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Army Chief orders inquiry

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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news on ARY NEWS TV that Army Chief orders internal inquiry on Osama issue
What inquiry. the americans came and killled, he was there for years.
Staff Report
RAWALPINDI: Chief of the Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Thursday ordered the inquiry into the presence of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad.

Giving briefing to senior journalists here, military sources also brushed aside the reports that US helicopters for Abbottabad operation, flew from Tarbela, adding the helicopters could not be detected by radars, as they were making low flights.

According to Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR), Corps Commander Conference had one point agenda of Abbottabad operation.

The military sources said Osama did not come out of his room at compound for five years, adding Osama had been living at the compound with his three wives and children.

Kayani was first told that a US plane crashed, the sources said.

The military sources further revealed the wife and daughter of Osama bin Laden confirmed the killing of Al-Qaeda chief bin Laden, adding the woman killed in US operation was not Osama’s wife.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) gained access to the Abbottabad compound with the help of intelligence provided by Pakistan, the sources stressed.

“Pakistan would have taken the action against Osama of its own accord, if the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) had known about the presence of Osama,” the sources said.

Radars were not jammed, they could not spot the US helicopters; the reason could be that the radar technology was of US make, the sources further said. SAMAA
Army Chief Kayani orders inquiry into Osama presence in Abbottabad :: SAMAA TV :: Top Story, Breaking News, Latest News, Pakistan News, World News, Sports News, Business News, Entertainment News, Health News, Innovation News, Videos
"shameless" is the word that you should explain everything !
Self deleted..........
Dunya News:-

Army meeting declared that if such incidence took place again, we will retaliate fully...

Aaj News:-

Haqani AGAIN issuesd 496 visas to Americans without ISI clearance
people should protest infront of GHQ after all these shameless beast sucking the blood of poor peoples just for nothing, they are loosing support of common peoples continuisly.i dont want to see the day next when he is hanging his mouth and surrendring himself infront of amriki or indian general.....
this is bull that the radars were jammed....there is not one radar system that can be jammed by an operator in a growler.....and even if radars are jammed then the operator knows that something is wrong adn hence reacts according to SOP........adn there are also observers on the groound......adn if you fly low for the whole trip.....then yes ...it can be avoided....but from afghanistan to abbotabad...there comes a region which is as flat as a billiard table...so know terrain mapping needed.....the only other way is coming through the northern side.....from there you need refuelling midway through C130...adn yes that is a possibility.....anyways...not wanting to drag this off topic....sorry...just wanted to clear the air on this.
people should protest infront of GHQ after all these shameless beast sucking the blood of poor peoples just for nothing, they are loosing support of common peoples continuisly......

if that happens, it would be interesting and would have quite a new beginning.

what about writing letters to COAS ?

---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------

people should protest infront of GHQ after all these shameless beast sucking the blood of poor peoples just for nothing, they are loosing support of common peoples continuisly......

if that happens, it would be interesting and would have quite a new beginning.

what about writing letters to COAS ?
this is bull that the radars were jammed....there is not one radar system that can be jammed by an operator in a growler.....and even if radars are jammed then the operator knows that something is wrong adn hence reacts according to SOP........adn there are also observers on the groound......adn if you fly low for the whole trip.....then yes ...it can be avoided....but from afghanistan to abbotabad...there comes a region which is as flat as a billiard table...so know terrain mapping needed.....the only other way is coming through the northern side.....from there you need refuelling midway through C130...adn yes that is a possibility.....anyways...not wanting to drag this off topic....sorry...just wanted to clear the air on this.
i totally agree ith u
Inquiry into what ?

Why Osama was in Pak or why was his presence compromised ?

Why the PA & ISI could not detect his presence next to the PMA or who inside ISI or PA let out this secret ?

. ..too little too late, shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted !

A self respecting soldier would have resigned his commission but here the ISI & PA ( read Kayani) have been caught with their hand inside the cookie jar !
I would just say who caught 53 top leaders of Alqaida? just a shut up call to anti-Pakistan bugs !
So my question to all of you, if they find Osama in India are they going to blame this on Indian government? No they still blame this on Pakistan. Man Pakistan has done a lot against war on terror. Just because Mr.A$$ Osama found in Pakistan messed up all its reputation and its effort.
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