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‘Armed struggle to revive in Kashmir in 2014’

I am sure After 2014 Congress will be elected again and again they will invite Pak cricket team,Aami ki asha , Lodging protest for Solilders Behading,Illegal bangladeshis will be most welcomed and so on ...... ya parellely there will be blast in mumbai for every 6 months and may be once in a year in delhi or somewherelse also may be a 26/11 type attack once in 2 year in mumbai and very long protest march in kashmir led by Geelani whom this congress will allow to go to Paksitan or may be some nice Welcome for him in delhi ........ and the list goes on and this is what will happen to india after 2014 i dont know how much BJP would do in all the above cases but my gut feeling is that they will be behave some what better than congress
days of armed struggle in Kashmir are over. If even tried, Each and every terrorist would be killed ruthlessly :guns:
Also, the situation has changed a lot in last decade. Pakistan is at its weakest and may face the wrath in case of proved/denied support to their so called non state actors
Not sure why we are not using armed drones across the LOC to strike the militant camps we can take them out while they sleeping
More these terrorists infiltrate.......... More unmarked graves will appear.
Less they infiltrate........ Less unmarked graves will come in existent.
They don't infiltrate.......... They can be rest assured, no unmarked graves will be seen.

Thanks n Regards.................
Zeenews Bureau

Srinagar: Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed and Hizbul Mujahideen supreme commander Syed Salahuddin have reportedly stated that jihad (armed militancy) would revive in Kashmir next year.
What an idiot! Agar saala mard ka bacha hai to LoC ke us paar kya kar raha hai? :devil:
Jut checked again... I still have my Blue Indian Passport, with a "permanent residence address" of Jammu and Kashmir (Most of the guys here forget that there is a Jammu before Kashmir).. And I proudly love it. So, 2014,15 or 2090, it don't matter. This passport will stay blue.

On another thought:
- When (and if) US bails out of Afghanistan, then it has no "strategic" interest left in that area for US
- When that happens, the love for Pakistan will go down (and also the defence equipments and monetary aid would dry up?)
- Without US, Afghanistan will destabilize and the old internal factional conflict days will be back (not sure if they ever went away) and 'arguably' Pakistan's western border would become more volatile than it is today (Taliban never loved governments and societies. If you believe that suddenly relations will improve, I find that misplaced)
- Yes, 'ostensibly' the fighters from Afghanistan will get free to focus on India. But, some of them will also fight Pakistan (as they are doing right now)
- For India, infiltration attempts might see an increase (that too, if all of the ducks are lined up as theoretically prophecized) and that would mean what? - Business as usual for Armed forces? I mean, I am sure people will realize that we have lived and learned from the millitancy of late 90's
- So, what would Pakistan gain?
- Regarding separatists, they have been there for 20 years now and law of natural attrition will apply to Geelani one day or the other and we sort of know how to exist with them
- So, shouldn't 2014 be arguably more uncertain for Pakistan on its western front than for India on our eastern front?

Just sounds like a lose-lose (free US $ gone, reducing access to western weapons(?), this afghan war created an internal millitancy that still has to be managed, the afghan border will stay that volatile or worsen, and India is not getting any weaker) and still some people seem happy... Am i missing something here?
USA is already running away from Afghanistan they will give a dam about what happens to you or what happens in Kashmir they are more interested in saving their ***** and running away from Afghanistan
And then concentrating their energies on Balochistan! You guys are in for a torrid time! :whistle: And so is that clown Salahuddin who's going to be running from pillar to post begging for mercy!! Forget Kashmir, for him and his Yahoos, there will be no place to run, no place to hide! :cheesy:
I don't think militant groups in Pakistan will get the same support as it used to get in 90's. Now people in Pakistan also aware of the drawbacks comes with supporting the terroism. Also PA and political system of Pakistan is trying hard to get rid of all the terrortist elements inside their country. I believe, this time these teorrist will meet their creator not by the hands of IA but PA. :tup:
Visited Kashmir last June for vacation and it was refreshing to see things having improved so much. God knows what crap, Hafiz Syed is thinking, but the word from street is people desperately want peace to prevail. Almost 2 decades of terrorism has already destroyed Tourism industry (biggest sector providing employment) and based on what i saw, tourism is slowly but surely reviving.
Jingoism and chest thumping apart, go to Kashmir and see for yourself, people are fed up of Terrorism and culture of Hadtaals (Stikes). They have had enough and would certainly want to move away from what can only be described as a " Lost couple of deceades".
If anything is going to defeat this negative ideology of seperatism, its the people's will against it.
oh really ? Azad Kashmir is enough to show that who succeeded.

On the other hand Kashmir has a bigger choice to emerg as an Independent country.

Azad Kashmir ??? Why not start that thing form the area under control on Pak. I dare Pak leaders to give freedom to that area and let them rule themself ;)

Kashmir can't and will not be a Country. It will always be a state. Now guess of which country ;)
I blieve the Indians are panicked due to development in Afghanistan since US also hinted at no troops after 2014 and thus Indian establishment is leting the frustration signals out through such propaganda based on fear.

2014 and onward will be a hectic period for Pakistan since bringing all groups on a table viz a viz afghanistan is not an easy task neither will be 100% free of trouble therefore we dont see anything will be changed wrgt to Kashmir

:P rota kyun ha rondustani

US won't leave Afghanistan it is strategically located adjacent to China and is one of the reason to continue and drag WOT.

They are building new bases around China to contain, How will they leave Afghanistan, don't dream, they might go for agreement with Taliban.
USA is already running away from Afghanistan they will give a dam about what happens to you or what happens in Kashmir they are more interested in saving their ***** and running away from Afghanistan

RUnning away, they are stay their more then 5 years , and you people cant do a anything about , its US who decided the date not the coward terrorist, they can only bark, if US decided they will go in 2015 , those barking people cant do anything other then bark and bark.

If these have guts , make US run in 2010.2011 , 2012 or 2013 why 2014?? because this date US decided to go in its own terms. :))) and this dates decided by US and not by barking people.
LOL, why wait till 2014? The "indigenous struggle" of "native kashmiris" has to wait for afghan and arab (not to mention Pakistani) fighters, as usual. I say, bring them on. It will be fun to watch these gunmen trying to fight a real army - ie, if they can even cross the LoC successfully.

This imported "freedom struggle" by imported "freedom fighters" had been going on long before the American war on terror began, long before US troops set foot in Afghanistan. What happened then, did a single inch of land become independent or go to Pakistan? No. What makes them think that an inch of land can be stolen from India today, when India is far stronger than before on the ground, with the best counterinsurgency force on the planet - the rashtriya rifles - completely dominating the territory? Not to mention, the fact that unlike the alleged rigged elections of the 80s, today grassroots democracy is flourishing in Indian Kashmir?

Also, what reality are these people living in? Do they seriously think that territory can be captured by gunmen, whether they call themselves mujahideen or militant or whatever? Can the entire Pakistan infantry gain and hold even one inch of Indian territory without support from armor and artillery and air support? Tanks, APCs and artillery are a bare minimum for taking territory - gunmen alone cannot do it. So unless the Pakistan army is willing to wage total war, I don't see any Indian territory going to these mujahideens. And in that scenario, I can only envision more territory coming to India than going away, because it's not like we don't have armor and arty ourselves.

These gunmen, armed to the teeth, and well trained, can either be killed at the border while trying to infiltrate, or at best, carry out some random acts of terror in Kashmir or elsewhere. No number of kasabs or salahudins or geelanis are going to capture and keep territory from India. Anybody with any knowledge of military affairs should know that. So it is clear that when they say freedom struggle, they simply mean more acts of violence in India, making kashmiris' lives a misery, like they did in the 80s and 90s.

But as I said before, Indian forces are not what they used to be at the time either. So this call to arms is just about as risible as their shouts of "death to USA" whenever anything bad happens to them.
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