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Arrests as China web users call for revolution


Jul 31, 2010
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Arrests as China web users call for revolution - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Calls on the internet for China to stage its own Egypt-style revolution have led to activists being arrested and a tense stand-off in the middle of Beijing.

As many as 15 high-profile Chinese activists and human rights lawyers have been rounded up by authorities, according to their supporters.

They are reportedly being held in custody without charges.

The detentions follow calls on the internet for China to follow Egypt and Tunisia with its own "Jasmine Revolution".

The postings, many of which appeared to have originated on overseas websites run by exiled Chinese political activists, called for protests in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and 10 other major Chinese cities.

At the suggested time and place for protests to begin in the heart of Beijing, hundreds of police were on hand.

There was a tense stand-off as crowds of onlookers gathered as well as dozens of foreign reporters. It is unclear if they were trying to protest.

Scuffles broke out and at least two people were seen being taken away by police, one for cursing at the authorities and another person who was shouting: "I want food to eat".

According to Internet postings, only a few demonstrators appeared in other cities, although large police contingents were seen at designated protest spots in Shanghai, Harbin, Guangzhou and Chengdu.

Chinese authorities have sought to restrict media reports on the recent political turmoil that began in Tunisia as the "Jasmine Revolution" and spread to Egypt and across the Middle East.

Unemployment and rising prices have been key factors linked to the unrest that has also spread to Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and Libya.

Searches on Sunday for "Jasmine Revolution" on China's Twitter-like micro-blog Weibo produced no results, while messages on the popular Baidu search engine said that due to laws and regulations such results were unavailable.

Some Chinese Internet search pages listed "jasmine" postings but links to them were blocked.

The Chinese government has expended tremendous resources to police the Internet and block anti-government postings and other politically sensitive material with a system known as the "Great Firewall of China".

Honestly I'm shocked at the brain-dead zombie state those protesters are in. It's bad enough they're uncreative as to ask China to copy whatever political system the West has, but they sure took it to whole new level when they failed to even come up with a new flower or color for their little revolution.

Anyway, congratulations for a job well done by the Chinese police force!

Yes, yesterday I received the news. Wang Dan who in the USA, he announced to launch a revolution in China, but no one to support its proposal today.
Chinese people are all laughing at him on the Internet:
?????? ???? ?_?_

He overestimated themselves, underestimated the support for CPC.
Chinese Internet search pages listed "jasmine" postings but links to them were blocked.

Why was this blocked?
China detains more than 100 dissidents

The Hong Kong-based group Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy said More than 100 activists in cities across China were taken away by police, confined to their homes or were missing.

Families and friends reported the detention or harassment of several dissidents, and some activists said they were warned not to participate in today's planned protests.
Do not worry.
Only a dozen people to the site to participate in its, even some of them participated in it for the money.
We just enjoyed a farce Western clown.
Yes, yesterday I received the news. Wang Dan who in the USA, he announced to launch a revolution in China, but no one to support its proposal today.
Chinese people are all laughing at him on the Internet:
?????? ???? ?_?_

He overestimated themselves, underestimated the support for CPC.

Does anyone in China remember who this idiot is ?? They need these political stunts to earn their living from the West, so I do not begrudge him. Where are the Free Tibet loonies? They will be next.
China detains more than 100 dissidents

The Hong Kong-based group Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy said More than 100 activists in cities across China were taken away by police, confined to their homes or were missing.

Families and friends reported the detention or harassment of several dissidents, and some activists said they were warned not to participate in today's planned protests.

Yes, they were invited to tea by the police. They'll go home tomorrow. Law allows police to invite them to tea not more than 48 hours.
Please think about, 1.3 billion people in the country, and only 100 dissidents...
Does anyone in China remember who this idiot is ?? They need these political stunts to earn their living from the West, so I do not begrudge him. Where are the Free Tibet loonies? They will be next.

Of course, we remember who he was.
A madman who fantasy becomes president through the USA's support. A political speculator!
shouting: "I want food to eat".

The protesters are really Chinese people? Chinese people lack food?
Yes, they were invited to tea by the police. They'll go home tomorrow. Law allows police to invite them to tea not more than 48 hours.
Please think about, 1.3 billion people in the country, and 100 dissidents...

Law allows them to have to drink Tea for 48 hours??!!
Nice law. Gives a lot of free Tea.
can any Chinese friends explain in detail what are the logical reasons , for banning so many site and censorship... what is the real fear of GOV.?

For me it's like i have two eyes but i am forced to see through ONE EYE ONLY....
Jasmine revolution,interesting,for exactly what purpose they were dissenting,china do not have the problem's which had plagued Middle east.
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