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Army to analyse Tribunal verdict on Kargil war officer

^It could be......... Everyone knows how Indian Army fabricates their own so called truth and their own superman stories ;)

BTW no one is denying Bangladesh, but Indians seems to be in denial on today's story and many similar stories like Longewala......

Check this out! what your own army man has to say on Battle of Longewala

Major General (retd), Atma Singh Hansara, told Hindustan Times in an interview, “I dispute the ground battle completely. It is mockery of army ethos. No ground battle was fought and the army had merely rehearsed it on a sand model after the ceasefire to cover up the incompetence of senior military commanders.”
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^It could be......... Everyone knows how Indian Army fabricates their own so called truth and their own superman stories ;)

BTW no one is denying Bangladesh, but Indians seems to be in denial on today's story and many similar stories like Longewala......

Check this out what your own army men has to say on Battle of Longewala

Man u are a friggin genius in denial ...OMG..:lol:

Now u dispute that the advent of the Indian Army crushing ur border defences to the outskirts of lahore is false..?

OK let me give u small exmaple:
The Americans did a big deception in saying Iraq had WMD..but is it not true that they kicked Saddam's arse in the war..this is just like it.

The IA officers are blamed for wrongly reporting the amnt of insurgents in a particular area.
Ok let me explain that...In that particular area the officer had wrongly estimated that there were only 45 insurgents but in reality there were over 600 of them.
But the Officer in order to hide his failure in correctly predicting the number of insurgents officily recorded as only 45 of them.This is wat they ve busted now.
Wat really mattered was that those 600 insurgents were wiped off the face off earth and that was sucessfully done.All the remaining are only technicalities.

Now tell me..wat Pakistan has in rejoicing over this..?
Does this rebuke that insurgents with the covert help of PA sneaked into india and were smoked out..?
Does this rebuke that Pakistan army was not involved nor its NLI..?
Cmon tel me wats there to rejoice in this..?
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@Karthic Sri:
I think your army should sit down and decide that what to write in history books and what will look more Heroic and Bollywoodish...;)
Now they are inflating the figure after 11 odd years, nothing less than a joke.
Pakistanis are not rejoicing on this news item but on busting the true image of Indian Army (now can be called a best story writer).

Same news items have emerged many time before but this time it has the approval of your own courts.
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Their are many more lies (GOD Knows how many!!) like battle of Longewala, where IA claimed that only 100 odd soldiers forced entire brigade backed up by 45 tanks and 3000+ soldiers to retreat..lol
how bollywoodish it is!!!!!!!!

I missed this...sources..or this is just another denial to soothe the ego..?

@Karthic Sri:
I think your army should sit down and decide that what to write in history books and what will look more Heroic and Bollywoodish...;)

dude y not understanding wats the problem here...
im tired of repeating this again and again..
Please read my previous post and then hit the reply button.

Now they are inflating the figure after 35 odd years, nothing less than a joke.

Not inflating..but bringing in the original number after initially deflating it to hide intelligence errors. and care to explain wats that 35 year figure..?:blink:

Pakistanis are not rejoicing on this news item but on busting the true image of Indian Army (now can be called a best story writer).

Same news items have emerged many time before but this time it has the approval of your own courts.

Please read the above posts...y deliberately ignoring them...??


In fact its more of a praise for the IA who fought against more number of insurgents than they r actually credited with.

Any difficulty for u in understanding this..? whew
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watched their debate on CNN-IBN ...................only one paragraph is to be rewritten in official military history of Kargil war..............alone with performance of the brigadier
@Karthic Sri: I think you are unable to understand my point or just don't wana understand.

My point is that this item proves that history was distorted by Indian Army men> this proves that history can be distorted by Indian Army men> this proves that their is more than 100% chance that many stories are distorted, as was proved in many occasions like in Battle Longewala etc etc.

Thus credibility of all indian army folklore is now down to zero. And who knows that bunch of Army men claiming 600 now after 11 years are doing it for their own benefit as they may get awarded now!!! Credibility ZERO.
@Karthic Sri: I think you are unable to understand my point or just don't wana understand.

My point is that this item proves that history was distorted by Indian Army men> this proves that history can be distorted by Indian Army men> this proves that their is more than 100% chance that many stories are distorted, as was proved in many occasions like in Battle Longewala etc etc.

Thus credibility of all indian army folklore is now down to zero. And who knows that bunch of Army men claiming 600 now after 11 years are doing it for their own benefit as they may get awarded now!!! Credibility ZERO.

Arey yaar..i think it u who is doing an ostrich act.

Wat ur saying is true wen the IA had recorded that it fought 600 insurgents wen actually they fought just 45.

But the case here is 180 deg oppsite to this..In reality they fought 600 insurgents but in official records it is given as 45 to hide up the intelligence report failures.

So they were more brave in reality than that is projected in official records.

So u may fault the person who wrote that para...but sir dont fault the credibility or the bravery of the Indian Army..or u r doing it at ur own risk..:lol:

Now if u dont understand this simple sentence pls read this once or twice to understand completely before replying..I will be waiting.

p.s.: Im waiting for the sources of the Longewala incident.
Until irrefutable,credible evidence is provided the history stands and it will remain one of Indian Army's most valiant battles and one of PA's worst disasters.
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But the case here is 180 deg oppsite to this..In reality they fought 600 terrorists but in official records it is given as 45 to hide up the intelligence report failures.

How do we know what is reality given the incidents I posted earlier? Perhaps now that this case of even greater exaggerated encounters has come to light, the IA wants to use it to bolster its propaganda effort on how well it did.

How can you say the first account was not the correct one, and the second one is? Looking at all of this and the other incidents, there isn't much to warrant putting faith in whatever military accounts the IA/GoI endorses.
Anyways the crux of the matter is that Indian Army has the will power to accept discrepancies in their own rank and set the records straight. Before this episode came to light there was one land scam in which a top general was courtmarshalled. Iam sure that in this case also the accused general will be disciplined. whether this will make me any less proud of my army. Absolutely not!!! On the otherhand this goes on to show the world that IA is a professional unit unlike the armies of many banana/mullah republics whose main job is toppling goverments rather than defending borders. IA showed that nobody is 'untouchable' in their ranks however high and mighty they might be.
How do we know what is reality given the incidents I posted earlier? Perhaps now that this case of even greater exaggerated encounters has come to light, the IA wants to use it to bolster its propaganda effort on how well it did.

How can you say the first account was not the correct one, and the second one is? Looking at all of this and the other incidents, there isn't much to warrant putting faith in whatever military accounts the IA/GoI endorses.

I would rather be proud of the fact that sense of justice is prevailing in the Indian army and recent events suggest that even if high ranked personals are at fault, there has been rather prompt investigation and action. Justice has prevailed.

It might be hard to understand for some, who have literally seen Army overshadowing every other organization of the country including Judiciary.

No one was attempting to "bolster the propaganda" till some Pakistani fanboyz jumped aboard the troll wagon. Not one media outlet has hyped it in those regards, but credit has been given to the deserving Brigadier Singh for his valour.
Anyways the crux of the matter is that Indian Army has the will power to accept discrepancies in their own rank and set the records straight.

Who set the account straight Indian Army or Court? And whether account straightened or further distorted according to the will of Indian Army?

Before this episode came to light there was one land scam in which a top general was courtmarshalled. Iam sure that in this case also the accused general will be disciplined. whether this will make me any less proud of my army. Absolutely not!!!

you are ill-informed! read all posts in this thread. This will increase your knowledge.
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I would rather be proud of the fact that sense of justice is prevailing in the Indian army and recent events suggest that even if high ranked personals are at fault, there has been rather prompt investigation and action. Justice has prevailed.

Even though i don't agree with you in respect of highlighted part above but atleast you have agreed that Indian Army has fabricated its history. Even after courts order, history is not yet straight but more distorted. Obviously this will benefit those army men who claimed it to be 600 after so many years.
Who set the account straight Indian Army or Court? And whether account straight or further distorted according to the will of Army?
You ask this question claiming to have done a PhD on the article. What does the name "Armed Forces Tribunal " suggest?? Does the term Armed Forces ring a bell?? Got you answer??

you are ill-informed! read all posts in this thread. This will increase your knowledge.
I will keep this short as you fail to understand anything longer than 3 sentences.
1. Indian Armed Forces are a professional outfit with a system of checks and balances which actually works.
2. The dynamics of a power hungry armed forces do not apply here.
3. Thought of using it to make a wise-crack at you, and make others smile, but decided against it as things are already funny enough.
IA showed that nobody is 'untouchable' in their ranks however high and mighty they might be.

Actually multiple Generals (along with various other high level officers) have been prosecuted by both civilian and military governments in Pakistan, so to argue that only India holds its generals to account is a foolish statement.
Not one media outlet has hyped it in those regards, but credit has been given to the deserving Brigadier Singh for his valour.
How do we know the Brigadier's 'valor' isn't trumped up with the IA/GoI supporting it because it tremendously exaggerates the odds that were allegedly faced?

Given the previous incidents of falsification mentioned, falsification in this case cannot be ruled out.

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