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'Aryan invasion of India', is a 'Myth'

38 yrs and i have still to meet any one who calls him self descended from an aryan race.:)

Nobody in India bothers about aryan stuff, we just read in school that aryans came from central asia, and their arrival concided with decline of IVC, but not really sure whether they caused it.
Only aryan thing we got, is some boys have arya / aryan as name, and even south Indians (who are proud dravidians) use that name. lolz.
Uhm you got cause and effect reversed ... where do you think the Germans got the idea.....

The sign is also used in Zen bhuddism...

My dear Penguin..when did I said that Germans got this idea from Indians?I only asked of similarities,if you read the original post then you will clearly understand that why I raised this point.

Second,it was aeronaut's statement,not mine:
Nazis borrowed Swastika from Hinduism, it has various different interpretations in Hinduism though.


The swastika has an extensive history. It was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures.
The symbol experienced a resurgence in the late nineteenth century, following extensive archeological work such as that of the famous archeologist Heinrich Schliemann. Schliemann discovered the hooked cross on the site of ancient Troy. He connected it with similar shapes found on pottery in Germany and speculated that it was a “significant religious symbol of our remote ancestors.”
In the beginning of the twentieth century the swastika was widely used in Europe. It had numerous meanings, the most common being a symbol of good luck and auspiciousness. However, the work of Schliemann soon was taken up by völkisch movements, for whom the swastika was a symbol of “Aryan identity” and German nationalist pride
This conjecture of Aryan cultural descent of the German people is likely one of the main reasons why the Nazi party formally adopted the swastika or Hakenkreuz (Ger., hooked cross) as its symbol in 1920.
The Nazi party, however, was not the only party to use the swastika in Germany. After World War I, a number of far-right nationalist movements adopted the swastika. As a symbol, it became associated with the idea of a racially “pure” state. By the time the Nazis gained control of Germany, the connotations of the swastika had forever changed.
In Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler wrote: “I myself, meanwhile, after innumerable attempts, had laid down a final form; a flag with a red background, a white disk, and a black swastika in the middle. After long trials I also found a definite proportion between the size of the flag and the size of the white disk, as well as the shape and thickness of the swastika.”
The swastika would become the most recognizable icon of Nazi propaganda, appearing on the flag referred to by Hitler in Mein Kampf as well as on election posters, arm bands, medallions, and badges for military and other organizations. A potent symbol intended to elicit pride among Aryans, the swastika also struck terror into Jews and others deemed enemies of Nazi Germany.
Despite its origins, the swastika has become so widely associated with Nazi Germany that contemporary uses frequently incite controversy.
Further reading
Heidtmann, Horst. “Swastika.” In Encyclopedia of the Third Reich, 937-939. New York: Macmillan, 1991.
Heller, Steven. The Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption? New York: Allworth Press, 2000.
Quinn, Malcolm. The Swastika: Constructing the Symbol. London: Routledge, 1994.
Source>>History of the Swastika @Aeronaut
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The only true linguistic and cultural descendants of indo-iranian tribes who gave their language to south asia including india are the dardic people living in the northern parts of pakistan such as gilgit and chitral. Kalasha and khowar languages of chitral are closest living sister languages to original rigvedic sanskirt. Most kalash are still following the original proto indo-iranian pagan religion without any corruption from modern hinduism which is totally an indian phenomenon.
The only true linguistic and cultural descendants of indo-iranians in south asia are dardic people living in northern pakistan. Khowar and kalasha languages spoken in chitral are the closest living sister languages to rigvedic sanskrit. In case of kalash even the religion is also closest to the original proto indo-aryan/indo-iranian pagan religion without any corruption from indian hinduism which is mainly an indian phenomenon with an indo-aryan superficial cover. All the modern indic languaes like punjabi, hindi, bengali, marathi etc. are highly corrupted form of proto indo-aryan syntax.
The only true linguistic and cultural descendants of indo-iranian tribes who gave their language to south asia including india are the dardic people living in the northern parts of pakistan such as gilgit and chitral. Kalasha and khowar languages of chitral are closest living sister languages to original rigvedic sanskirt. Most kalash are still following the original proto indo-iranian pagan religion without any corruption from modern hinduism which is totally an indian phenomenon.

:) the linguistic connection also points out that either

1. Aryan invasion took place


2. Aryans did migrate to NON-Aryan land

Both again point towards the fact that Aryans were indeed different than Dravidians or you can say native Hindus
Languages dont mean anything here.Kalash people can speak a closer language but they have nothing to do with the Rig veda.The Rig Veda means something,it expressed certain values and ideas and only contemporary Hinduism reflects that and not people who share a similar tongue.
Brahmins are hell bent on proving that their forefathers were not outsiders for politcal reason. Seriously if one have to lie for political reasons and unity then that Nation shouldn't be united in the first place.

Every genetic tests done on Brahmins as far away as Bengal show Brahmins on average have less ASI genes compared to local population. Lets for a moment believe in Akhand Bharat crap, so Vedic people from Pakistani region moved east towards India. This is correct and no Brahmin denies that. But they deny that people in North West subcontinent come from out side.

In fact they say that the reasons other populations have ANI genes is because of movement out of North West Subcontinent. Genetic tests proves that theory wrong, invasion theory is wrong but not migration. They simply didn't poop out of North West subcontinent from thin air.
I stopped reading that after seeing the "The British" part :lol:

P.S. but I agree that we should consider all of the possibilities. Maybe it was ancient Brits who told Darius the Great to write in Behistun Inscription that he is Aryan :lol:
It is amazing that after dozens of discussions about the roots of the IVC, for instance, or nature and origin of the Aryans, or the nature and composition of Indian (including, for this limited purpose, Pakistani) citizens, we should continue to have discussions at such a basic level.

So be it.
If one by aryan means the central asians or even the iranian.
Than i would rather consider those indians as fool who want to compare themselves or relate themselves to the people today much backward are from them.

Indian and Proud
The invasion theory has been debunked time and time again. The assimilation theory in my opinion is also overstretched. In what numbers would assimilation have occurred and over what period of time ? One cannot deny assimilation but that would have been restricted to traders and early tourists. Limited in number and over a long period of time. Which then begs the question, as to what kind of influence this assimilation would have had on the local cultures
:D Indians are trying hard to prove that Hindus are Aryans.

The word Aryan comes from our culture and our scriptures. You are talking bizarre things. :girl_wacko: 
The only true linguistic and cultural descendants of indo-iranian tribes who gave their language to south asia including india are the dardic people living in the northern parts of pakistan such as gilgit and chitral. Kalasha and khowar languages of chitral are closest living sister languages to original rigvedic sanskirt. Most kalash are still following the original proto indo-iranian pagan religion without any corruption from modern hinduism which is totally an indian phenomenon.

Closest languages to Sanskrit is modern North Indian languages. 
Indians are trying? :lol:..............just go through the thread below......One Pakistani even changed his avatar to prove that he is a descendant of 'superior' 'Aryans'......:lol:

She is saying we can't claim our own heritage, only some aira gaira nathu khaira outside India has claim over our heritage. :omghaha::omghaha: 
The invasion theory has been debunked time and time again. The assimilation theory in my opinion is also overstretched. In what numbers would assimilation have occurred and over what period of time ? One cannot deny assimilation but that would have been restricted to traders and early tourists. Limited in number and over a long period of time. Which then begs the question, as to what kind of influence this assimilation would have had on the local cultures

There was no invasion, Vedic culture was the continuation of Indus Valley civilization.
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Indians are trying? :lol:..............just go through the thread below......One Pakistani even changed his avatar to prove that he is a descendant of 'superior' 'Aryans'......:lol:

he Could be, he could be from Indus valley . because even if Aryans' invasion theory is rejected still the fact remains that some of their tribes migrated eastward entering current day India from Indus valley ending up absorbed by Dravidian culture. Otherwise Aryans were NOT Hindus in the first place.
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