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As India Collaborates With Japan on Islands, It Looks to Check China

Dang, now we have a mortar and artillery evade S-400 here.
Not a bad idea, they infact plan to deploy S-400 against incoming enemy sniper bullets.

PS: avoid chinese trolls they have deep connections (like CPEC :p:)with PDF admin , you will get hit with a ban without no good reason out of blue. They will keep baiting you.

Why its so hard for you to understand, S-400 cant be placed few kms from International border a commando raid can take that out, S-400 is for protecting major targets like 3-gorgeous damn or chengdu area,
other thing DF-21 is a ballistic missile, India will not wait to know if this is conventional or nuke mounted,
war will go nuclear.
In nuclear exchange between India and China only west is the winner.

Sound like Indians are the only one who know how to play commando, we can easily set up the trap and lure Indians commando to take the bait with S-400:lol:. And you're wrong S-400 can also protect New Delhi on China's behalf:rofl:.

Regarding the DF-21D, if we go by your logic when India use Su-30MKI to attach China, we can go NUKE with India without hesitation because we don't need to wait to know if these aircrafts will deliver Nuke or conventional weapons...LMAO.

back to this thread, for those who think that Indians have the advantage to use Indian ocean geography as deterrence against China but they have to think twice, Indian Ocean is not far from Tibet if you exam the map closely.

Not to forget at 336Km from Delhi the Chinese border is completely made of up of snow-bound Himalayan mountains averaging the height of 5000m


Wondering how China will manage to place an S-400 system there in the first place and then move away to "excape the motar attack."

Like this I guess.

Sound like Indians are the only one who know how to play commando, we can easily set up the trap and lure Indians commando to take the bait with S-400:lol:. And you're wrong S-400 can also protect New Delhi on China's behalf:rofl:.

Regarding the DF-21D, if we go by your logic when India use Su-30MKI to attach China, we can go NUKE with India without hesitation because we don't need to wait to know if these aircrafts will deliver Nuke or conventional weapons...LMAO.

back to this thread, for those who think that Indians have the advantage to use Indian ocean geography as deterrence against China but they have to think twice, Indian Ocean is not far from Tibet if you exam the map closely.

good luck placing S-400 near Indian borders, before these things are even set up they would be taken out like I said these systems are for protecting strategic targets like capital regions/big economic regions or big industrial or nuclear installations.

Regarding Df-21D these are just ballistic missiles every country has them, DF-21 is not a wonder weapon any ballistic missiles heading towards India will be replied back with Agni showers on chinese han lands to the east.

Su-30 MKI will never be used for delivering nukes to china, it will be Agni's or K series of missiles.

Now please stop trolling Indians are peaceful people we want good relations with chinese, any India china war will make west forever much more stronger.
good luck placing S-400 near Indian borders, before these things are even set up they would be taken out like I said these systems are for protecting strategic targets like capital regions/big economic regions or big industrial or nuclear installations.

Regarding Df-21D these are just ballistic missiles every country has them, DF-21 is not a wonder weapon any ballistic missiles heading towards India will be replied back with Agni showers on chinese han lands to the east.

Su-30 MKI will never be used for delivering nukes to china, it will be Agni's or K series of missiles.

Now please stop trolling Indians are peaceful people we want good relations with chinese, any India china war will make west forever much more stronger.

Sure S-400 is meant to protect capital but that doesn't prevent China to place it near Indian border. As for DF-21D, you can reply with your Agni, if Agni meant for our cities instead of our ships than you should praise that your cities will remain intact because we have different flavor of SS missiles for India to taste as well.

And I'm not the one who create this thread, I only reply to thread that is relate China or if anyone drag China into discussion. You should stop those who purposely post any garbage relate to China and not me.
Sure S-400 is meant to protect capital but that doesn't prevent China to place it near Indian border. As for DF-21D, you can reply with your Agni, if Agni meant for our cities instead of our ships than you should praise that your cities will remain intact because we have different flavor of SS missiles for India to taste as well.

And I'm not the one who create this thread, I only reply to thread that is relate China or if anyone drag China into discussion. You should stop those who purposely post any garbage relate to China and not me.

ignore any media coverage on sensitive issues coming from Indian or Western media both of them are controlled by westen interests, if you want to know about real politics news on china coming from India follow only PMO releases or Modi's chinese social media accounts,
Chinese are not seen as enemies in India, and the perception of India in china I guess will be made up by western media only so not true also.
And if I would be crazy suicidal chinese strategic thinker and want to dominate Asian region I would pick fight with India at last.
ignore any media coverage on sensitive issues coming from Indian or Western media both of them are controlled by westen interests, if you want to know about real politics news on china coming from India follow only PMO releases or Modi's chinese social media accounts,
Chinese are not seen as enemies in India, and the perception of India in china I guess will be made up by western media only so not true also.

I know, we don't consider India as enemy neither but this kind of thread is like slap on Chinese's face and you ask me to go away.
I know, we don't consider India as enemy neither but this kind of thread is like slap on Chinese's face and you ask me to go away.

its New Yorks time article, the mouth piece of american govt. all they want is to see godless china weakened and pagan India broken, Indian strategic thought is much different than these western think tanks, India will never support west against china, we have suffered much heavily than chinese to western powers.
its New Yorks time article, the mouth piece of american govt. all they want is to see godless china weakened and pagan India broken, Indian strategic thought is much different than these western think tanks, India will never support west against china, we have suffered much heavily than chinese to western powers.

Ok I will stop from here.
Wow !!


Your Verbal Diahorrea is reaching such limits that reading your views doesnt make any sense....
Being a Senior member atleast Retort with some Facts rather than Illusion(s)

Do you even know what is Tracking rage or Engage area of S400 ?
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