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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

FOUGHT to get back Kashmir?

Have you no shame?

Their incursion was marked by rape, murder, abduction and looting. What a record! And you quote it with approval!

In Indian textbooks that is what they've teached you :meeting:

:lol: no one gives a damn what is a Khan is in India, I doubt anybody knows that Khan is supposed to be pathan, it's only a few who know some thing about Afg know that their ethnic people are khan - and these hybrid khan's of bollywood nowhere look or sound like the Afghanis.

That's because Khans of Bollywood are hybrids... Pathans mixed with Dravidian Indians = Bollywood stars.

Besides Khan is a tribe is north western Pkistan, not Afghanistan

If I am not wrong, if the tribals had not stopped for their looting and raping spree they would have reached Sri Nagar, and effectively blocked the Indian intervention.

Whatever helped your school board sleep at night!!
So Bengalai-speaking Muslims can't be Indians? :rolleyes:

What great logic.
Stop your flaming poppycock for a change. Here the issue is about ILLEGAL MIGRANTS FROM BANGLADESH!! And yes, Bangladeshis, whether Hindu, Muslim or Christians cannot be Indians, can they?
Referring to those who came during the colonial era?


Maybe Sri Lanka can afford this India cannot.

Not going to happen.

I think so - If he is talking about estate Tamilians he is right though the nos are disputable. Part of the them were taken back by India in 1960s and who did not take Indian citizenship then were revoked of that offer in 1970s by India. They remained stateless and I think around 2004, they were granted SL citizenship.
That's because Khans of Bollywood are hybrids... Pathans mixed with Dravidian Indians = Bollywood stars.

Besides Khan is a tribe is north western Pkistan, not Afghanistan

See, even I don't know WTH they originated from, no one's concerned about their roots as long as they can dance and entertain us. :victory:
i know sir...;) thats why asking u who told u?
i repeated same thing to two paksitanis in my life ..
one was my frnd who lives in islamabad and other is jinxed grl on pdf :rofl:
u r among them as brainwashed and need to learn who did wat n when :)

I am sorry.. but what was it that you told me? I am confused :blink:. Icewolf, what is "largest minority"? Care to explain?
I am sorry.. but what was it that you told me? I am confused :blink:. Icewolf, what is "largest minority"? Care to explain?

Jinxed, Punjabis are 49% of Pakistan's population.

See, even I don't know WTH they originated from, no one's concerned about their roots as long as they can dance and entertain us. :victory:

I agree :cheers: Btw Im lying to you about Khans being in Northwestern Pakistan, they are also in Afghanistan :P
Referring to those who came during the colonial era?

Yes. More than a million Indian Tamils were taken from Tamil Nadu and basically dumped in central Sri Lanka. The natives lost their lands, their fields and their livelihoods because the British wanted to commence a coffee then tea industry.


Maybe Sri Lanka can afford this India cannot.

India has a population of more than 1.2 billion people.

In comparison Sri Lanka has a population of around 20 - 21 million.

If Sri Lanka can accept more than a million Indian Tamils as its citizens + the extra 'stateless' ones, then I'm pretty sure India can afford to accept much more than 1 million Bangladeshi immigrants. Don't you think so?

Not going to happen.

Why not?

The representatives of the Indian Tamils in Sri Lanka are currently sitting in the current Sri Lankan government and the Tamils of Indian origin in Sri Lanka have NOTHING to do with Tamil separatism in the island.

So perhaps Indian fears of the Bangladeshis are misplaced?
If Sri Lanka can accept more than a million Indian Tamils as its citizens, India should be able to accept far more than a million Bangladeshi Muslims as its citizens. Just like Sri Lanka's parliament voted unanimously to provide citizenship to all remaining 'stateless' Indian Tamils in the island, India's parliament should vote unanimously to provide citizenship to any 'stateless' Bangladeshi people.

You really are a scholar, aren't you? There is enough evidence that Jaffna Tamils predates the Sinhala immigrants from Bengal by a couple of centuries. Who were the immigrants and who were the original occupants? Jaffna Tamils living in Sri Lanka for millennia, not even centuries, can't be equated with the miasma creeping and crawling across every permeable border, till we have had to spend huge sums of money to block at least some part of the border. It isn't complete yet, which is why there is still trouble in Dhubri and Kokrajhar.

Since you mentioned the Sri Lankan parliament's magnanimity in offering citizenship to Tamils, try to get your facts correct. The Jaffna Tamils were already citizens, at the time of Sinhala independence.

It was the plantation Tamils, legally brought into the country, not sneaking in under the fence, but without citizenship, who had to be recognized.

When you speak of the parliamentary record, you should look at the barbaric actions of 1948 and 1972. Nobody can justify terrorism, on ANY PRETEXT, but the Sri Lankan record of persecution and ethnic cleansing of its Tamils is awful.
Jinxed, Punjabis are 49% of Pakistan's population.

I agree :cheers: Btw Im lying to you about Khans being in Northwestern Pakistan, they are also in Afghanistan :P

Yes, I think Punjabis now make only 48% now. Which is good. I am Punjabi myself, and I want their numbers to be reduced a little more in Pakistan, so we have ethnically more balanced Pakistan. I have read somewhere that the Punjabi population is leveling off and Pashtuns have become the most fertile group of Pakistan.
Stop your flaming poppycock for a change. Here the issue is about ILLEGAL MIGRANTS FROM BANGLADESH!! And yes, Bangladeshis, whether Hindu, Muslim or Christians cannot be Indians, can they?

They can be if they are granted citizenship. The USA has done that for many of the illegal immigrants from Mexico.
They can be if they are granted citizenship. The USA has done that for many of the illegal immigrants from Mexico.

Here is the difference - US is a new world with enough land/resources to accomodate many more than 300 million odd population. India cannot. Case to point - US provides child tax credit for each additional child. India has been spending millions on population control and discourage having more than 1 child. See the difference?
I wonder what Bodos did when the Islamic invaders enslaved them a couple of hundred years back??

They waited so that your statements can become null and void in 2012.

I think you are fearing that Your Assam! and NE! will be cut down itself from Idea! From my side, We want to say that We are only the True Nation of this territory. We are always concerned about our territory only. We don't care other thing. But We just simply hate any innocent killing.

Another thing , Any ism is not sufficient enough to hold up a false Nation. False Nation degenerates just in time. It is the chronicle of the history. Your try may face very hard success. And Shame on the killers and it is always!

I think you are fearing that Your Assam! and NE! will be cut down itself from Idea! From my side, We want to say that We are only the True Nation of this territory. We are always concerned about our territory only. We don't care other thing. But We just simply hate any innocent killing.

Another thing , Any ism is not sufficient enough to hold up a false Nation. False Nation degenerates just in time. It is the chronicle of the history. Your try may face very hard success. And Shame on the killers and it is always!

You have a mouth to say all this but no balls to back it up with action,thats why the congress is playing with fire.

I am sorry.. but what was it that you told me? I am confused :blink:. Icewolf, what is "largest minority"? Care to explain?

Aap photo daaliye,woh apne aap mooh kholega?
Same as I still dont know any Indian ethnic group... But I am sure everyone in India know Pathan!!! majority of your Bollywood Khan stars are half - Pathan or atleast claim to be :lol:

Besides that Pakistanis who fought to get back Kashmir were Pathan!!!

you people are master in pulling anything in :lol:
kabhi pushtoon,kabhi pathan,kabhi punajbi as islamic culture :hitwall:
and now pushtoons brought kashmir :rofl:
ur pushtoons ran for their life when indian army stepped in otherwise u reached inside kashmir but later on repelled back.
you enjoyed enough killing before indian army arrival but not after it.
You really are a scholar, aren't you? There is enough evidence that Jaffna Tamils predates the Sinhala immigrants from Bengal by a couple of centuries. Who were the immigrants and who were the original occupants? Jaffna Tamils living in Sri Lanka for millennia, not even centuries, can't be equated with the miasma creeping and crawling across every permeable border, till we have had to spend huge sums of money to block at least some part of the border. It isn't complete yet, which is why there is still trouble in Dhubri and Kokrajhar.

Tamils aren't native to Sri Lanka. Their culture, language, history all developed and flourished in what is now Tamil Nadu. Everything of note of the Tamils took place and is found in Tamil Nadu. The idea of a Tamil people did not develop in Sri Lanka but in South India. On the other hand the Sinhalese are native to Sri Lanka; their culture, language, history all developed and flourished in the island. Everything of note of the Sinhalese took place and is found in Sri Lanka. The idea of a Sinhalese people developed entirely in Sri Lanka, and not in India.

Secondly I'm not talking about Jaffna Tamils (who have been in Sri Lanka for centuries) or "Sri Lankan Tamils" here, but Indian Tamils who live mainly in central Sri Lanka.

Since you mentioned the Sri Lankan parliament's magnanimity in offering citizenship to Tamils, try to get your facts correct. The Jaffna Tamils were already citizens, at the time of Sinhala independence.

Yes they were.

It was the plantation Tamils, legally brought into the country, not sneaking in under the fence, but without citizenship, who had to be recognized.

You mean 'legally brought' by a colonial power that invaded the island and stole all the land for plantations from the natives and then settled foreigners from another country in that land?

When you speak of the parliamentary record, you should look at the barbaric actions of 1948 and 1972. Nobody can justify terrorism, on ANY PRETEXT, but the Sri Lankan record of persecution and ethnic cleansing of its Tamils is awful.

Have a look at all the persecution metered out to the Kashmiris, Muslims, Dalits, Christians, Sikhs etc in India before pointing fingers at others. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Here is the difference - US is a new world with enough land/resources to accomodate many more than 300 million odd population. India cannot. Case to point - US provides child tax credit for each additional child. India has been spending millions on population control and discourage having more than 1 child. See the difference?

India has one of the fastest growing economies in the world does it not? It prides itself on becoming the next world power. It has a population of more than 1.2 billion - what is an extra few million citizens going to do to the demographics? Nothing much.

You can add the whole population of Sri Lanka (21 million) into India's population and it would have basically a diddly squat effect on India's demographics.
You really are a scholar, aren't you? There is enough evidence that Jaffna Tamils predates the Sinhala immigrants from Bengal by a couple of centuries. Who were the immigrants and who were the original occupants? Jaffna Tamils living in Sri Lanka for millennia, not even centuries, can't be equated with the miasma creeping and crawling across every permeable border, till we have had to spend huge sums of money to block at least some part of the border. It isn't complete yet, which is why there is still trouble in Dhubri and Kokrajhar.

Since you mentioned the Sri Lankan parliament's magnanimity in offering citizenship to Tamils, try to get your facts correct. The Jaffna Tamils were already citizens, at the time of Sinhala independence.

It was the plantation Tamils, legally brought into the country, not sneaking in under the fence, but without citizenship, who had to be recognized.

When you speak of the parliamentary record, you should look at the barbaric actions of 1948 and 1972. Nobody can justify terrorism, on ANY PRETEXT, but the Sri Lankan record of persecution and ethnic cleansing of its Tamils is awful.
Joe, you are telling that in deaf ears, these guys think that they were original natives of the Land, where as they themselves are imigrants from Bengal
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