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As the Great Game repeats itself, India must wake up to Karzai’s new moves

I tend to agree with this..India should not get involved so deep that it will be too much to leave and get out of there...We should not jeopardize our own safety for humanitarian sake..
Just my sentiments ..feel free to disagree:cheers:

Its not just a humanitarian mission. The idea is to increase our economic reach and 'soft power'. Having influence in Afghanistan is a gateway to the mineral riches of central Asia. thats our main goal of increasing influence in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. We need to win the hearts and minds of the Afghans so we can facilitate trade and economic agreements for mutual benefit.

Iran already has good relations with us. So does Tajikistan. If Afghanistan is also stabilized, we get access to Central Asia. and that's the game plan. Thats why we have so many consulates there. to increase our influence in Afghanistan.

And its for this same reason that the accusation of India sponsoring TTP is absurd. Because if TTP is sponsored by India, USA would boot us out for disrupting WoT. And our game plan goes down the drain, along with whatever we invested. And Pakistan being unstable harms us in the long term. Besides, TTP has stated that, "we will defeat with India once we defeat Pakistan." Yet some people continuously maintain India sponsors TTP, when no sane mind outside Pakistan ahs made such a claim!
Well in ancient times Afghanistan was the route for Greeks, Turks and other invaders to enter Indian and they were stopped there by different empires of Indian sub continent. Thats why for us Indians it is important to keep a watch on that region.
Yeees terrorists will be terrorists just like indian army in Kashmir....

India is targetting Pakistan in balochistan and In Form of TTP ........
We will pay you back soon stay tuned...:pakistan:
First handle the flood, then think of paying back.....
First handle the flood, then think of paying back.....
How about if i reply you with toilets and stuff.........

Then you guys say we bring these things into the threads....
Its not just a humanitarian mission. The idea is to increase our economic reach and 'soft power'. Having influence in Afghanistan is a gateway to the mineral riches of central Asia. thats our main goal of increasing influence in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. We need to win the hearts and minds of the Afghans so we can facilitate trade and economic agreements for mutual benefit.

Iran already has good relations with us. So does Tajikistan. If Afghanistan is also stabilized, we get access to Central Asia. and that's the game plan. Thats why we have so many consulates there. to increase our influence in Afghanistan.

so other indians should stop claiming its a humanitarian mission
So many my fellow Pakhtuns have died during Soviet invasion and occupation the civil war, rule of barbaric Talibans and now the death and killing continue. Just hope for peace and prosperity for Afghanistan.
How about if i reply you with toilets and stuff.........

Then you guys say we bring these things into the threads....
Then what does he mean by paying us back????...
Nice pick, but Bhushan g you could have just bolded the text instead of coloring it blue; it hurts my eyes! :-(
so other indians should stop claiming its a humanitarian mission

It is a humanitarian mission, but it also has other objectives. read my post again, i said its not just a humanitarian mission.

Bhai, this is politics. Lets face it, we are not a rich country. so if we spend a billion dollars in afghanistan, it is also to win over local support, and to use that for economic benefit. if it was solely a humanitarian mission, so much money wouldnt have been spent.
I have always failed to see India's role in Afghanistan. Why are they playing with fire when they are doing well economically.

Afghanistan will just become the Indian graveyard. ISI, Taliban and US. Indians mun ki khayenge.
I have always failed to see India's role in Afghanistan. Why are they playing with fire when they are doing well economically.

Afghanistan will just become the Indian graveyard. ISI, Taliban and US. Indians mun ki khayenge.
You see we always act humanly to increase trade and enhance our ties with A'stan. We are positive that after A'stan comes to stable state, by being there we can get business, investing money and get returns, get jobs for our contractors and remember our movies sell well there.

So its more of our interest that we need to help them now and be there before any one else comes. Its pure strategy driven by economics, you know?, money is what Iam talking abt.

now this is seen as a back yard activity by you with suspecion and you think we are using A'stan against you. Though its normal with you but we dont have any such interests.

now iam sure you will have your side of story, where I have nothing to say.
but this is our side of story. We are oppertunists and we are using it.
Well in ancient times Afghanistan was the route for Greeks, Turks and other invaders to enter Indian and they were stopped there by different empires of Indian sub continent. Thats why for us Indians it is important to keep a watch on that region.

And those empires mostly existed in the place which is now called as Pakistan. So, now nobody is going to come from there and if their is anyone then don't worry we are still there at our place !!!!

That area which connected India and Afghanistan back then is now Pakistan, so historically those empires had their concerns with Afghanistan, but today Pakistan has its interests with Afghanistan.

So, Afghanistan holds value for Pakistan because it is in our immediate external environment and is one of the country among others which form our neighboring region.
Seriously, Pakistan's paranoia of indian aid to afghanistan is absolutely unjustifiable. :(

Just like indian parnoia towards aid, flood relief and weapon sales to Pakistan. :police: Team Singh: World Police

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