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ARY News Journalist Arshad Sharif House Raided by Unknown Men in Plain Clothes: Moeed Pirzada

What could be more solid that a JIT?

It was an operation against encroachment that was turned into a 'jihad' by those who were hell-bent on defending that encroachment because they belonged to a cult. I am not saying that it was OK to kill them. It most assuredly was not. It is not a state's business to kill people in police operations even when they get out of hand. There is always the option to step back rather than escalate & state must do this when needed.

Saying that I have no sympathies for those who got killed is something entirely different. I have zero sympathies for those who thought that they were waging 'jihad' against police just to protect encroachments. If I start to take their stance seriously & view it sympathetically then I am at a slippery slope that will end Allah-knows where. Try to think through this logically. If I accept that it was OK for those people (a pregnant woman among them because for their cult, jihad is perhaps incumbent upon pregnant women) to confront police with violence then I must also accept that Lal Masjid episode was also jihad against the state. I must then also extend the same sympathetic view to TTP, Al-Qaeda, DAESH.... and so on & so forth. Where do I draw a line? I draw it at the point where a crazy mullah tells people that they must rise up for jihad against the state because his own interest is threatened. That is a pretty solid red line, in my view. I do not need you to endorse that red line. It is enough that I view it as such. For you that red line may be flexible & you may wish to have it meander so that it conforms to political expediency of your own cult.
An anti encroachment operation launched by Punjab police vs a barrier setup by their political opponent? I mean when there are known terrorists, dacoits, land grabbers, killers roaming around with impunity - in presence of all those other ‘encroachments’ and ‘qabzas’ that exist, Punjab police’s priority was to launch a ‘Zarb e Azb’ in Model town vs a road barrier? And it was against a bunch of crazy Mullahs like TTP/Daesh in which not a single police officer died but 14 civilians people including a pregnant woman died at hands of the police? Equating those people with TTP and Daesh is absolutely wrong and I am disappointed you would dehumanize them due to their political differences. About being cult - which political party or religious party is any less?
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