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‘Assault on all Muslims:’ Jerusalem Grand Mufti slams potential US embassy move


Sep 24, 2016
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The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem has condemned the plans to move the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which were earlier announced by President-elect Donald Trump. The mufti said it would be an “assault” on every Muslim in the world.
"The pledge to move the embassy is not just an assault against Palestinians but against Arabs and Muslims, who will not remain silent," Muhammad Hussein, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, said during a sermon at the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem's Old City

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britain=birth of israel, usa=fed israel, isreal now is grown, = greater israel expansion, to rule the world.
Most Muslim countries have been hijacked by corrupt leaders and families, they will never take stand against this unfortunately.
I don't expect Saudis Jordan and Egypt but there is hope in few and those countries have the actual military power that is needed. Like Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey. These are the countries that have Army to fight and conventional equipment for Israel to back off.
I don't expect Saudis Jordan and Egypt but there is hope in few and those countries have the actual military power that is needed. Like Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey. These are the countries that have Army to fight and conventional equipment for Israel to back off.
The same Lebanon whose generals prefer inviting invading Israeli troops to tea than fighting and defending their country against them?
I don't expect Saudis Jordan and Egypt but there is hope in few and those countries have the actual military power that is needed. Like Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey. These are the countries that have Army to fight and conventional equipment for Israel to back off.
You are right bro, but i don't think any of the leaders belonging to these countries would utter a single word against USA and Israel. Our corrupt leaders have nothing to do with Muslim World or Ummah, they don't have the guts to speak against USA. Philippines Rodrigo Duterte is more powerful than these clowns.

yeah they are called crypto jews or agents.
you are right sir, that is why i think that nobody is going to stop Israel and USA.
I don't expect Saudis Jordan and Egypt but there is hope in few and those countries have the actual military power that is needed. Like Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey. These are the countries that have Army to fight and conventional equipment for Israel to back off.
Bhai. Alexander the great said

I would rather have an army of sheep led by a lion than an army of lions led by a sheep.

Classic example of Pakistan. I know our jawaans they are lions now tell me about nasal Sharif? What is he? Musharraf was a lion but a bit stupid. Kayani was a total goat. Raheel was a brave soldier and don't know about Bajwa
You are right bro, but i don't think any of the leaders belonging to these countries would utter a single word against USA and Israel. Our corrupt leaders have nothing to do with Muslim World or Ummah, they don't have the guts to speak against USA. Philippines Rodrigo Duterte is more powerful than these clowns.
Leaders Don't control Pakistan. Just keep in mind the past case of geo tv. Marshal Law is blessing for Pakistan I am proud of.
Leaders Don't control Pakistan. Just keep in mind the past case of geo tv. Marshal Law is blessing for Pakistan I am proud of.
But they do my young brother. It's the traitors like NS zardari the bhuttos the Imuran Khan that rule this country and serve not the people but their own pockets
Most Muslim countries have been hijacked by corrupt leaders and families, they will never take stand against this unfortunately.
Internal dirt needs to be cleaned first. People of countries like Saudia, Qatar, UAE, Jordan etc should get rid of their dictators. Dictatorship is the worst thing which happened to Muslims.
But they do my young brother. It's the traitors like NS zardari the bhuttos the Imuran Khan that rule this country and serve not the people but their own pockets
Look they are nothing. there are few things you don't know about this country internally. Nawaz.S can only impact police and civilian but no one else the rest like Imran he is a play card. Zardari is gone for good. Nawaz is currently tied by the leaks he cannot stray from the path.
Guys, our current government including Rouhani and Zarif are also corrupt and they only think about their own pocket not Muslims in Palestine or Kashmir or etc....
Fortunately our leadership says something else, they have provided a good situation in Syria to fight Israel. When the time comes, don't waste the time and join Khurasani's army. You will not need the permission of those corrupt leaders, us too. And i have to tell you, all of Muslim countries have neutral people and probably they don't care about Palestine, Kashmir or other oppressed Muslims. I don't care about them either. So we will have a multi national army in Syria against ISIS and Israel consisting of Sunnis and ShiAs. Let's save our brothers in Palestine. Consider it as is an invitation that you can refuse it and enjoy your neutral life the same goes to my countrymen.

@Rasengan I declare a war on you.
Are you there?
I don't expect Saudis Jordan and Egypt but there is hope in few and those countries have the actual military power that is needed. Like Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Turkey. These are the countries that have Army to fight and conventional equipment for Israel to back off.
Well Turkey is an ally of Israel or at least neutral. She will just talk but no walk. Pakistan needs to sort herself out first and get rid of corruption before she can do anything, Iran is a dark horse...

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