in the Pak Establishment.

The palatial houses they live in would put the maharajas of yore to shame. And these yahoos care two hoots for the ordinary Kashmiri, employing poor unemployed youth for throwing stones at the security forces for Rs 200 a pop!!

These buggers are real 'freedom' fighters. They want everything for free!
If two boxes, India and Pakistan, are placed in front of me, I will vote for Pakistan,” Prof. Abdul Gani Bhat
This asshole needs to be shoved into that box and dumped into the Indian Ocean. And he was rescued by the Indian Army when he almost drowned during the floods!! They should have let him meet his maker.

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