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Atrocities of 1971 cannot be forgotten and forgiven, Sheikh Hasina tells Pakistan high commissioner

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1st confirm your identity, pls?

Are you afghani, Irani, Uzbekistani or pakistani?

As I am aware that Ghaznavi ( Afghanistan) , Abdali ( Afghanistan) and Babur (Uzbekistan) had occupied to British India (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh).

Pakistan born in 1947?

So confused people are you!
Concept of nation is different for us as its not just a religion for us its a complete way of life, dating older than 1400yrs, earliest Khilafa are still taught and aspired. Ottoman, Persian, Arab etc we study and relate to all. Countries and geographic regions are sort of like provinces of the Ummah with same fundamentals and ideologies. Unfortunately things arnt ideal right now because of divide and conquer but we are moving in the direction.
More on the topic if you are interested.

As for Bangladesh and India, we will never forget history too and this is why RAW has failed in creating any effective insurgencies in Pakistan. East and West Pakistan arrangement was administratively doomed and we were bound to eventually part as there is no precedent but India made it unnecessarily bloody.
" The old saying is that “no one has been able to strike terror into others and at the same time enjoy peace of mind”. The Mukti Bahini terrorists may have been forgotten but the terror that they unleashed on innocent Biharis and other non-Bengalis cannot be whipped off the history books. "
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Hahahahahaahahaha :lol:
Guess karma is a bitch.
Why does Pakistan even have relations with BD at this point? It can't be trade, because its negligible. Its not to counter India, considering BD is practically an Indian protectorate. It can't be for international diplomatic support, BD consistently opposes Pakistan on every level.

Just cut off relations, and be done with it. BD is of no relevance to Pakistan.
Mujeeb ur rehman is pak traitor, and according to pak constitution we are allowed to hang him multiple times even if he already dead
Bangal officers served the justice on behalf of their Punjabi/Pashtun colleagues....

And, what a justice!! They even put him in an unmarked grave without a Gus'l or Jenaza!! They swapped his dead-body with that of his look-alike younger brother, who were both killed during the ops, and sent the "wrong" coffin for the burial at his ancestral village....
Another Day, Another Thread, Another bunch of 'exonerate us' comments.
Atrocities committed in 1970 and 71, as claimed by Indians and Sheikh Mujeeb ur Rehman's Awami League, by Pakistan Army is false and without any evidence. For Pakistan, Mukti Bhani was a terrorist outfit and PA acting against it was legal and cannot be considered as atrocity against then East Pakistani population.

Yes, I do agree that the bureaucrats, politicians and military leadership of West Pakistan were not fair while dealing with East Pakistan. East Pakistan being more populace than West Pakistan must have been given due share in power and development. This unfairness did not happen in 1970 or 1971. It began right after independence and escalated after demise of Quaid e Azam and Quaid e Millat.

Decision to adopt Urdu as Pakistan's official language was one of the worst act taken by the West Pakistan leadership.
1st confirm your identity, pls?

Are you afghani, Irani, Uzbekistani or pakistani?

As I am aware that Ghaznavi ( Afghanistan) , Abdali ( Afghanistan) and Babur (Uzbekistan) had occupied to British India (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh).

Pakistan born in 1947?

So confused people are you!

You do realise that Afghan was an ethnonym historically used for Pashtuns, most of whom currently reside in Pakistan, right? The term "Iranian" also applies to Baloch and Pashtuns as much as it does to Persians. And you and I both know that Babur's descendants lie among the people of the sub-continent rather than in Uzbekistan.

British India also didn't exist back then either lol, the British came long after. I think the only confused person here is you.
As per your logic, during the British RAJ id any British child born in Multan, lahore or any pakistani city then they must be having Pakistan nationality, right?

The only fact is that they occupied the Multan

Apples and oranges, the British had virtually nothing in common with the region and the Durrani dynasty didn't even exist until Ahmad Shah moved from Multan.

Congratulations for derailing this thread btw.
Move on is not in Bangladeshi dictionary.
Say 'swim on'. :lol:

Any culture, ethinic group that faced genocide in recent history does not let it go. Especially with one side still blaming the other and calling them traitor s.
You do realise that Afghan was an ethnonym historically used for Pashtuns, most of whom currently reside in Pakistan, right? The term "Iranian" also applies to Baloch and Pashtuns as much as it does to Persians. And you and I both know that Babur's descendants lie among the people of the sub-continent rather than in Uzbekistan.

British India also didn't exist back then either lol, the British came long after. I think the only confused person here is you.

You do realise that Afghan was an ethnonym historically used for Pashtuns, most of whom currently reside in Pakistan, right?

No, if take that way then you can co-relate to any Muslim country. And even in India, 200 Muslims live then India can co-relate to any Muslim country.

But reality is that they were afghani, turkistani, irani etc and they occupied the south Asia (India and pakistan) and doe the governance.

There is nothing to be proud being an indian or pakistani muslims.

most of whom currently reside in Pakistan, right?

Because of Afghan war from 1979! please learn the history.
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