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Army called in to prevent protesters from entering diplomatic enclave

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Army called in to prevent protesters from entering diplomatic enclave
Published: September 20, 2012

ISLAMABAD: The Army was called in on Thursday to prevent close to 3,000 angry protesters from entering the diplomatic enclave in Islamabad during a protest against the anti-Islam film.

The US Embassy is one kilometre away from the entrance of the diplomatic enclave and there are no barriers inside. According to Express News correspondent Qamarul Munawar, if the protesters, who are present at the gate of the enclave, manage to break through, then it will result in chaos.
He added that the Army was called in as the police shelling remained ineffective in controlling the protesters.

Islamabad’s heavily-guarded diplomatic enclave is home to most Western embassies, including the US,
British and French missions.

Earlier during the protest, police fired live rounds and tear gas to break up a crowd of students, many armed with wooden clubs.

The crudely made Innocence of Muslims has triggered protests in at least 20 countries since excerpts were posted online, and more than 30 people have been killed in violence linked to the film.

There have been dozens of protests around Pakistan over the past week and at least two people have been killed, but Thursday is the first time protests in the capital have turned violent.

Police fired tear gas and live rounds as the protesters, chanting “We are ready to die to safeguard the Prophet’s (pbuh) honour,” tried to break through a barrier of truck containers set up to block access to the diplomatic enclave.

“I was ordered by my boss to disperse the crowd and that is why I had to open live fire but the aim was nearby trees and not the demonstrators,” Zaman Khan, a police officer deployed at the picket said.

The firing forced the protesters to scatter, but they returned later to pelt the police picket with stones.

Student Asif Mehmood demanded police let the protesters through to the US embassy and urged harsh treatment for American pastor Terry Jones, notorious for past Quran-burning episodes and who is reportedly connected to the film.

“Terry Jones and the filmmaker should be sternly punished for playing with the feelings of Muslims. We will not tolerate this blasphemy,” Mehmood said.

Fellow protester Rehan Ahmad said: “Islam is often ridiculed by America and the West and blasphemy is committed against our Prophet (pbuh) in the name of freedom of expression.”
Its in Islamabad? Isnt it?
Protestors insist that they want to hold a rally in front of US embassy....
US embassy is in itself a fortress and the biggest embassy in the world....I dont think even if protestors ever reach the embassy they will be able to do anything there.
LOL... even vermin need permit to enter DE. Darhi walay in diplomatic enclave, muhahahhahaha, shot on sight! :D
huge walls...how will they protest there.

watch it live. Situation is tensed. And its all started because of police.
Its in Islamabad? Isnt it?
Protestors insist that they want to hold a rally in front of US embassy....
US embassy is in itself a fortress and the biggest embassy in the world....I dont think even if protestors ever reach the embassy they will be able to do anything there.
LMAO... first of all if they pass the multiple checkpoints and avoid competing agencies armed to the teeth, all with simple orders to shoot :P

This is going to be so much fun. If some TV channel plans to broadcast it live, please paste a link here. :D
huge walls...how will they protest there.

The protesters could take advantage of the public holiday, no cellphones and no petrol or CNG and grieve at home I suppose.

(Or may be they want to get in line for a visa? :P (just a JOKE.) )
why is govt putting all the blame on Punjab govt? PlayingPolitics

LMAO... first of all if they pass the multiple checkpoints and avoid competing agencies armed to the teeth, all with simple orders to shoot :P

This is going to be so much fun. If some TV channel plans to broadcast it live, please paste a link here. :D

You can watch it on all news channels. Google for link.

but my appeal to public please dont destroy public property... Street lights etc.

protesters cleaning their shoes with US flag.
why is govt putting all the blame on Punjab govt? PlayingPolitics
Excellent, the time is right for the security forces to further hone their target practice. Who cares if a dozen or so paid troublemakers bit the dust, let justice be done.

This reminds me an incident where Shia procession had to pass through a Sunni populated area, everyone was armed to the teeth. The solution was so simple, FC guy took his AK, and shot dead 8 protestors, right in front of others. After that, no one messed with anyone for some years. :D
Guys, you may want to crucify me for saying this, but what a bunch of hypocrite we lot tend to be.

We indeed dearly love our Prophet (PBUH), but how much of his teachings and rules do we actually follow.

Yet, whenever some incident like this comes to light, we are willing to shed blood. !!
Good news from Islamabad...
Protestors say that if they couldn't reach American embassy,they will lay siege to the Parliament house ..

YOU GO PROTESTORS...Also siege President house pretty please :pakistan:
If you look at the TV footage, most people are college students, wearing blue college shirts, with bags on their back, and other lot is having Jamat e Islami flags. So, a Islamic party promoting violence and anarchy, very Islamic.

4 police checkposts burned, multiple injured, containers in place, FC is there.

Is this going to affect us or the filmmaker/ French magazine?

Good news from Islamabad...
Protestors say that if they couldn't reach American embassy,they will lay siege to the Parliament house ..

YOU GO PROTESTORS...Also siege President house pretty please :pakistan:

It will be a bloodbath!
Guys, you may want to crucify me for saying this, but what a bunch of hypocrite we lot tend to be.

We indeed dearly love our Prophet (PBUH), but how much of his teachings and rules do we actually follow.

Yet, whenever some incident like this comes to light, we are willing to shed blood. !!
You nailed it. Its like saying only Muslims have right to disrespect The Prophet (PBUH) and his teachings and No other can disrespect him.

Same is in case of Hindus.
Our citizens are fools to do such things, what about sending Darud to beloved Prophet Muhammad(Peace be upon him) if you really love Him(SAW). destroy your own self, result nothing because you failed to change the perception, Fix your own House first then point others.
If it was me..I had told all news channels that US embassy has been evacuated and nobody is there :cheesy:
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