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Not this again. There is no scientific proof for Aryan race. There are no different races of men. Only one race. In WW2, Hitler used this so called theory for his own agenda to claim superiority. Nowadays Indians and Persians are using this theory to cover up their inferiority complex to feel "white" and "European". Most of India and Iran is black skinned. Only very few with light eyes and light hair. Why not just accept what you are? Be happy how you look. It always can be worse.

first persians are not black!
they are Brunette
and that is because of weather of iran!
do some reserach you see skin and eye color is not always about the race!
second we dont have problem with our skin and we dont want to fell like europeans as i see the turks want to fell europeans!
how you got all of this craps?
note:there are new theories that prove aryan might be a race!
the word of aryan is not about 200 or 500 or 1000 years ago its very older
That cartoon is Sir Sikandar Hyatt of the unionists party. His grandson, Rohail Hyatt looks totally "black" or "Indian" right?

But then again I'm arguing with a south Indian who can't come to terms with the fact that he belongs to a totally different race.
You are the one trying to prove brahmins as German looking :D I've been saying it all this while I'm yet to see any German looking Indian , brahmin or otherwise lol

Brahmins are euro looking but not Indian punjabis.
Whenever there is any talk of Aryan, all South Indian Dravidians will gang up to attack
Talk about how Indians don't look like us, and you get quoted multiple times for the same post, haha. I don't get what Indians' obsession is with trying to identify themselves with foreigners. Basically the most insecure people on planet(I don't include the northwest Indians in that bracket). Like a south Indian trying to identify himself with Hindkowans and Potohari/Paharis? Lol what a joke.

That cartoon in your profile looks like any regular north Indian bhaiyya folk you seem to laugh about. I am sorry if you thought you look European but you don't. Before 1947 both India and Pakistan were the same country so it is only natural if the people in these two countries look the same.

You are not only an ignorant dumbass but you are also a liar. This thread is calling Indians as foreigners. Ironically if you support this thread it means Indians are actually Europeans. This is NOT the case. Europeans never settled in India until the colonial era and they left in 1947.

The only insecure person here is you and rest of Pakis who think they are arabs, europeans, turks, mughals etc. A country that has reached the Mars does not have any inferiority complex. But a country that bombs its own people for US dollars certainly has psychiatric problems at a social level.
That cartoon is Sir Sikandar Hyatt of the unionists party. His grandson, Rohail Hyatt looks totally "black" or "Indian" right?

But then again I'm arguing with a south Indian who can't come to terms with the fact that he belongs to a totally different race.

Yes, that CARTOON looks like any regular Indian Bihari.

So his grandson has brown hair, so? Should I now call him a European? Neil Nitin Mukesh also has fair complexion and brown hair. So for inferiority complex suffering white skin worshiper like you Neil Nitin Mukesh would be European. Such slave mentality. LOL!!

And who told you I am south Indian? You ignorant fools don't even know a thing about India and start making pretentious assumptions.
First of all moron, you gave exemple of Indian punjabis as euro looking race. When even Pakistani punjabis do not look euros from any angle or for that matter any pakistani ethinicity do not look euro. So don't put words in my mouth, i am realistic and do not have inferiority complex like Indians. These billa hritick types are found in every punjabi pind, i have seen lots of them with similar features and eyes. If Hritick was average guy he would look totally different, bollywood have brainwashed your kin. In India he is 1 in a billion, same is not the case in Pakistan. Even then i agree light eyes are rare.

Muhajirs are not kept away, they practically dominate Pakistan industry (ironically Pakistani migrants in to India dominate Indian industry) and rule Karachi.

Listen here you illiterate moron. Its you and your fellow pakis claiming that Indians are descendents of Aryans. If that is true entire India would look like Europe. LOL!!

pakistanis are black people. You look black, not fair or European. One or two fair complexioned pakistanis does not mean that whole of pakistan is fair. The very fact that pakis like you are talking about race shows your inferiority complex. The world has reached Mars and pakis are still dreaming of being mistaken for turks, mughals, europeans when they are more likely to be mistaken for bangladeshis.

Hrithik Roshan types are not found in every pind of pakistan. If they did they would have begged bollywood to give them a role like your poor, starving **** actors are doing right now in India. You may keep lying to yourself if you feel comfortable. But pakistanis are black. And pakistani migrants in India don't dominate anything and neither are they discriminated like the muhajirs. Your country is a banana republic.

Your country is a FAILURE. A banana republic. In USA the pakistanis are so ashamed of their country that they lie they are from India, much to the embarrassment of superior Indians. Indians are superiro to you in economy, science, reserach, industry, medical healthcare, infrastructure, defence, international influence.

You failures have nothing to feel good about. The whole world laughs at you and thus you come up with theories of how you are turks, mughals, persians, europeans etc. When the fact remains that you are nothing but black Hindu converts.
Brahmins are euro looking but not Indian punjabis.
Nope...Brahmins looks like anyother Indian group...Not all Brahmins are fair..Some may quite wheatish but their facial appearance and body structures are exactly like that of every other Indians..We could see both fair and dark peoples within a single family...
Yaar you guys do not look like Indian punjabis, why are you even after Pakistani punjabis? I always maintained punjabi chuhra, musssalis indeed look like Indians.

Instead of being obsessed with fair complexion and calling yourself turks, mughals, persians which you obviously are not if you had focussed on education and improving your society then you would not have had to sell your country to America for food and money.

Indian culture is more popular than pakistan which has copied Indian culture. People around the world are aware of Indian classical music, classical dance form, ancient Indian architecture, Indian festivals etc. You don't even have an identity.
Nope...Brahmins looks like anyother Indian group...Not all Brahmins are fair..Some may quite wheatish but their facial appearance and body structures are exactly like that of every other Indians..We could see both fair and dark peoples within a single family...

That pakistani with the picture of the cartoon called sikander believes that pakistanis look Europeans. That is their only claim to fame. Let those poor beggars be.
Nope...Brahmins looks like anyother Indian group...Not all Brahmins are fair..Some may quite wheatish but their facial appearance and body structures are exactly like that of every other Indians..We could see both fair and dark peoples within a single family...
You are wasting your time with natta here. :D
For a country like Pakistan which could not show any success of their own since 1947 it is very important for them to console themselves by pretending they look european, they are children of turks, mughals, persians etc. They are losers suffering from a deep-rooted sense of inferiority complex. EU would commit suicide when they hear that pakistanis are claiming they look European. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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