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Army officials hold a meeting to review ‘threat from China, Pakistan’ along the borders


Sep 26, 2018
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Top officials of the army held a meeting on June 17 to review the security situation along the country’s borders and threat perception from China and Pakistan. The meeting was a part of a two-day biennial Army Commanders’ Conference chaired by General Manoj Mukund Naravane, Chief of the Army Staff.
The army’s top brass discussed important organisational and operational matters in the meeting, officials familiar with the development said.

“The operational situation on the northern and western borders was reviewed on the opening day of the conference, chaired by army chief General M.M. Naravane,” a report published in an English daily quoted army sources as saying.
The review coincides with the first anniversary of the Galwan standoff between India and China along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The meeting is significant as negotiations between the two countries for disengagement of Indian and Chinese soldiers from friction points along the LAC in eastern Ladakh are ongoing.
The conference is being watched keenly by defence experts as India and China have only had a limited success so far in hammering out an agreement for disengagement of their soldiers deployed at friction points on the LAC.
According to the reports, army officials will be deliberating on the current positions of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army in disputed areas at Gogra, Hot Springs, Demchok and Depsang along the LAC in Eastern Ladakh.

only thread is your own BS talks . how many years you were barking for two front ? its like you were willing and askign for a slap from china after pakistan and then china give it to you one day .
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