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Armies of India, Myanmar target North East militants

Cobra Arbok

Aug 5, 2018
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Gulf News report on joint Indo-Myanmar Operation Sunrise conducted against terror groups operating in both countries


Armies of India, Myanmar target North East militants
First phase of Operation Sunrise was conducted three months ago

Published: June 16, 2019 18:25 PTI

New Delhi: The armies of India and Myanmar carried out a three-week-long coordinated operation from May 16 in their respective border areas, targeting several militant groups operating in Manipur, Nagaland and Assam, defence sources said on Sunday.


The first phase of Operation Sunrise was conducted three months ago along the India-Myanmar border, during which a number of militant camps were busted.

Myanmar is one of the strategic neighbours of India and shares a 1,640km border with a number of North Eastern states, including the militancy-hit Nagaland and Manipur.

India has been pushing for deeper coordination between the armies of the two countries while guarding the border.

Sources said during Operation Sunrise 2, the armies coordinated with each other to bust camps of militant outfits, including the Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO), the NSCN (Khaplang), the United Liberation Front of Assam (I) and the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB).

They said at least six dozen militants belonging to these groups were nabbed and several of their camps destroyed during the operation.

The sources said the two sides might launch the third phase of the operation, depending on intelligence inputs and the ground situation.

Besides the Indian Army, troops from the Assam Rifles were also part of the operation.

In June 2015, the Indian Army had carried out an operation against NSCN(K) militants in areas near the Indo-Myanmar border, days after militants killed 18 armymen in Manipur.

In the first phase of Operation Sunrise, the Indian Army targeted members of the Arakan Army, an insurgent group in Myanmar, who were opposed to the Kaladan multi-modal transit transport project.
@Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Nilgiri @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @Joe Shearer @Sheena1980 @Vikki @KapitaanAli @jetray @Vibrio @pahadi @Śakra @Tea addict @Sam. @VCheng @Chhatrapati @Mirza Jatt @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @firestorm77 @Ajaxpaul @nang2 @GeraltofRivia @Hack-Hook @jamahir @Aung Zaya @God Parshuram @pothead @proud_indian @Tejas Spokesman @Tejas Spokseman @koolzberg @Zapper @Halls

The Kaladan multi-modal transit transport project is viewed as India’s gateway to Southeast Asia.

India entered into a framework agreement with Myanmar in April 2008 to facilitate the implementation of the project. On completion, the project will help connect the North Eastern state of Mizoram with the Sittwe Port in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.

On the Indian side, work is on to extend the Aizawl-Saiha National Highway by 90km to the international border at Zorinpui.

According to security agencies, there were over 50 camps of insurgent groups from the North East in Myanmar till last year.
Modi back in power for a second term. the country was being "torn apart" by the ruling party's "lust to divide". This operation only against innocent Muslim in those areas and make them country less nation.
This is History after 1971 ASAM and Bangladeshi Muslim https://www.minnpost.com/global-post/2012/01/bangladesh-india-border-wall-death/

This is a future of Indian Muslim . you are igniting a GAZWA E Hind

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Modi back in power for a second term. the country was being "torn apart" by the ruling party's "lust to divide". This operation only against innocent Muslim in those areas and make them country less nation.
This is History after 1971 ASAM and Bangladeshi Muslim https://www.minnpost.com/global-post/2012/01/bangladesh-india-border-wall-death/

This is a future of Indian Muslim . you are igniting a GAZWA E Hind

Keep crying. Meanwhile India is more powerful than it has ever been.
Keep crying. Meanwhile India is more powerful than it has ever been.
Lol , we are not crying , just listen her , she is giving you heads up , if you don't listen her , you'll think there was once India where Hindu live happily after under Modi cloud theory
Lol , we are not crying , just listen her , she is giving you heads up , if you don't listen her , you'll think there was once India where Hindu live happily after under Modi cloud theory
She is from TMC. Her party just passed an order to provide dining halls in schools where there are more than 70% minority (muslims).
Her party officials have been taking cut money so that people can avail govt services, now that BJP made inroads, this issue came to public knowledge and now she is taking action whereas this has been going on for decade!! Are u telling me Mamta didn't know earlier?
WB remains to be the only state with permanent large scale poll violence even though its not hit by maoists or any other armed conflict. BJP is in many other states and yet those states dont see that kind of violence. Not even kerala where minority population is much larger than WB.
I think this needs to be posted on this thread too, @Cobra Arbok

‘India initiated, Myanmar supported’: Former envoy on the strikes against North Eastern rebel groups

Scroll.in interviewed India’s former ambassador to Myanmar, Rajiv Bhatia, who has also served as the head of the division dealing with Myanmar in the Ministry of External Affairs, for some context on the recent operations.

Edited excerpts from the interview:

Can you give us some operational details about the current offensive in Myanmar?
This is a three-phase operation: Sunshine 1, which was in February-March; Sunshine 2, which is taking place now in May-June and they have been talking about a third phase. Now, all this is based on close cooperationbetween India and Myanmar – these are more coordinated operations than joint operations.

Why now?
In the past, when cooperation was requested, Myanmar’s answer used to be that logistically they were quite weak in the region [the India-Myanmar border]: the shortage of roads limited mobility of their troops there. This used to be the traditional response. But over the years, some development has taken place in the border region on their side. India has contributed to that development in the form of infrastructure projects, building roads, etc. So, one explanation is logistics improvement has made it somewhat easier for their troops to act.

Secondly, there is more consultation and dialogue at the senior military level now. In this context, I want to highlight the importance the visit of the defence secretary of India, Sanjay Mitra. He was in Naypyidaw [Myanamar’s capital] in May when he met the commander-in-chief of the Myanmar Army. In that meeting, there was a discussion about the status of border security and development of cooperation between the two militaries. So clearly, this issue was being discussed at the senior-most level. The Indian side had asked for cooperation and Myanmar acquiesced.

Also, now the international climate against terrorists, insurgents and militants is turning very adverse. To some extent, the role of the Indian Army’s action when it went into Myanmar in 2015 is also a factor. Myanmar fully realises that India is very serious about this whole affair and it is in everyone’s interest to cooperate than let the problem linger.

So, is the Myanmar government acting primarily at the behest of India?
There were four insurgent groups which were mainly the targets of Sunshine 2 : National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang), the United Liberation Front of Assam, a faction of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland and the Kamtapur Liberation Organisation [the four outfits had formed an umbrella forum called United National Liberation Front of Western South East Asia in 2015 under the leadership of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang)]. All these groups are primarily at war with the Indian authorities. They are not in rebellion against the state of Myanmar. Therefore, you could say that the request and initiative came from the Indian side and support and coordination from the Myanmar side .......

What does this mean for insurgency in the North East in general and the Naga peace process in particular? Considering the fact that the de-facto Indian faction of the NSCN (K), led by Khango Konyak, has already been formally absorbed in the peace talks, what interests does India have in pushing for an offensive against what is increasingly a largely foreign rebel group?
There probably is some co-relation between this and the attempt to finalise the Naga peace agreement now that it seems to be close to finalisation.
Truce with the Naga insurgents would be fruitless without dealing first with those outside elements supporting them. Similarly, for peace to return to the Valley we need to take care of the instigators first.

Gulf News report on joint Indo-Myanmar Operation Sunrise conducted against terror groups operating in both countries


Armies of India, Myanmar target North East militants
First phase of Operation Sunrise was conducted three months ago

Published: June 16, 2019 18:25 PTI

New Delhi: The armies of India and Myanmar carried out a three-week-long coordinated operation from May 16 in their respective border areas, targeting several militant groups operating in Manipur, Nagaland and Assam, defence sources said on Sunday.


The first phase of Operation Sunrise was conducted three months ago along the India-Myanmar border, during which a number of militant camps were busted.

Myanmar is one of the strategic neighbours of India and shares a 1,640km border with a number of North Eastern states, including the militancy-hit Nagaland and Manipur.

India has been pushing for deeper coordination between the armies of the two countries while guarding the border.

Sources said during Operation Sunrise 2, the armies coordinated with each other to bust camps of militant outfits, including the Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO), the NSCN (Khaplang), the United Liberation Front of Assam (I) and the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB).

They said at least six dozen militants belonging to these groups were nabbed and several of their camps destroyed during the operation.

The sources said the two sides might launch the third phase of the operation, depending on intelligence inputs and the ground situation.

Besides the Indian Army, troops from the Assam Rifles were also part of the operation.

In June 2015, the Indian Army had carried out an operation against NSCN(K) militants in areas near the Indo-Myanmar border, days after militants killed 18 armymen in Manipur.

In the first phase of Operation Sunrise, the Indian Army targeted members of the Arakan Army, an insurgent group in Myanmar, who were opposed to the Kaladan multi-modal transit transport project.
@Jackdaws @Soumitra @AyanRay @Nilgiri @Tshering22 @jaiind @Novice09 @Rollno21 @Joe Shearer @Sheena1980 @Vikki @KapitaanAli @jetray @Vibrio @pahadi @Śakra @Tea addict @Sam. @VCheng @Chhatrapati @Mirza Jatt @Srinivas @Peshwa @Robinhood Pandey @firestorm77 @Ajaxpaul @nang2 @GeraltofRivia @Hack-Hook @jamahir @Aung Zaya @God Parshuram @pothead @proud_indian @Tejas Spokesman @Tejas Spokseman @koolzberg @Zapper @Halls

The Kaladan multi-modal transit transport project is viewed as India’s gateway to Southeast Asia.

India entered into a framework agreement with Myanmar in April 2008 to facilitate the implementation of the project. On completion, the project will help connect the North Eastern state of Mizoram with the Sittwe Port in Myanmar’s Rakhine state.

On the Indian side, work is on to extend the Aizawl-Saiha National Highway by 90km to the international border at Zorinpui.

According to security agencies, there were over 50 camps of insurgent groups from the North East in Myanmar till last year.

Good. Terror camps who are against the interest of both countries should not be allowed in border areas.
Keep crying. Meanwhile India is more powerful than it has ever been.

Is that why Naxalites are cutting your army into pieces?

You got enemies everywhere. Kashmiris are your enemies. Naxalites are your enemies. Leftists are your enemies. Muslims and other minorities are your enemies. China and Pakistan are your enemies. The list goes on.
Is that why Naxalites are cutting your army into pieces?

You got enemies everywhere. Kashmiris are your enemies. Naxalites are your enemies. Leftists are your enemies. Muslims and other minorities are your enemies. China and Pakistan are your enemies. The list goes on.
The maoists are contained and are on their last breaths. In addition over 100 kashmiri terrorists have been killed in less than six months. Northeastern militants have also been destroyed in joint indo-myanmar surgical strikes. As for china, they cant do anything to us, the last time they tried to intrude we confiscated their equipment and only gave it back when they promised not to do it again. They didnt. Meanwhile why are dozens of your soldiers dying every month in balochistan and kp, and why are ttp fighters from afghanistan freely crossing the border and sending your soldiers to Allah on a daily basis? And the number of indian soldiers dying in kashmir is actually decreasing, while the number of kashmiri islamist pigs being put down is increasing.

And on kashmir, we have the support of every major world power. Your sugar daddy china is neutral. The unsc even passed a resolution in february supporting india, and it later blacklisted the chief of the group responsible for the pulwama attacks. The world offficially supports india on kashmir.

I think this needs to be posted on this thread too, @Cobra Arbok

‘India initiated, Myanmar supported’: Former envoy on the strikes against North Eastern rebel groups

Scroll.in interviewed India’s former ambassador to Myanmar, Rajiv Bhatia, who has also served as the head of the division dealing with Myanmar in the Ministry of External Affairs, for some context on the recent operations.

Edited excerpts from the interview:

Can you give us some operational details about the current offensive in Myanmar?
This is a three-phase operation: Sunshine 1, which was in February-March; Sunshine 2, which is taking place now in May-June and they have been talking about a third phase. Now, all this is based on close cooperationbetween India and Myanmar – these are more coordinated operations than joint operations.

Why now?
In the past, when cooperation was requested, Myanmar’s answer used to be that logistically they were quite weak in the region [the India-Myanmar border]: the shortage of roads limited mobility of their troops there. This used to be the traditional response. But over the years, some development has taken place in the border region on their side. India has contributed to that development in the form of infrastructure projects, building roads, etc. So, one explanation is logistics improvement has made it somewhat easier for their troops to act.

Secondly, there is more consultation and dialogue at the senior military level now. In this context, I want to highlight the importance the visit of the defence secretary of India, Sanjay Mitra. He was in Naypyidaw [Myanamar’s capital] in May when he met the commander-in-chief of the Myanmar Army. In that meeting, there was a discussion about the status of border security and development of cooperation between the two militaries. So clearly, this issue was being discussed at the senior-most level. The Indian side had asked for cooperation and Myanmar acquiesced.

Also, now the international climate against terrorists, insurgents and militants is turning very adverse. To some extent, the role of the Indian Army’s action when it went into Myanmar in 2015 is also a factor. Myanmar fully realises that India is very serious about this whole affair and it is in everyone’s interest to cooperate than let the problem linger.

So, is the Myanmar government acting primarily at the behest of India?
There were four insurgent groups which were mainly the targets of Sunshine 2 : National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang), the United Liberation Front of Assam, a faction of the National Democratic Front of Bodoland and the Kamtapur Liberation Organisation [the four outfits had formed an umbrella forum called United National Liberation Front of Western South East Asia in 2015 under the leadership of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang)]. All these groups are primarily at war with the Indian authorities. They are not in rebellion against the state of Myanmar. Therefore, you could say that the request and initiative came from the Indian side and support and coordination from the Myanmar side .......

What does this mean for insurgency in the North East in general and the Naga peace process in particular? Considering the fact that the de-facto Indian faction of the NSCN (K), led by Khango Konyak, has already been formally absorbed in the peace talks, what interests does India have in pushing for an offensive against what is increasingly a largely foreign rebel group?
There probably is some co-relation between this and the attempt to finalise the Naga peace agreement now that it seems to be close to finalisation.
Truce with the Naga insurgents would be fruitless without dealing first with those outside elements supporting them. Similarly, for peace to return to the Valley we need to take care of the instigators first.

This could be potential for a good sticky thread where all threads about the subject are merged into one. Not exactly sure about the rules for that @waz @WebMaster
She is from TMC. Her party just passed an order to provide dining halls in schools where there are more than 70% minority (muslims).
Her party officials have been taking cut money so that people can avail govt services, now that BJP made inroads, this issue came to public knowledge and now she is taking action whereas this has been going on for decade!! Are u telling me Mamta didn't know earlier?
WB remains to be the only state with permanent large scale poll violence even though its not hit by maoists or any other armed conflict. BJP is in many other states and yet those states dont see that kind of violence. Not even kerala where the minority population is much larger than WB.
whoever shows you the true picture of India in the mirror how you dealing with minorities in India you guys come with all these fallacies to prove yourself that you guys are right and rest of world view is wrong. This type of attitude of the majority against the minority communities also counts the sign of fascism rise in India.
whoever shows you the true picture of India in the mirror how you dealing with minorities in India you guys come with all these fallacies to prove yourself that you guys are right and rest of world view is wrong. This type of attitude of the majority against the minority communities also counts the sign of fascism rise in India.
I believe you are mistaken. The views several other members and i express are held by the majority of the world. After pulwama, the unsc passed a resolution supporting india in the kashmir dispute and recently removed mention of kashmir from the un human rights report.
Is that why Naxalites are cutting your army into pieces?

You got enemies everywhere. Kashmiris are your enemies. Naxalites are your enemies. Leftists are your enemies. Muslims and other minorities are your enemies. China and Pakistan are your enemies. The list goes on.

And we are still not bankrupt and begging for a bailout from IMF. LoL

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