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Army should stop supporting PM Imran Khan to avoid becoming even more unpopular: Khawaja Asif


Aug 19, 2014
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In a startling speech today during a public event, former defense minister Khawaja Asif has requested Pak army to stop supporting PM Imran Khan. In his view, army backing of this govt is making them very "unpopular" among the masses.

This public statement is the last nail in the coffin of notorious PDM. This exposes opposition's entire plan behind the so called democratic movement. They first linked civilian govt with the army to create this false impression that army is backing them. Then they started abusing the army for alleged failures of this civilian govt. And now they claim that since army is becoming increasingly unpopular among the masses (due to opposition's own vicious propaganda), so it should stop backing civilian govt and join opposition's camp instead to repair its stained image 😂😂😂

@Horus @El Sidd @Zibago @HRK @Indus Pakistan @Tameem @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Imran Khan @koolio @Path-Finder @Patriot forever @Jungibaaz @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Mav3rick @Morpheus @ghazi52 @Jinn Baba
In a startling speech today during a public event, former defense minister Khawaja Asif has requested Pak army to stop supporting PM Imran Khan. In his view, army backing of this govt is making them very "unpopular" among the masses.

This public statement is the last nail in the coffin of notorious PDM. This exposes opposition's entire plan behind the so called democratic movement. They first linked civilian govt with the army to create this false impression that army is backing them. Then they started abusing the army for alleged failures of this civilian govt. And now they claim that since army is becoming increasingly unpopular among the masses (due to opposition's own vicious propaganda), so it should stop backing civilian govt and join opposition's camp instead to repair its stained image 😂😂😂

@Horus @El Sidd @Zibago @HRK @Indus Pakistan @Tameem @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Imran Khan @koolio @Path-Finder @Patriot forever @Jungibaaz @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Mav3rick @Morpheus @ghazi52 @Jinn Baba
bro WHY do you share what these munafiq and traitors say? F them. let the tooi manjney wale poojari and their badboo dar leaders get merry.

honestly looking at their faces makes you convulse.
Truly ignorance is bliss.. thanks for summarising the video by the way, hearing these dogs bark is not good for ones blood pressure...
My friend actually you should see the desperation on their faces and in their words. It is actually a bliss. They know they have no future in this awakend Pakistan, they are doing whatever they can just to save their dynasties.

Earlier I use get high BP, now I enjoy them and it gives me utmost satisfaction that cannot be expressed in words. The way they had been robbing us all and now they are like fish out of water :sick:
bro WHY do you share what these munafiq and traitors say? F them. let the tooi manjney wale poojari and their badboo dar leaders get merry.

honestly looking at their faces makes you convulse.
Exposing these traitors lies and deceit is every patriots responsibility. Gone are the days when their propaganda and schemes went unchecked. Every time they open their mouths against the army or govt, they will be obliterated with facts.
And they shud support these thieves instead?
That was the whole revolutionary democratic plan of PDM to get establishment on their side:
  1. Link civilian govt with the army
  2. Bash army for civilian govts failures
  3. Once public sentiments turn against the army (due to oppositions massive propaganda), use this as bargaining chip to get NRO from the army
My friend actually you should see the desperation on their faces and in their words. It is actually a bliss. They know they have no future in this awakend Pakistan, they are doing whatever they can just to save their dynasties.

Earlier I use get high BP, now I enjoy them and it gives me utmost satisfaction that cannot be expressed in words. The way they had been robbing us all and now they are like fish out of water

I guess You have a greater threshold in tolerating these filth than I do.. me personally like to see them in despair:

That was the whole revolutionary democratic plan of PDM to get establishment on their side:
  1. Link civilian govt with the army
  2. Bash army for civilian govts failures
  3. Once public sentiments turn against the army (due to oppositions massive propaganda), use this as bargaining chip to get NRO from the army

Only PMIK has the power to bring the establishment to its knees, should they continue this destructive path compromising on the integrity of the republic.
As I have said before they are all full of huff and bluff, they are just bunch of hypocrites, first they are cursing the army for selecting governments and intervening In politics, on the other side they want the Army to intervene to overthrow the current setup.

The maximum the union of crooks can do is to table a no confidence motion to get rid of IK, but they still can't bring down the government, or cause chaos but but they don't have enough street power like PTI have.
In a startling speech today during a public event, former defense minister Khawaja Asif has requested Pak army to stop supporting PM Imran Khan. In his view, army backing of this govt is making them very "unpopular" among the masses.

This public statement is the last nail in the coffin of notorious PDM. This exposes opposition's entire plan behind the so called democratic movement. They first linked civilian govt with the army to create this false impression that army is backing them. Then they started abusing the army for alleged failures of this civilian govt. And now they claim that since army is becoming increasingly unpopular among the masses (due to opposition's own vicious propaganda), so it should stop backing civilian govt and join opposition's camp instead to repair its stained image 😂😂😂

@Horus @El Sidd @Zibago @HRK @Indus Pakistan @Tameem @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Imran Khan @koolio @Path-Finder @Patriot forever @Jungibaaz @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Mav3rick @Morpheus @ghazi52 @Jinn Baba

So the army should support PML-N that is actively working with India to destroy Pakistan and Kashmir?...

Who wants to work with treasonous people?
In a startling speech today during a public event, former defense minister Khawaja Asif has requested Pak army to stop supporting PM Imran Khan. In his view, army backing of this govt is making them very "unpopular" among the masses.

This public statement is the last nail in the coffin of notorious PDM. This exposes opposition's entire plan behind the so called democratic movement. They first linked civilian govt with the army to create this false impression that army is backing them. Then they started abusing the army for alleged failures of this civilian govt. And now they claim that since army is becoming increasingly unpopular among the masses (due to opposition's own vicious propaganda), so it should stop backing civilian govt and join opposition's camp instead to repair its stained image 😂😂😂

@Horus @El Sidd @Zibago @HRK @Indus Pakistan @Tameem @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Imran Khan @koolio @Path-Finder @Patriot forever @Jungibaaz @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Mav3rick @Morpheus @ghazi52 @Jinn Baba
How can khwaja give anyone a sane advice. He is nikamma.the guy who reads news off a fake site to issue a nucleer threat as a defence minister needs to be ignored.
When it's their term they blame the army for not supporting them, when it''s others, they urge the Army to not support their commander in-chief. Ironic or moronic?

In a startling speech today during a public event, former defense minister Khawaja Asif has requested Pak army to stop supporting PM Imran Khan. In his view, army backing of this govt is making them very "unpopular" among the masses.

This public statement is the last nail in the coffin of notorious PDM. This exposes opposition's entire plan behind the so called democratic movement. They first linked civilian govt with the army to create this false impression that army is backing them. Then they started abusing the army for alleged failures of this civilian govt. And now they claim that since army is becoming increasingly unpopular among the masses (due to opposition's own vicious propaganda), so it should stop backing civilian govt and join opposition's camp instead to repair its stained image 😂😂😂

@Horus @El Sidd @Zibago @HRK @Indus Pakistan @Tameem @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @Imran Khan @koolio @Path-Finder @Patriot forever @Jungibaaz @muhammadhafeezmalik @ejaz007 @Mav3rick @Morpheus @ghazi52 @Jinn Baba
and start supporting khao ji gang and nani420 ??????????? :lol: khawaja asif should suicide the same day when nawaz shubaz bring own kids for leading party rather then seniors like khawaja asif . tum ghulam ho or ghulam hi raho gay khawaja saraa
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