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Army Personalities



New Recruit

Oct 28, 2006
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Assalam-o-Alaikum friendz!:coffee:
I'm going to start a li'l game regarding army personalities...:army: personalities whom u'd actually like to 'Salute'...
It's simple ...
All u have 2 do is name your favourite army personality...:) could be even ur father:)if hez in army:)

LEt's Start>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Air Cdre MHK Dotani, Air Marshal Arshad Toor, Air Marshal Rashid Kalim: one of the 3 best pilots of PAF.
I liked a few suggestions up there. Hey I'd salute you, Murad, heard a lot of good stuff.

I'd salute a little known fellow around the forums by the name of Sinopak. As a teenager, picked up a lot about secularism and democracy and what they'd mean for Pakistan from his online personality.

A Salute for Dr. T. J. Haslem. My old English Professor who eventually ended up giving me the much needed push towards programming. Also for his selfless work with students of the extreme third world. Oh he's ex-US Marine.

A salute for Psychosaint too. Hey he's a little extreme with his treatment with the Indians but he's not always been like that and plus he's fanatically pro-Pakistani. One's got to appreciate dedication.

I'd also Salute Retd Brigadier Ray Chowdhary (known as Salim around here) for a little adversarial respect.
I totally understand what you are saying , I am 63 and in those 63 years I have spent my first 19 years as a civilian thats it after that I have been in a world which is very different from yours and our thinking is a bit different from yours, I hope I am making sense.
some one might say Quaid , some might say my 9th grade teacher.
but for us , I would say my IP he tought me how to fly , My cousin who in 1971 saved my butt from a hunter or I would have been ( Rest in pieces) . but you are right we should think out side the box as well and get out of that char-dewari.
I will salute every patriot in the army regardless his age or rank. These guys dedicate and risk their lives to make us feel safe, guard our borders at night so we can sleep well.
We're blessed to have these men!
Musharraf is certainly one of these hero's...just like Mr. Murad Khan. ;) :flag:
I'd like to salute ro Rashid Minhas...may his soul rest in peace:)
Tariq Bin Ziyad and Mohammad Bin Qasim, other important personalities, and trend setters of thier time.
It might be different but there's hardly a patriotic civillian who wont have at least a little bit of envy for 63-19 years of your life.

War is ugly. You guys faced the ugly for us. The Air Force was the only wing of the armed forces I was interested in because of the planes. But I just didn't have the belly for the G-Forces. Normal commercial liners had me clinching my fists.

Another Army personality one would like to Salute would be Ernest Hemmingway. I wonder if you'd agree with his assesment about war? He's hardly someone with a strong character you'd like to salute. But he left us with great literature.
I salute my entire Pak Army from Jawans to officers of high rank.

i had seen many of them from lower rank to higher and the repectable jawans how they are doing great for the country. and all those in Siachin

I love You all.

special salute to Sir MuradK:)

Sir how was that conference u never told me and how was meeting with that bughead :)

Why the Hell there is this stupid smilly on this thread are u saluting them are laughting at them :angry:
Hey why don't you guys post links to these guys biogs on here as well?

I don't recognise some of these names and would like to find out more........
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