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Assassination Attempt on Imran Khan: One Killed, Multiple Injuried Including Imran Khan - 11/22


Aaya imran. Shuruat hui
Shuruat hue jangi muqable ki

Indian magazine, 1987
In the country where the people in power did not see the sign and grace of Allah in the presence of thousands of people and dozens of cameras in the rain of bullets, they made a mockery of this tragedy and in response the oppressed had to show their wounds. Go, there is no need to ask for justice....

In the country where the people in power did not see the sign and grace of Allah in the presence of thousands of people and dozens of cameras in the rain of bullets, they made a mockery of this tragedy and in response the oppressed had to show their wounds. Go, there is no need to ask for justice....

Rana Sanaulla and others who were mocking and questioning whether IK sustained any bullet injuries - IK's entire leg should be shoved up their arses.
Rana Sanaulla and others who were mocking and questioning whether IK sustained any bullet injuries - IK's entire leg should be shoved up their arses.
Unfortunately they’d enjoy it.
جو کچھ اسٹیبلشمنٹ نے ارشد شریف کے ساتھ کیا ہے اسکو دیکھ کر مجھے اسرائیلی اور انڈین فرشتے لگنے لگے ہیں
by Imran Khan
Can you share the clip where he said that quote unquote.
Unfortunately they’d enjoy it.

Yes. Particularly, Maryam Nawaz.
Those so called custodians of Pakistani state(Qabza mafia) protected the corrupt sharif family but tried to assassination imran Khan openly in front of public and now not even letting register a mere FIR

They betrayed the motherland and their oath.
They're burden on this land of pure people
One would imagine that Intel agencies are so weak that :

1. IK got to know 2 months prior however intel couldn't even comprehend a leak.
2. IK disclosed/exposed the imminent threat on 24th sept/7th Oct yet Intel agencies didn't pick it up.

On top of that, IK has been asked in interviews to back up his allegations with proofs, which he has failed to do so.
Command staff has clearly lost the confidence of its officers and the troops. There are more holes in their veil of secrecy than a tea strainer in my kitchen.
Looks like the rat wants to join pti
I guess many will be willing to join after 30th November. Politicians know where the nation is standing at the moment. They have seen results of all the elections since April.

Many people are not joining OR refraining to show support PTI because of the most fascist period on our dear country by current establishment. Kidnapping, Torturing citizens, journalists and even Senators is something a sick mind would do. Current establishment would definitely wish to go even hard and even further but they simply can't do. Unfortunately for them world has changed, everything gets reported and their artificial image in front of world is at stake. Secondly, its counter effective to carry on such immoral activities against your own employers. It creates more divide and friction.

I think everyone regardless of party affiliation including people with military backgrounds should condemn this criminal activities by nation's own military.
I think everyone regardless of party affiliation including people with military backgrounds should condemn this criminal activities by nation's own military.
That's your own allegations..
Rana Sanaulla and others who were mocking and questioning whether IK sustained any bullet injuries - IK's entire leg should be shoved up their arses.

Pakistani are retarded conspiracy theory uncles. I'm sick and tired of that retarded old corrupt generation!
That's you own allegations
I am not alone in these "allegations" bro.

Who else has enough hard power to supersede police & law. Important thing is realization should happen across the entirety of the nation. Including people from the military backgrounds. Only then we'll move past this mindset. There should be no support for such activities in any segment of society.

Also, my posts are not against military but military's illegal, immoral activities. Me and every other person who thinks about this nation and wants the best out of it wants our military to be thoroughly professional. Actually, we had very high hopes and things were getting better slowly but gradually by a professional solider like Raheel Shareef. However, the current establishment has done irreparable damage. Not just the political chaos and economic POV but much more damage to the institution itself and its repute.
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