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Assad:. "Tell Putin I am not Yanukovych, I'm not leaving."

How long will they stand behind a brutal dictator? That is the expiry date.

Both side have done war crimes and there is no doubt about that . A dictator ?

They're not fighting for Assad , In fact Assad is not important for them but Syria and millions of non Sunni people are what they've been fighting for .
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when they put stick somewhere like what they did to gaddafi:-). No bitching around please...
I will better support Assad, than the barbarians he is fighting. Long, he has kept his country moderate. And Election is the way to go, and with Russia increasing its clout, I believe their threats are to be taken seeriously

Those barbarians would not have been in Syria if he had far sightedness.
Those barbarians would not have been in Syria if he had far sightedness.

I accept. But there are democratic ways. Egypt and Tunisia are good examples of peacefull revolution. It takes time, but it is powerfull.

The vast majority of these barrels bombings are falling upon the civilians.

These barrels aren't as effective as you might think, otherwise, the SAA would have manage to re-capture the %50 of the liberated areas by the opposition.

I see.

Cannibalism exists long before the savage you're referring to. But to assume that all rebels are cannibals is absurd.

So do you mean Canibalism in 21st century is ok? That is not the first instance. Destruction of historic sites, which includes, Shias and Christian places of worship, attacks against innocent civilians, and strict laws implemented in the places they rule. And having contact with terrorist org's. A revolution is something which is brought about by its own people, with little support frm outside. But it seems Syrian rebels now consists of more foreign fighters than natives.
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Assad:. "Tell Putin I am not Yanukovych, I'm not leaving."


I will better support Assad, than the barbarians he is fighting. Long, he has kept his country moderate. And Election is the way to go, and with Russia increasing its clout, I believe their threats are to be taken seeriously

I agree. Assad is the only sane one there. If the FSA comes the entire middle east is gone.
when they put stick somewhere like what they did to gaddafi:-). No bitching around please...

And get killed like the boy who killed Gaddafi? By the way, have a look around, Libya is in shit now.
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