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Attack by Myanmar’s Kachin minority signals deepening crisis


Mar 12, 2014
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YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Kachin guerrillas attacked a police outpost in northern Myanmar early Wednesday, local media reported, in an indication of the deepening involvement of ethnic minority armed forces in the country’s popular movement seeking to unseat the junta that seized power in February.

The action follows conflict in eastern Myanmar, where Karen guerrillas seized an army outpost Saturday and Myanmar’s military followed with airstrikes that killed about 10 villagers and drove thousands more across the border into Thailand.

After the airstrikes, the Karen National Union issued a statement from one of its armed units saying Myanmar military “ground troops are advancing into our territories from all fronts” and it may have to respond. The KNU is the main political body representing the Karen minority.

The conflict in eastern Myanmar expanded the crisis regionally, as an estimated 3,000 Karen took temporary shelter in neighboring Thailand. Thai authorities said Wednesday only about 200 remained in the country and were preparing to go back across the border.

Leaders of the protest movement against the military’s Feb. 1 ouster of the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi have been seeking an alliance with the ethnic minorities’ armed groups to boost pressure on the junta. They would like them to form what they are calling a federal army as a counterweight to the government armed forces.

It is unclear what, if any, progress has been made toward that goal, though several of the major groups — including the Kachin, the Karen and the Rakhines’ Arakan Army in western Myanmar — have publicly denounced the coup and said they will defend protesters in the territory they control.

More than a dozen of Myanmar’s ethnic minorities have been seeking greater autonomy for decades, going through cycles of armed conflict and uneasy ceasefires.

The Kachin Independence Army, the armed wing of the Kachin Independence Organization, attacked a police station in Kachin state’s Shwegu township before dawn in Wednesday, local outlets The 74 Media and Bhamo Platform reported. The attackers were reported to have seized weapons and supplies and wounded one police officer.

The Kachin have staged a series of attacks on government forces since the coup, saying the latest round of fighting was triggered by government assaults on four Kachin outposts. After one Kachin attack in mid-March, the military retaliated with a helicopter attack on a Kachin base.

Protests meanwhile continue in Myanmar’s cities against the military takeover that reversed a decade of progress toward democracy in the Southeast Asian country that followed five decades of army rule.

Anti-coup protesters marched through an area of Yangon on Wednesday despite reduced numbers in the face of the ever-climbing death toll.

At least 521 protesters have been killed since the coup, according to Myanmar’s Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, which counts those it can document and says the actual toll is likely much higher. It says 2,608 people have been detained, a total that includes Suu Kyi.

The mainly young demonstrators processed through the city’s Hlaing suburb, stopping to honor a protester killed in an earlier confrontation with security forces.

The U.S. State Department on Tuesday ordered non-essential U.S. diplomats and their families to leave Myanmar, expecting the protests to continue. The U.S. earlier suspended a trade deal and imposed sanctions on junta leaders as well as restricted business with military holding companies.

Kachin, Karen guerrillas getting into action, if the situation devolves into civil war is there an opportunity here for Bangladesh to solve Rohingya issue?
Bhai, don't post news from biased sources like WION. But, yes if the situation doesn't devolve soon enough, Myanmar will erupt into a civil war. Even ARSA has announced it will start fighting again. I am afraid this will be a very bad situation for Bangladesh however, as we're soon going to run out of popcorn nation-wide.
YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — Kachin guerrillas attacked a police outpost in northern Myanmar early Wednesday, local media reported, in an indication of the deepening involvement of ethnic minority armed forces in the country’s popular movement seeking to unseat the junta that seized power in February.

The action follows conflict in eastern Myanmar, where Karen guerrillas seized an army outpost Saturday and Myanmar’s military followed with airstrikes that killed about 10 villagers and drove thousands more across the border into Thailand.

After the airstrikes, the Karen National Union issued a statement from one of its armed units saying Myanmar military “ground troops are advancing into our territories from all fronts” and it may have to respond. The KNU is the main political body representing the Karen minority.

The conflict in eastern Myanmar expanded the crisis regionally, as an estimated 3,000 Karen took temporary shelter in neighboring Thailand. Thai authorities said Wednesday only about 200 remained in the country and were preparing to go back across the border.

Leaders of the protest movement against the military’s Feb. 1 ouster of the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi have been seeking an alliance with the ethnic minorities’ armed groups to boost pressure on the junta. They would like them to form what they are calling a federal army as a counterweight to the government armed forces.

It is unclear what, if any, progress has been made toward that goal, though several of the major groups — including the Kachin, the Karen and the Rakhines’ Arakan Army in western Myanmar — have publicly denounced the coup and said they will defend protesters in the territory they control.

More than a dozen of Myanmar’s ethnic minorities have been seeking greater autonomy for decades, going through cycles of armed conflict and uneasy ceasefires.

The Kachin Independence Army, the armed wing of the Kachin Independence Organization, attacked a police station in Kachin state’s Shwegu township before dawn in Wednesday, local outlets The 74 Media and Bhamo Platform reported. The attackers were reported to have seized weapons and supplies and wounded one police officer.

The Kachin have staged a series of attacks on government forces since the coup, saying the latest round of fighting was triggered by government assaults on four Kachin outposts. After one Kachin attack in mid-March, the military retaliated with a helicopter attack on a Kachin base.

Protests meanwhile continue in Myanmar’s cities against the military takeover that reversed a decade of progress toward democracy in the Southeast Asian country that followed five decades of army rule.

Anti-coup protesters marched through an area of Yangon on Wednesday despite reduced numbers in the face of the ever-climbing death toll.

At least 521 protesters have been killed since the coup, according to Myanmar’s Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, which counts those it can document and says the actual toll is likely much higher. It says 2,608 people have been detained, a total that includes Suu Kyi.

The mainly young demonstrators processed through the city’s Hlaing suburb, stopping to honor a protester killed in an earlier confrontation with security forces.

The U.S. State Department on Tuesday ordered non-essential U.S. diplomats and their families to leave Myanmar, expecting the protests to continue. The U.S. earlier suspended a trade deal and imposed sanctions on junta leaders as well as restricted business with military holding companies.

Kachin, Karen guerrillas getting into action, if the situation devolves into civil war is there an opportunity here for Bangladesh to solve Rohingya issue?
Is Modi moving to pull 1971 on Burmese?
Is India moving to pull 1971 on Burmese?

India doesn't really care. One of the main reasons that was done in 1971 was because it was a prime opportunity to get rid of half of Pakistan, and free its eastern wing from attack. Furthermore, India expects the junta to stay and fears Myanmar going too deep into China's arm, and China opening a 3-front war on that border in the future. That's why they've deported refugee policemen and military personnel to Myanmar where they will probably face martial law for desertion.
BD should not just watch. It is time to train and arm the rohingya, if the junta falls the rohingya should to assisted in setting up a autonomous region or better still an independent country if the other nationalities declare independence.

BD can not directly get involved as it would unite the simian collective but we must back up the rohingya to retake and reestablish their country.
BD should not just watch. It is time to train and arm the rohingya, if the junta falls the rohingya should to assisted in setting up a autonomous region or better still an independent country if the other nationalities declare independence.

BD can not directly get involved as it would unite the simian collective but we must back up the rohingya to retake and reestablish their country.

It's going to be a wasted opportunity if they don't. But, they also have to do it covertly. If its known to the public, then we can expect BD's reputation go down the drain globally. Having known BD, it likely won't do anything. The democratic parties in Myanmar are also now proposing a strong federal state with things such as federalised state armies if they come to power again. It is not clear if that also includes the Rohingya though.
Airstrikes by MyAF on EAO (first time in 20 years )

BD should not just watch. It is time to train and arm the rohingya, if the junta falls the rohingya should to assisted in setting up a autonomous region or better still an independent country if the other nationalities declare independence.
We don't want to end up on FATF list do we?
Let them implode.
BD should not just watch. It is time to train and arm the rohingya, if the junta falls the rohingya should to assisted in setting up a autonomous region or better still an independent country if the other nationalities declare independence.

BD can not directly get involved as it would unite the simian collective but we must back up the rohingya to retake and reestablish their country.


I think we should covertly arm the Rohingya, strengthen ARSA leadership so we can create a buffer state in Arakan. ARSA is currently too weak and ineffective against the Junta.
Why are indias neighbours being destabilized? Nepal, myanmar, bangladesh, Pakistan? Whose template is this?

Weak neighbours looking upto a large country for direct intervention? May be US template is being applied here.

india wants a weak neighbourhood.
Bhai, don't post news from biased sources like WION. But, yes if the situation doesn't devolve soon enough, Myanmar will erupt into a civil war. Even ARSA has announced it will start fighting again. I am afraid this will be a very bad situation for Bangladesh however, as we're soon going to run out of popcorn nation-wide.
Rohingyas I believe are the most pacifist and peaceful community of Myanmar. Kachin, Rakhine, Karen, Wai and Tang rebels are more dangerous and active.

Yet ironically it is the Rohingya who got killed and raped.
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