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At least 50 dead as blast rips through Hazara protest in Kabul

Kabul hospitals appeal for blood following deadly attack

According to the latest reports, death toll in Kabul twin blasts climbed to 61 and 207 wounded.
Islamic State claims responsibility for attack on Kabul Hazara protest, group's Amaq news agency says
More pictures from the blast site

05:33 PM (IST), Date undefined
Twin blasts rip through Kabul's mass demonstration

Bro I wud request not to post these pics. Rest of my day is already ruined :(:(:(.
61 dead, 207 wounded as blast strikes Hazara demonstration in Kabul

KABUL: A powerful explosion on Saturday ripped through crowds of minority Hazaras in Kabul who had gathered to protest over a power line, killing at least 61 people and leaving 207 others wounded, Afghan public health ministry said.

No group has so far claimed responsibility for the blast, but it comes in the middle of the Taliban's annual summer offensive, which the insurgents are ramping up after a brief lull during the recent holy fasting month of Ramadan.

Most Hazaras are Shia Muslims but most Afghans are Sunni.

Eyewitness Ramin Anwari described seeing up to eight bodies in the Demazang area, where protesters were preparing to set up a camp after a four-hour march. He had no further details.

One of the march organisers Laila Mohammadi said she arrived at the scene soon after the blast and saw “many dead and wounded people”.

Footage on Afghan television and photographs posted on social media showed a scene of carnage, with numerous bodies and body parts spread across the square. Seddq Sediqqi, spokesman for the Ministry of Interior, said police were working to confirm initial reports of the blast.

Violence had been feared at what was the second demonstration by Hazaras over the power line issue. The last one in May attracted tens of thousands of people, also shutting down the central business district.

It was attended by Hazara political leaders, who were notable by their absence on Saturday. At the height of the march, demonstrators chanted slogans against President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah, shouted “death to discrimination” and “all Afghans are equal”.

The so-called TUTAP line is backed by the Asian Development Bank with involvement of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The original plan routed the line through Bamiyan province, in the central highlands, where most of the country's Hazaras live.

That route was changed in 2013 by the previous Afghan government. Leaders of the marches have said that the rerouting was evidence of bias against the Hazara community, which accounts for up to 15 per cent of Afghanistan's estimated 30 million-strong population.

They are considered the poorest of the country's ethnic groups, and often complain of discrimination. Bamiyan is poverty stricken, though it is largely peaceful and has potential as a tourist destination.

Afghanistan is desperately short of power, with less than 40 per cent of the population connected to the national grid, according to the World Bank. Almost 75 per cent of electricity is imported.

Bro I wud request not to post these pics. Rest of my day is already ruined :(:(:(.
Sorry but we must tell others what is happening may change some takfiri mind.
No Sir. They aint done with Pakistan. Just wait till we hear that they have blamed Pakistan for this gruesome act to hide their incompetence and Pakistan shud be placed as global terrorist...bla bla bla.

True. Check the hashtag about Kabul on Twitter. There are afghans who are bashing Pakistan. Then there are Afghans who hate Pakistan but also support this attack. Then there are Indians who are using this attack to further peddle their hate against Pakistan. This country Afghanistan is a mess.
ghani will put all the blame on pakistan.
What else you expect from Ghani.
Today, he is not even taken seriously by his family.

When was Afghanistan not violent?
They have deep rooted ethnic and tribal divisions and always find reasons to fight among each other
Afghanistan has never been an entity. It is a land ruled by war loads and drug dealers.
It will never be a normal state , not even till the day of judgement.

Both are terror organisation, what difference would it make? They are different side of the same coin.
For your knwoldege, afghan Talibans are not yet been declared a terrorist organization by america. It is not on terroriat watch lit.

Whereas IsIS is, CIAs brain child, that was made to destabilize ME and Muslim countries.

CIA is using IsIS , also in Afghanistan to settle scores with talibans.
Rip to departed souls. Talib or isis both are kafirs who are killing innocent civilians. May Allah curse be upon them.
Are you so naive? Who else could have done this? The Martians? Wake up and get real.

Fish brain, ISIS claimed the responsibility don't try to be a smart *** as if you have intelligence leads on how did it.
RIP.. Disgusting act by animals..

Actually animals are very good creation of Allah... I have no words :sad:
RIP to departed souls and Speedy recovery to injured ones.

Sad to see Anti-Shia bigotry raising its ugly head in Afghanistan. Looks like the terrorists are getting inspired from anti-Shia organizations of a neighbor.
RIP to departed souls and Speedy recovery to injured ones.

Sad to see Anti-Shia bigotry raising its ugly head in Afghanistan. Looks like the terrorists are getting inspired from anti-Shia organizations of a neighbor.

True. After all Hazaras are never persecuted in Afghanistan. It is only because of that neighbor they are being killed.

I don't understand one thing. Why Hazaras left Afghanistan to settle in Quetta even before creation of that neighbor back in 19th century and 20th century if things were so good for Hazaras in Afghanistan.

I am pretty sure you have no sympathy with the 60+ dead in today's attack. You are just using this incident to show your hatred for Pakistan. Hazara die or whatever it doesn't matter for you. You and your nation lives on hate. You are so blinded by hate that even tragic deaths are an event for you take out your vitriol against either Islam or Pakistan.
Now that ISIS has claimed responsibility
What do you want to say ?

Well, the Taliban butchers have done it again. But why innocent civilians? Is it because they were Shias? It seems the Sunni - Shia divide is getting wider and it looks as if the twain shall never meet.

Afghanistan is turning more and more violent day by day. This is clearly the handiwork of Taliban.

Are you so naive? Who else could have done this? The Martians? Wake up and get real.
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