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Arrogance of China

Hey India is part of our land too stolen by the British and made as a separate country from our motherland.... So we own India too as our country....All Pakistanis are telling the truth cuz India is part of our country and we gonna take it back .....Insha-Allah....:smokin:

Those British came at exactly the wronng time when Hindus had won all of the country back.

We missed out on some fun. ;)

May be next time. Insha Allah. ;)

The over-all all-lndia causes of partition are well enough known. At the root of it all was history. The Hindus had an acute sense of grievance over the Muslim mayhem in India. But the Muslims on the other hand were dismayed that Islam, which had prevailed everywhere else, had been checkmated in India. In the celebrated words of poet Hali:

Woh deene Hejazi ka bebak beda
Nishan jiska aqsai alam mein pahuncha
Kiye passipar jisne saton samandar
Woh dooba dahane mein Ganga kay aakar.

(The fearless flotilla of Islam, whose flag fluttered over all the world, the ship that crossed the seven seas, came here and sank in the Ganga.)

In the eighteenth century, Hindu society stood up triumphant from Attock to Cuttack and Delhi to Deccan --- having contained the poison of the preceding centuries like a `Nilakantha'. Islam stood tamed --- and Indianized. And then came 1761 and the defeat of the sovereign power of the Mahrattas in the Third Battle of Panipat, which opened the way to British rule in India. It also revived the Wahabis and the Waliullahs, who took Islam back to fundamentalism and greater fanaticism in hopes of an Islamic revival.
Hey Don't start crying in the UN if we took it back by force cuz U won't let us have it peacefully......:D

Are you just one of those trolls who speaks or rather posts before he thinks ???

come on man not again , Learn to live with the fact that both India and Pakistan cannot win over Kashmir my force or Diplomacy .... Accepting LOC as the IB is the only way out , whether both countries likes it or not !!
Just count the friends China has and then count the enemies and the countries that dislike China.
China is diggings its own grave...with its arrogance.
which country likes India? or should i reframe the phrase what benefit can india bring to other countries other then waves and waves of illegal immigrants swam in that eat host country's social welfare system. on the other hand China lend money to those hosted countries so they can feed those unfortunate indians that escaping from the ever existed waste land.

but who knows ``your media might tell you everyone likes bollywood
Hey India is part of our land too stolen by the British and made as a separate country from our motherland.... So we own India too as our country....All Pakistanis are telling the truth cuz India is part of our country and we gonna take it back .....Insha-Allah....:smokin:

Wtf have you been smoking?? Pakistan was not a country it was created recently in history. Your idiotic brain farts smells of bull cra p
hey what you talking about? Anyway as I said who needs to eat when you have democracy

---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 AM ----------

But my friend we should admire the way they have pulled so many out of poverty. I wish we had no poverty in our neighbourhood. They are more successfull and on the right track we need to learn from them rather then put them down like you guys are doing here

Yes I said they have pulled several millions out of poverty. Even India did that but to lesser extent.
But point is you should not be arrogant to other countries, and should not forget that you are still a developing nation with several million people under poverty.
I have strong doubt these chinese posters are ashamed of their poor chinese brothers.
that's great. Chinese Americans are still richer than the average American. I'm glad for Indian accomplishments. I'm not going to talk about Gary Locke. I'm just going to talk about Steve Chu.

Steve Chu is a Chinese-American who is Secretary of Energy. The Department of Energy in the US controls the US nuclear arsenal. He got to his position by being a professor of physics at UC Berkeley.

In contrast, the highest Indian-American politician is this Indian girl who married the white man named Nikki Haley. She has a... uh, BA in accounting and worked for a waste management company

All that to try and prove a non existent theory in the case of Indians aka serving Brit masters- while you and your family ran away to be under the American master to escape china's shizthole. It is you Chinese that have " restaurant cook and server" as the top profession in the US. It is you guys that are called the most racist of all immigrant population. It is you guys who are know for being seditious group... It is you who have failed and are a shunned group because of your history of under performing in the US- to the extent where more and more of your women are defecting into black and white men's arm. And you are still stuck on trying to prove superiority ?

Don't forget, Chinatown USA is not china's town.

Indeed, you talk to those guys that are from "the most racist of all immigrant population" who running away from China and serve their "white" master:

Steve Chu (present Minister of US Department of Energy), Garry Locke ( present US ambassador to China, former Minister of US Department of Commerce), Christopher P. Lu (Assistant to the President and Cabinet Secretary)

As I said, you need to seek mental medical help, poor soul!

There’s no escaping racism in India


Racism, prejudice and xenophobia are rampant in India. It’s a strange mixture of prejudice, ignorance and centuries-old discriminatory practices, when communities kept to themselves and there were dining taboos based on caste. You couldn’t eat with people not of your caste or marry into their communities.


There's no escaping racism in India -- New Internationalist
After all, it’s very funny to see how some Indians are soooooooo pissed off by an authoritarian China that arrogantly outperforms democracy India.

:lol: :lol:


Racism Against Black People in China

Racism against black people may be the strongest form of racism in China.

Many families in China would be horrified if their son or daughter married a black person. Some would even disown them outright.

It can be difficult getting a job teaching English in China if you are black. This is because of the perception of many people in China that only white people are ‘true Americans’ or ‘true English’ people.

Sadly, it’s often easier to get a job teaching English in China as a white person from a country where English is not a native language than as a black person from a country where English is the only native language.

Many people in China think most black people play basketball and are violent. If you are black, many people from China will perceive you as African. If you are not, you will have to repeatedly explain that you are from another country.

The most common slur against black people in Chinese seems worse than that used for white people – “black ghost” vs. “old ghost”. Many people in China also assume that if you are black, you have very little money.

Racism against blacks in China is also strongly linked to the class divisions and racism that exists within Chinese society. This is not a justification for racism against blacks in China, but for thousands of years Chinese people of lighter skin looked down upon those of darker skin, who often could not afford to be anything other than a peasant farmer.

Racism Against Other Races in China
Though racism in China is strongest against black people, there is a general relationship that determines how foreigners are seen by many people in China: The darker your skin, the more racism you will experience.

No matter where you grew up, if you are not white it will be tougher to get a job teaching English in China.

Racism against Japanese People in China
Leading up to, during, and following World War II, Japan committed many atrocious acts in China and much of the Pacific Rim (with Korea also suffering greatly). This is something that should be redressed by Japan, and not ignored.

However, two wrongs do not make a right – and racism against Japanese people in China is wrong.

Some children in China are taught hate songs against Japanese people in elementary school – and history books in China that deal with Japan focus almost exclusively on the terrible things Japan did around World War II, ignoring much of Japan’s recent history.

The fact that Japan is now a mostly pacifist country is not part of the general awareness of a person who grows up in China. Instead, the popular conception of Japan in today’s China casts Japan as a huge and dangerous threat.

There also seems to be more slurs against Japanese people than against any other group of people.

Subtle Discrimination in China – Starring, Hello, Talking, and More
Subtle discrimination in China is prevalent. Whether it be the obnoxious ‘hello!’ that gets shouted at your back, the constant staring, or the tendency for many people in China to immediately begin talking about foreigners or stories having to do with foreigners upon seeing them, subtle discrimination or at least ignorance is widespread in China.

Racism Against Minorities Within China
Racism doesn’t only extend to foreigners within China – it also extends to its own people. People from Tibet and virtually all Chinese ‘minorities’ are seen as backwards and in need of a helping hand to enter the modern world.

Those from Xinjiang province are often looked down upon as thieves – children are especially vilified, since they are all looked at as thieves. And Xinjiang people are often harrassed by the cops.

‘Classism’ Against Chinese People
You don’t have to be of a different race to be discriminated against in China. People in China often treat those they perceive as belonging to a lower class quite poorly.

Racism Doesn’t Exist in China![/
If you ask a person in China whether racism exists, you may well be told that it does not exist, and that they respect people of all countries and colors. But dig a little deeper, ask questions such as ‘what do you think of black people’ or ‘what do you think of Japanese people’, and the answers that come back are often racist.

How the average Person in China Perceives RacismChinese people who believe there is racism in China often see it as a racism-against-blacks-only kind of phenomenon. It is clear that racism in China is strongest toward black people, however to believe that this is the only form of racism in China is almost as silly as believing that there is no racism at all.


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