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Attack Helicopter Match-Ups: India vs. Pakistan


Cobra of pakistan will go upgraddition processs soon
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first Attack helicopter father of all helicopter when it comes to attack most succesfull in the history of human era attack helicopter seen all the wars vietnam war when first attack helicopter idea came to mind and at that time AH 1 cobra came to world and than russian followed and pakistan have this baby im not saying hind is not good but cobra is not bad too i respect hind i love hind but cobra is equal match when come to firpower hellfire , TOW ets guns
both are good and most killers of tanks in the world but cobra and hind have only one difference one is small venmous snake and and other is heavy duty crocodile both can killl tanks with ease

the most comprehensive that i can find
good one KA black shark it is i think and MI 28 behind it am i right friend. or may be my eye sight is bad
Pakistan needs 80 Helicopters

Euro Copters or Apache Types

So it can be on even terms with India they have solid backbone of Helicopters .....

Its no contest sadly , and this is why we need 80 helicopters ASAP
In the Iran-Iraq war the end results were about even, who ever saw the other first won.

In Iran -iraq war...Iraqi hinds were killing iranian cobras much more frequently....and the ratio was tilted in favour of iraqis who had much better experiance with hinds...:victory:
how could you forget this baby?





notice:(plz ignore my spell ,as my browser don't support spellcheck).

i dont know why the hell cobra has only 2 roter blades where basic physics tells that more the blades,more the lift ,less the noise(my theory),may be super cobra has 4roter blades?.
long time ago i got my hands into a book titled "the bear trap"(jung publications) by "Usuf akdin"former director of ISI(hope i spelled him rightly), where he told about the fear of hind choppers in the mind of afgan mujahids as in the start of its introduction in afganistan it was almost invinsible to ground fire by rebels due to its heavely armored belly ,but situation turned dramatically after arrival of american stinger SAM's that forced soviet helos to fly out of range of stinger as much as possible & also forced soviet designer to further do some modification to hind's exaust's to reduce heat signature.
It is also stated in that book that Pakistan sucessfully got 1 hind (I dont exectly rember if it was a hind or some mig ) by getting a afgan pilot to ditch there soviet handler & land it into pakistan ,later it was transfered to U.S to analyze that beast.
that book was fun to read & get an over view of afgan war,american involvement,ISI's role,Soviet counter measures etc.......
notice:(plz ignore my spell ,as my browser don't support spellcheck).

i dont know why the hell cobra has only 2 roter blades where basic physics tells that more the blades,more the lift ,less the noise(my theory),may be super cobra has 4roter blades?.

Nope, only increasing the number of blades do not increase lift or reduce he noise. Many factors, including wing design, dimensions, rpm etc decide the overall performance. You can achieve better results with two blades compared to four or more, by enhancing other parameters.
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