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JAKARTA, 19 June 2014. -As the year 2015 approaches, the realisation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is becoming of greater interest and concern to businesses, the general public and policymakers. Therefore, putting in place a comprehensive monitoring mechanism that accurately reflects progress and achievements of the AEC Blueprint outcomes is paramount.

A two-day brainstorming workshop was held on 9-10 June 2014 in Jakarta to develop a more effective and comprehensive integration monitoring system for ASEAN. The workshop provided a forum to develop and exchange ideas amongst current practitioners in ASEAN Secretariat and regional economic integration resource persons from the OECD and UN-CRIS as well as international experts.

The discussion focused on the AEC Scorecard, which is the current tool used to monitor compliance of the initiatives under the AEC Blueprint. Further, the discussion looked at developing a set of integration indicators which would complement the current compliance tool with an outcome-based monitoring system.

Amongst other issues discussed at the workshop were the collaboration between monitoring activities at national and regional levels, cross-sectoral approaches and the distinction between regional development and regional integration. On the one hand, regional development refers to the ultimate goals of regional integration such as economic growth and improvement of welfare in ASEAN.On the other hand, regional integration refers to the more immediate objectives such as free movement of goods, services and skilled labour, and freer flow of capital.

The ideas and recommendations developed in this workshop provided a platform for ASEAN Integration Monitoring Office (AIMO) to further develop a more comprehensive and effective regional integration monitoring system.

The workshop was officiated by H.E. Dr. Lim Hong Hin, Deputy Secretary General of ASEAN for ASEAN Economic Community and Mr Frank Viault, Head of Cooperation from the EU Delegation to ASEAN. It was hosted by the AIMO and supported by the ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the EU (ARISE) programme.

source: Asean


Nine junior/mid-career diplomats participating in the 6th Diplomatic Training on the Development of ASEAN Community visited the ASEAN Secretariat today to learn more about ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). They were briefed by a Senior Economist of the Secretariat Ms Pitchaya Sirivunnabood, Ph.D. and engaged in discussion covering ASEAN Economic performance, impacts of AEC on ASEAN Community and some key issues and follow-up actions on AEC.

The visit to the ASEAN Secretariat is part of the 4-day programme organised by the Centre for Education and Training (CET) of Indonesia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme brings together diplomats from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan and Timor Leste.

source: ASEAN org
I have always wonder if the Philippines is ready for this (2015 ASEAN Economic Integration) as the PH's constitution enforces a 60/40 Economic restriction on everything.

We should really re-consider easing the restriction.
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An economic alliance between ASEAN-China-Korea would be a world power to reckon with. Definitely would be more influential in the world stage than EU or may be even US (economically) !
china is not part of ASEAN plus its lower standards is not really in develop world its a newly industrialized country category
human development: Height.
I guess physical height could be seen as human development. What do you think?

Indonesia doesn't update their average heights data's for so long,
human development: Height.
I guess physical height could be seen as human development. What do you think?

Filipinos can reach the average ASEAN people height however this would be possible if better nutrition for the populace are implemented as the only Filipinos that reach the average height (and taller) are those that grew up in Europe, Canada and USA.
True but the rural areas are the places to look and to start with as well. As for ASEAN integration the 1987 constitution needs to be amended or replace i for one favor replacing the 1987 constitution its post marcos constitution nothing more.

The Philippines needs a better more updated constitution and no more biacammerial Congress please base the Government after the Katipunan a far better model of Government than stupid biacam anyway getting off topic here if the Philippines is going to make ASEAN integration work for the Philippines it needs to change the current constitution but its a long process to do so.
human development: Height.
I guess physical height could be seen as human development. What do you think?

Indonesia's data is taken from population above 50 years old. I estimate the real number would be around 165-170. I'm 175 and I'm only slightly taller than average in jakarta.
human development: Height.
I guess physical height could be seen as human development. What do you think?

I don't believe it... I'm 5'11 inches or 181cm and I have pure native Indonesian genes (sundanese) and there are some people who are even higher than me in my place here, especially the younger one...

Thai poor children in a class of "Sawasdee Thailand project" : "Don't go Vietnam, teacher" ( Don't leave us ) to Le Quyen - the Vietnamese teacher, who is volunteer for teaching poor Thai children.
On what basis you making this comment?I think what ASEAN intend to do is become a power of balance, and by that, problems with China should be tackle by caution and taking the interest of all ASEAN members into consideration

And certainly not by dragging other outsider power and suggesting them to make a mess in the region, because now all those powers are projecting their capability in ASEAN and creates some kind of instability within the region

Beside if we talking about China-Phillipine conflict, is partly escalate because Phillipine inability to provide presence in the territory they claim, and their long decades problem supporting their own military for territorial defence

So imagine how you will react when you have a careless neighbour and then when someone breaking in their house, they accuse you as being not helpful and then they drag some thugs to guard their house and those thugs actually made you feel insecure
Again ASEAN is a good Economic Forum but A regional Political or anything else ASEAN is useless heck we cant even Unite on an Issue that in reality concern us all the china threat and having a United voice on stoping china's Imperialist designs in the region so again its no duh ASEAN as regional group is big F#^*ing epic fail its should just stick to economic matters not trying to copy the EU.
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Vietnam will host the upcoming 24th ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet (AARM-24), the 15th ASEAN Conference of Army Commanders (ACAMM-15) and the 4th Conference of ASEAN Senior Non-Commissioned Officers (ASMAM-4) in Hanoi, announced the Ministry of National Defense at a press briefing in the capital on November 7.

The AARM-24 will take place at the Mieu Mon National Military Training Centre in Hanoi.
The AARM-24, themed “Solidarity, friendship, understanding and mutual learning” will held from November 11 to 28 in Hanoi.





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