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Armored Warfare - a History

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@SvenSvensonov - A serious question now...*me and serious - what is the world coming too* :o:

Don't you think that with the advent of more and more effective ATGMs and technological advances the MBT may not be as hugely important as it was before ?

Imagine a reasonably well armored and agile drone sporting an ATGM, a mortar, a Gun etc. controlled by an operator sitting in the command car, prowling through the battlefield ! :azn:
@SvenSvensonov - A serious question now...*me and serious - what is the world coming too* :o:

Don't you think that with the advent of more and more effective ATGMs and technological advances the MBT may not be as hugely important as it was before ?

Imagine a reasonably well armored and agile drone sporting an ATGM, a mortar, a Gun etc. controlled by an operator sitting in the command car, prowling through the battlefield ! :azn:

"Advances in antitank weapons do not take place without improvements in tank design" ~ James F. Dunnigan

Tanks are Anti-Vehicle weapons. As long as the Armed forces use Tanks, IFVs, APCs & the likes, Tanks are important.

Tanks are also notoriously difficult to destroy. You'd have to hit them at least 3+ times to destroy them and that's with a Decent Anti-Tank weapon.

There are stories of RPGs just bouncing off M1 Abrams in Iraq.
What guidelines will help us to accomplish those missions successfully? In future urban operations, whether in 1997 or 2027, the US military should strive to follow tenets such as these:
  • precision is the key
  • have a strong local input to understand customs and congregations and their purpose
  • have specialized teams rather then large armoured groups
  • use miniature drones to look ahead for threats
  • air cover for example c130 J with its cannon can take out strongholds weaker guns have trouble with
  • do not shy away from head on attacks rather then prolonging the mission head on strategies are better
  • civilian casualties should be avoided at all costs or else one threat eliminated will give rise to many new ones
@SvenSvensonov i thought u were busy i have questions on those medical related articles but thought you were busy so withheld them
I once read that it is almost impossible to stop modern heavy ATGMs, thus the massive weight of tanks like the Leo 2, Abrams etc which are due to the armor offers no guarantee of protection. Hence the next step was for lighter but smaller and faster tanks keeping the same fire-power.

Maybe future tanks will be smaller in size, lighter, faster etc.

@SvenSvensonov - I would like to know your opinion on the next-generation of tanks in UK which reportedly use non-metal armor and a lighter rapid-canon. Of curse I read all that stuff on internet so it could be hoax.

I am sorry but I want to ask a totally different question

Suppose a country has limited resources

SO should they spend money on Tanks or Artilerry / Infantry

An Infantry batallion with plenty of ATGMs can wipe out many Tanks

A ATGM costs far less than a Tank ; A modern tank costs 5 million dollars

No tank can survive 5 ATGM hits

Tanks are heavily dependent on BOTH Artilerry and Infantry

Before Tanks can move forward ; Artilerry has to thoroughly pound an area

And then Infantry soldiers have to keep pace with the tanks
merely to protect the Tank from well dug in enemy units
Future of tank ? How about using STEALTH concept

Poland/BAE System

The future belongs to the infantry , ISIS has already proven that fact
Tanks..................light shape shifting tanks! (future)
Tanks further operating Drone Tanks.........Tank will stay as King of ground forces as long as ground forces exist

I am sorry but I want to ask a totally different question

Suppose a country has limited resources

SO should they spend money on Tanks or Artilerry / Infantry

An Infantry batallion with plenty of ATGMs can wipe out many Tanks

A ATGM costs far less than a Tank ; A modern tank costs 5 million dollars

No tank can survive 5 ATGM hits

Tanks are heavily dependent on BOTH Artilerry and Infantry

Before Tanks can move forward ; Artilerry has to thoroughly pound an area

And then Infantry soldiers have to keep pace with the tanks
merely to protect the Tank from well dug in enemy units

Not in the least, tanks are not dependent upon artillery and infantry .

Tanks need no pre pounding of areas before tanks move forward - its a weapon system designed for independent action working in tactical groups . Battle field survivability is in built and tactical formations are designed to ensure redundancy .
G'day Mate

Tanks is just one single part (Though the most important part) of Armoured Warfare, with it also goes APC, IFV and Self Propelled Howitzer.

Also, for tankers, we don't generally use formation other than Line and Column, tank is very hard to drive, although it is an automatic, not a stick, it would still be harder to drive than a car, so generally go outside the easy formation like line when we are engage and column to travel, other formation did not benefit us anyway.

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