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Featured Asim Saleem Bajwa decides to step down as premier's aide on information


Oct 2, 2019
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In a bombshell development, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Lt Gen (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa announced on Thursday he has decided to step down from his position as the premier's aide.

In a conversation with Geo News show host Shahzeb Khanzada, Lt Gen Bajwa said he would hand in his resignation to the prime minister tomorrow and would request him to relieve him of his duties as his aide.

He said that he will continue his work as Chairman China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority.

Lt Gen Bajwa said that the premier’s priority is CPEC "and I believe as well that this project is the country’s future".

“I hope that the prime minister will allow me to concentrate all my focus on CPEC," he added.

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he isn’t in the army......
Show me any 3 rd rate noonie who would do the same ...

He remained in the army, he should be investigated if he misused his power to earn money, why is this hard to comprehend?
Why the comparison with a noonie? They are certified thieves, means he has fallen to such a level that comparison with patwaris is required?
Also resigning as SAPM and not as CPEC chairman shows its just a drama to avoid the scrutiny that comes with being a SAPM.
Or maybe it was a plot all to get him removed, hence the fake story by an India Ex Asshole Gurav who isnt worth his salt even in India was picked up by a Pakistan's sellout media. Before excusing others of misdeeds we need to see within ourselves and moreover what the man delivered needs to be seen. Pakistanis are all corrupt to the core from politicians to bureaucrats to army generals to common people, everyone however there is a clear line between being corrupt and a traitor. Politicians like Nawaz, Zardari Altaf, are not just corrupts but traitors as well. And while people continue to dance on the tunes of traitors, they have the audacity to call out on others who may or may not be corrupt but at the very least are not traitors and actually working for the country.
so whats the update till now? is he willing to prove his innocence? what are the facts can some please share some details! this is a huge blow for Pakistan!
He remained in the army, he should be investigated if he misused his power to earn money, why is this hard to comprehend?
Why the comparison with a noonie? They are certified thieves, means he has fallen to such a level that comparison with patwaris is required?
Also resigning as SAPM and not as CPEC chairman shows its just a drama to avoid the scrutiny that comes with being a SAPM.

Finally --- somebody gets it.

The CPEC Authority apparently doesn't even have any constitutional authority (needs to be defined through legislation.)
The difficulty is that this trail passes through the most uncomfortable places and names that will shake the very foundation of the Pak siasat.
let it shake if the foundation is weak it wi eventually fall why not now!
Very cleverly he will remain CPEC chairman which has immunity against any legal investigation
It is really deep agony when we see that our generals in their own regime invest in Ameria instead of the land they are born and join the armed forces to protect. General Bajwa is also no exception in this line. I am really worried about why our successive government and institutions failed to create a favourable business environment here in our country? why Our rare capital keeps on draining from our financial system. All our political parties and institutions sit together to agree upon a business framework, aimed at improving and revolutionalising business support, whatsoever happen which so ever party gets into the rule of the country. this business conducive environment will remain protected under law, NO NAB and other institutions are allowed to harm it,
Had we not destroyed this business environment ourselves, Pakistan would have in far better condition financially and politically, If our businessmen succeed in other countries why they do not do that in our own country? who will responsible for this devastation of the business environment in our country? How can we improve it? Why our supreme court humiliate every businessman doing business in this country? whether he is Jahargir treen Malik Riaz or anyone else doing business here. I am not supporting in one corrupt, but this humiliating way does not bring any development for the country and its citizens. Our precious resources and rare capital is not being used for welfare and job-creating opportunities in the country.rather it sneaked out to other developed countries, why our nation is held in the blame game and destroying our ourselves? How much time we will take to get mature to get rid of mudslinging and negativity? there is no news except a continuous campaign of maligning our own people and leg-pulling of each other.
why does our government not stop doing harm to the country? and change its course to improve business and political and social environment.
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It is really deep agony when we see that our generals in their own regime invest in Ameria instead of the lad they are born and join the armed forces to protect. General Bajwa is also no exception in this line. I am really worried about why our successive government and institutions failed to create a favourable business environment here in our country? why Our rare capital keeps on draining from our financial system. All our political parties and institutions sit together to agree upon a business framework, aimed at improving and revolutionalising business support, whatsoever happen which so ever party gets into the rule of the country. this business conducive environment will remain protected under law, NO NAB and other institutions are allowed to harm it,
Had we not destroyed this business environment ourselves, Pakistan would have in far better condition financially and politically, If our businessmen succeed in other countries why they do not do that in our own country? who will responsible for this devastation of the business environment in our country? How can we improve it? Why our supreme court humiliate every businessman doing business in this country? whether he is Jahargir treen Malik Riaz or anyone else doing business here. I am not supporting in one corrupt, but this humiliating way does not bring any development for the country and its citizens. Our precious resources and rare capital is not being used for welfare and job-creating opportunities in the country.rather it sneaked out to other developed countries, why our nation is held in the blame game and destroying our ourselves? How much time we will take to get mature to get rid of mudslinging and negativity? there is no news except a continuous campaign of maligning our own people and leg-pulling of each other.
why does our government not stop doing harm to the country? and change its course to improve business and political and social environment.
Most Pakistani generals seem to live a very rich retirement life with second homes and vast tracks of land in Pakistan, first homes in European nations and their Children settle in America or Europe. In comparison, most Indian generals retire in India and settle in a quieter place in India to their liking and its very rare to find an Indian general living a flamboyant lifestyle.

Below the general level, there are a variety of side jobs to choose from such as in any one of the army owned businesses in Pakistan. In case an army man wants to retire, then the first preference in civilian jobs is also given to ex army people.

Nobody invests in Pakistan because all the commodities are artifically controlled by the power hungry, greedy elite who want to drain the Pakistani common man of their hard earned wealth simply by using their power to eliminate competition. Even hardworking, honest Pakistani businessmen prefer to invest and do business abroad and send dollars back.

Imran Khan has become the punching bag now but he was never more than just a face. He will be ousted within 1 year and the establishment is finding a new puppet to replace him.
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