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Oct 31, 2008
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The following is from my press release of January 25, 2008:- The bottom line is that India must have military supremacy over all nations of the world -- which in this age means nuclear supremacy -- and since the United States is the most powerful nation in the world today, India's principal task is to attain nuclear supremacy over the United States and that cannot be attained by depending on the United States or other countries for 'aid'; India is quite capable of attaining nuclear supremacy over the United States and [India's C.I.A.-RAW-controlled media] try to prevent it by promoting foreign dependence and imports, etc., and this is part of the tactics foreign intelligence agencies use, through Indians on their payroll, to keep India down. India has no shortage of manpower and my proposal about money [see 'How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per Year Or More' in my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', which can be found by a Yahoo/Google search with the title] can be used to make India both militarily and economically number one in the world but military supremacy -- that is, nuclear supremacy -- is even more important than economic supremacy because, without it, it can be subjugated and enslaved. All of the invaders who conquered and enslaved India came from much poorer countries than 'the Golden Hind'. I have said that India should set up ten parallel DRDOs, each the size of the present DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) and let three of them compete for a successful tank design, three for a successful figher plane and so on and let the best design win. The Soviet Union had a system of internal competition among government-owned design and production organisations of this kind and it can work for India also. Another important point is that weapons such as tanks and fighter planes which carry human beings are a lot more difficult to design and produce than, say, nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles which give a million times or more returns for the same investment of time and effort ('bang for the buck') so far as increasing a country's military power is concerned. Since India's principal aim should be nuclear supremacy, it should focus on designing and producing intercontinental ballistic missiles more than tanks and fighter planes; if you have nuclear supremacy over the United States, most other defence-related issues will take care of themselves. And, as I said, designing and building ICBMs that will do the job can be done a lot faster and require fewer resources, though India has the resources to build both ICBMs and tanks and fighter planes. The main advantage of focusing on ICBMs is time; it will bring India military supremacy a lot sooner than giving a lot of attention to tanks and fighter planes (which will never bring India military supremacy over the United States). Another point is that although India should build nuclear-propelled, nuclear-armed submarines carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles (SSBNs), like the ATV it is building, building these weapons platforms (SSBNs) is a lot more time and resource-consuming than building ICBMs that can be launched from road and rail-mobile vehicles. It is a mistake to make India's nuclear arsenal primarily a second strike resource (which is what SSBNs are good at); India's nuclear arsenal should primarily be for a first strike -- that is how you gain nuclear supremacy, by being able to carry out a successful first strike -- and a sufficiently large arsenal of road and rail-mobile ICBMs can be produced a lot faster than an arsenal based on SSBNs. Again, time is important. Avoiding foreign 'help' is not a matter of 'false pride'; avoiding foreign help is essential for India's nuclear supremacy. See my blog, 'Nuclear Supremacy For India Over U.S.', for a fuller treatment.

Satish Chandra
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