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At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

Dont think iran will escape. You might enjoy war between russia and turkey but backstabbers like iran will be destroyed. This war ain't going away anytime soon

Bizim kısımdaki konu için yazdığımı aynen yapıştırıyorum buraya. Duyrulur.

Üstadım burasının aynı zamanda yabancı istihbarat servisleri tarafından dinleniyor olma ihtimali yüksek. Ankara'daki toplantının devam ettiği söyleniyor. Dolayısyla, sen de uygun görürsen personel güvenliği ve operasyonel güvenlik tedbiri olarak konuyu kilitleyebilir miyiz? Şu an sıcak çatışma var ve dünyanın gözü orada. Sızma harekatı olsa çekip twitter'a paylaşacak andaval milisler var. Ortalık durulsun askeri açıdan (siyasi açıdan değil) bir sakınca olmadığında tekrar açar yine eleştirilerimizi, yorumları yaparız. Şu aşamada tırnak kadar da olsa bölgedeki askerlerimizin güvenliği için tedbir almamız gerektiği kanaatindeyim. Saygılarımla.

Kapatmazsak da Türk üyeler olarak bir süre yazmayalım, ya da en azından haber paylaşımı yapmayalım.

My master is also likely to be heard by foreign intelligence services. The meeting in Ankara is said to continue. So, if you consider it appropriate, can we lock the issue as personnel safety and operational security measure? There is a hot conflict right now and the eyes of the world are there. There are andaval militias that would attract and share on Twitter if there was an infiltration operation. Let us open again when there is no military (not political) disadvantage, we open it again and make our criticisms and comments. At this stage, I believe that we should take precautions for the security of our soldiers in the region, even as much as quotes. Yours truly. Although we do not close, let's not write for a while as Turkish members, or at least not share news.
Soldiers taking orders from retards and pay the ultimate price...
Goverment and it's puppets in the military leadership are responsible for all this.

I'm not against the operations as long as they are executed properly.

When we asked our commanders that why we don't spend money for our armor division , they always said ( after all lies ) that without air support , the armor divisions are easy target for enemy (USA) air force ...

So did your commander except they kill Syrian and Russian and they don't do a thing !?
It is true 100%

Turkey has gone in with full force targeting multiple targets. Soon media will start reporting.
I call BS.

We'll see, but we've heard this bluster from Erdogan after each time Turkish soldiers are killed.

"We've hit such and such targets of the Assad regime, we won't stand by as our soldiers are attacked" - followed the next day by more Turkish soldiers killed.
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