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ASWJ confirms talks with PMLN... Fitay Moun !

I start to believe the attacks in Quetta was a political stunt, to promote Imran Khan against PML-N

We all know, PTI and ruling PPP are supporting each other in Sindh and Punjab.

While PML-N have all idiots, who always fall prey to the tricks of PPP.
Poeple vote for PML-N because of their work in infrastructure, economy, defense, international relations, education, transport, healthcare and employment there is no sectarian vote bank in PML-N, Pait is more important than Maslak.

Its job of Intelligence community to eliminate the high risk individuals rest government can handle by talks. Such seat adjustments are going on from very long time IK himself involved in seat adjustment with banned groups.

Bottom line is such propaganda is hardly matter of concern, at the moment PML-N is famous among all and Inshallah will form the government then we will send Laanat on PTI and other haters. Can't wait to see look on IK face after loosing the elections from all provinces.
Poeple vote for PML-N because of their work in infrastructure, economy, defense, international relations, education, transport, healthcare and employment there is no sectarian vote bank in PML-N, Pait is more important than Maslak.

Its job of Intelligence community to eliminate the high risk individuals rest government can handle by talks. Such seat adjustments are going on from very long time IK himself involved in seat adjustment with banned groups.

Bottom line is such propaganda is hardly matter of concern, at the moment PML-N is famous among all and Inshallah will form the government then we will send Laanat on PTI and other haters. Can't wait to see look on IK face after loosing the elections from all provinces.

I think in this case Lannat is on the people who Continue to support terrorist and their supporters.
Lets see what excuse they come up with this time. Nawaz shareef jitna khota dimag politician aj tak paida nae hua. Zardari should be given medal to treat him like a hijrra as really deserved it.
so you cant face it and want me to move on, hmmmm

as of TODAY his credibility is as good as Mubasher Lucqman and Mehr Bukhari and If you want to believe in what he says then ..... what can I say .... its your right. ( but seriously you are going to believe him ???? )

I still deny it !!! Just because he says does mean such thing happened.

He also said that he is not involved in those Bomb attacks, You believe in this statement too ???

I am not going on his or anyone's word. I believe what I see. You can come and visit Jhang and see the posters all around, meet the locals and they will tell you more about it.

Poeple vote for PML-N because of their work in infrastructure, economy, defense, international relations, education, transport, healthcare..

You're kidding, right?
I think in this case Lannat is on the people who Continue to support terrorist and their supporters.

You can stop sectarian violence by talk you have to make understanding between two groups but you can't make peace with anti-state terrorists and IK is biggest sympathizer of anti state talibans terrorists he is a taliban himself without beard.

P.S even if i accept your definition of terrorism, IK is qualified terrorist.

Watch video.
[video] http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=213114098835146&set=vb.108800099218551&type=2&theater[/video]
You can stop sectarian violence by talk you have to make understanding between two groups but you can't make peace with anti-state terrorists and IK is biggest sympathizer of anti state talibans terrorists he is a taliban himself without beard.

P.S even if i accept your definition of terrorism, IK is qualified terrorist.

Watch video.
[video] ‫تØ*ریک انصاف اور سپاہ صØ*ابہ کا انتخابی اتØ*اد | Facebook‬[/video]

You have just got a laptop from shahbaz shareef and you are making it halaal.. Hai naa? :D
You have just got a laptop from shahbaz shareef and you are making it halaal.. Hai naa? :D

HAHA not really and no need to get personal i am just stating the facts accept it or deny it up to you. :cheers:
HAHA not really and no need to get personal i am just stating the facts accept it or deny it up to you. :cheers:

And the fact is TTP rejected IK and preferred NS for the facilitation of the peace process, how ironic...

Jokes apart, IK must have learnt his lesson!
this is a front name of SSP/LeJ. they are banned and are sectarian terrorists..

When SSP was banned @Awesome they adoped the name ASWJ. Sipah E Sahaba and Ahl E Sunnat Wal Jamaat are the same thing. They are terrorists and their armed wing, militant wing is the LEJ, the Lashkar e jhangvi. Both act as veritable arms of each other.

Malik Ishaq of the LEJ has said marey wey log baat nahi kartey to a shia witness during trial. Ludhianvi of ASWJ is famous for anti-Shia speeches and according to circles even murder at times.
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so you cant face it and want me to move on, hmmmm

as of TODAY his credibility is as good as Mubasher Lucqman and Mehr Bukhari and If you want to believe in what he says then ..... what can I say .... its your right. ( but seriously you are going to believe him ???? )

I still deny it !!! Just because he says does mean such thing happened.

He also said that he is not involved in those Bomb attacks, You believe in this statement too ???

this is your pmln party policy to have sectarian terrorists in your pocket so to get vote of the area through sectarian hatred...cheap indeed.....and pmln denial is just lame.....but nothing else is expect from nooners aka munafiq league...

on the other hand its not PTI's policy...

Toh ASWJ ko bhi ban kyun nahi karte?

If they are unbanned, PML-N can claim that "Sanu te pata hi nahi si..."

meri jaan ko ban kare ga? PPPP ya PMLN??? both trying to get them on their camp !
When SSP was banned @Awesome they adoped the name ASWJ. Sipah E Sahaba and Ahl E Sunnat Wal Jamaat are the same thing. They are terrorists and their armed wing, militant wing is the LEJ, the Lashkar e jhangvi. Both act as veritable arms of each other.

Malik Ishaq of the LEJ has said marey wey log baat nahi kartey to a shia witness during trial. Ludhianvi of ASWJ is famous for anti-Shia speeches and according to circles even murder at times.

Are they fighting the tag of terrorist organization or removing a copyright violation that if name is changed we are not going to say anything to them?

The fault is first at the level where there was inaction when they simply changed their name and now all is okay.
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