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ATGM Strike Kills Six Indian Soldiers

And by declaring on an open forum - we make the whole world and our enemies "creative" - we really cannot differentiate what should be said and what should not...!!!!!
Every one knows and we share it online "videos" we used ATGMs we showed the videos...there is no classified thing and world knows and should have know that if India crosses it's limit we will surprise them.
Keep killing Indian soldiers & destroy their bunkers. I am fed up Indian nonsense & foolishness.
I will not comment on use of ATGM at LOC as being reported by OP, but I would like to comment on the source of this news.

I have nothing personal against him, it is all professional. I have been monitoring Terrorist social media handles for a while now and i know the mo of these organizations, how they operate and break the news. However I rarely speak about it on the forum. But the person in question has a suspicious character, do not think of him as authentic source. All he does it pick a story from Social media (sites, TG, FB pages) and without getting the story verified he will share on his twitter handle, i don't know why he does not, but he is doing like this.

I cannot force anyone to not follow him, I can only suggest to our Forum members to be jusy be careful with this fellow, everything he says is not 100% authentic.
Natsecjeff shared this story now, when we had already busted up this propaganda in morning. So please avoid opening threads based on his tweets.



I will not comment on use of ATGM at LOC as being reported by OP, but I would like to comment on the source of this news.

I have nothing personal against him, it is all professional. I have been monitoring Terrorist social media handles for a while now and i know the mo of these organizations, how they operate and break the news. However I rarely speak about it on the forum. But the person in question has a suspicious character, do not think of him as authentic source. All he does it pick a story from Social media (sites, TG, FB pages) and without getting the story verified he will share on his twitter handle, i don't know why he does not, but he is doing like this.

I cannot force anyone to not follow him, I can only suggest to our Forum members to be jusy be careful with this fellow, everything he says is not 100% authentic.
Natsecjeff shared this story now, when we had already busted up this propaganda in morning. So please avoid opening threads based on his tweets.

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Sir we should make a dedicated thread about the suspicious accounts involved in spreading the fake & malicious news. Believe you me that will be a service.. especially if that thread is made sticky so all members can learn and contribute. Posting a few comments within a thread has limited utility.. what do you say?
Sir we should make a dedicated thread about the suspicious accounts involved in spreading the fake & malicious news. Believe you me that will be a service.. especially if that thread is made sticky so all members can learn and contribute. Posting a few comments within a thread has limited utility.. what do you say?
As i said we cannot force people to not follow who they like, it is an open forum, people can discuss and debate however they want, but basing the entire debdeb only one tweet is wrong....and that is what i i ask members to be cautious about.....if things start t change and take a different course then i might consider starting a thread only on this.....
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