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whatever he is a muslim ,like many good shais and good sunnis muslims and good wahabis ..he doesnot attack on any other sect ..wahabi or shia do not mean he/she cannot be good muslims.....there are many wahabi peoples in saudi who are anti-govt.its all about govt not peoples.......i have seen many wahabi peoples who are good human beings and muslims so should i get angry with them because of their sect?
pk_baloch are you a girl
What do the Iranians think about India in general.What impression do they have in their mind about India?

I remember,I had asked the same question to the skipper of a ship of the Irano Hind Shipping Co. when I had boarded the ship while visiting..the discussion led from evening snacks to dinner..good times.
1-I guess most of Iranian respect Gandi
2-Personally I do not agree or at least do not understand Gandis way against Britain.
3-Iran diplomats think India and Iran traditionally are friend, personally I think I was past and India looking for something more than NAM.
4-we have many thing in common
5-I admire Indian that could stop Alexander(this is the way should stand against enemy not in Gandi's way).
6-I think we should apology Indian because of Nader shah
What do iranians think of the palestine problem ? as a muslim-jew problem or as a arab-israeli problem ?

there is no place in Arab-israeil conflict for Iran.
Iran gov and Iranian supported Palestine because they used to think that is Muslim-Zionist( not jew) confilict.
but recently Iranian taking apart because they think it is not muslims issue anymore. and Iran should not pay cost for arabs.
6-I think we should apology Indian because of Nader shah

LOL, you are something..., how about inventing a freakin time machine and go back in the time just to apologize to the Indians, history is history. What happened has happened, focus on now and the future. Btw, i am sure no Iranian will apologize for invasion of India. Nader Shah was a great man, may he rest in eternal peace
there is no place in Arab-israeil conflict for Iran.
Iran gov and Iranian supported Palestine because they used to think that is Muslim-Zionist( not jew) confilict.
but recently Iranian taking apart because they think it is not muslims issue anymore. and Iran should not pay cost for arabs.

Q: India opposing Iran to be a nuclear nation, how Iranians seeing Indian stance in that issue ?
Q2: Whats your opinion about Indo-Israel relationship?
1- it is discord if some one has nuke. oppose other nations for peaceful nuclear or even for nuke. so we do not care what other nations likewise india say about that.
2- india-israeil relation is not our biz like our nuclear program is not yours
What do most Iranians think of the Shah? And how does that compare to the current Iranian leadership?

1- Shah is part of history now.
2- they are not comparable. can you compare apple and orange? Shah was not goverment or king of Iran he was a pupet to us but current system good or bad is "home made"
i think Iranians have great faith in the Govt. n Supreme leader but do the feel that there r some unfair laws n rules for oppression of woman in Iran???
no we do not have great faith on gov, but we belive on them more than foreigners.
you can come Iran and compare women and kids situation with India then use"unfair" word.
Iranian law is based on Iranian value not Indian value we can have same view about India
Since Iran is an muslim majority nation n most of its rules n regulations r inspired by muslim practices so do muslim laws r applicable on minorities as well???

N what kind of minorities does Iran have???
1- social law apply for non muslm as well such as drinking is ban in public, Islamic wear and... but for issues among themselve they can apply thier on rule if both sides agree.
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