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Astra bang on target again


Jul 27, 2012
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The launch of the Astra missile for the second day on Saturday from Chandipur, Odisha, was deadly in its accuracy. An air-to-air missile, it was launched from a fixed launcher on the ground and homed in on its target — Lakshya, a pilotless target aircraft (PTA) flying 15 km away. The warhead exploded within a metre of Lakshya, destroying it. On Friday also, the launch from the ground against an electronic target was successful. The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which has developed the missile, conducted both the launches. Friday’s launch was to test propulsion, control and guidance systems.

Avinash Chander, Chief Controller (Missiles and Strategic Systems), DRDO, who watched the launch, described it as “excellent” and said it was “a major breakthrough because the problems encountered in the earlier flights were overcome.”

Asked what snags were overcome, he said: “We had some technical problems relating to the control structure. We made changes in the systems’ configuration and we have overcome the defects.”

“We are now readying the missile as per the user’s [the Indian Air Force’s] requirements”, he said.

In the latest launch, the 3.8-metre long and more than 300 kg heavy Astra flew at Mach-3 — three times the speed of sound.

Another DRDO missile technologist said the flight “went off well and all the events occurred as per requirements.” Astra would be flight-tested again on Monday.


There will be three more flights from the ground in 2013. After that, it will be launched from different aircraft such as Sukhoi-30, MiG-29 and the Light Combat Aircraft, Tejas.

Astra can hit targets flying 40 km away, that is, beyond visual range. If an enemy aircraft were to fly close, it will be registered in the aircraft that carries the missile. If the enemy was to fly 20 to 40 km away, the cockpit instruments cannot register it. Only radar signals will be received. Astra can adjust its speed to that of the enemy aircraft and home in on it.


Mr. Chander said 2012 had been a rewarding year for the DRDO in its missile launches. They included the maiden successful launch of Agni-V in April, followed by flight-trials of Agni-I, II, III and IV, Prithvi-I and II, Dhanush, two highly successful interceptor missile launches, the BrahMos flights and the Long Range Surface-to-Air flights. “In missile capability, we are upfront. We have made a tremendous mark,” he asserted.

“We have achieved major successes in launching a variety of missiles in 2012. We are confident thé we will make further strides in missile development in 2013.”

The Hindu : Sci-Tech : Astra bang on target again
Go a head DRDO. my best wishes and my prayers always for you.
Yesterday it was just 162kg now 300kg?
Sucker india media, idiots never appreciate anything.

Hyderabad: A lot of hype is being generated during the ongoing development trials of Astra, the beyond visual range (BVR) air-to-air Missile being indigenously developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

Sources revealed that though the second consecutive test was carried out successfully on Saturday as part of the development trials of Astra at the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur, Odisha, sources said these were just baby steps.

Development trials for the Astra have been going since 2003. The next test will be carried out on December 24, officials said.

Officials are still not able to say when the development trials to test various systems shall be completed. The user trials by the Indian Air Force can start only after that. The missile is being developed to arm various IAF aircraft including the Tejas, Su-30 MKI, Mirage 2000 and even the Sea Harrier.

DRDO is reportedly planning to have two different versions of Astra, for different fighter aircraft.

Astra was successfully test-fired from a ground launcher on Saturday and the missile successfully intercepted the target midair. Lakshya, the indigenously developed Pilotless Target Aircraft was used as the target.

DRDO said some more tests will be carried out from the ground launchers to generate data, which will be followed by launches from aerial platforms.
It can carry a 15-Kg High Explosive warhead at Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound). It can engage manoeuvring targets moving at high speeds and varying at distances and heights and has a proximity fuse.

Astra missile intercepts Lakshya | Deccan Chronicle
Induction only in mid 2014 at the most, by that time IAF may want more.
Somehow its weird that the MIssile projects are such successes but everything else moves at a snails pace..

Somehow its weird that the MIssile projects are such successes but everything else moves at a snails pace..

No surprising at all .....India has been working on Missile tech for more than 30 years. We are now an advanced missile tech nation due to natural evolution. Same for Naval ship building.

Other tech is relatively new and is undergoing maturity. In the future we will become mature in aircraft, tank and submarines.

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