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Are you Hindu first or Indian first?

Yes, Hinduism is secular and it does not force anyone to follow anything. The operative word here is FORCE. People have freedom to follow their own religion as well as convert if they want to. Those who are willing to convert can get converted. That is all Hindus are doing. Taking in the willing.

To follow your suggestion we need to wait until a time machine has been invented. Until then we will work on the present day Muslims.

Hinduism grants dual religionship :lol:
I am devout follower of Islam and i am not intolerant . My peaceful existance with non muslims or even atheist or agnostics is proof of it so you fail in here

There is a general agreement that individual Muslims can be fine human beings but as a group they are a threat to other group of people just about everywhere. So your proof fails.
But how come Hindus and Sikhs are managing it and more martial muslims ain't ??
There are still many siksh who are living even tribal region of Peshwar so why some hindu manage to left while sikhs still living here and even come from India to visits their holy places in Pakistan..ask yourself..its all depend how you look at it



There is a general agreement that individual Muslims can be fine human beings but as a group they are a threat to other group of people just about everywhere. So your proof fails.
what about them as a group or mob?



There are still many siksh who are living even tribal region of Peshwar so why some hindu manage to left while sikhs still living here and even come from India to visits their holy places in Pakistan..ask yourself..its all depend how you look at it




Cmon that is hardly representative of anything. What is the Sikh population in Pakistan? 50 K? Is that something to boast about considering Punjab is the birth place of Sikhism and of the 27 million Sikhs in the world only 50 K choose to call Pakistan their homeland?
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That leaves me with a funny question Are Sith Lords loyal to the Sith or to the Empire ?

Cmon that is hardly representative of anything. What is the Sikh population in Pakistan? 50 K? Is that something to boast about considering Punjab is the birth place of Sikhism and of the 24 million Sikhs in the world only 50 K choose to call Pakistan their homeland?
It was not for you so dont quote it
There are still many siksh who are living even tribal region of Peshwar so why some hindu manage to left while sikhs still living here and even come from India to visits their holy places in Pakistan..ask yourself..its all depend how you look at it




Sikhs visit there on visa which brings tourism and added economic benefits for Pakistan. They don't go to settle over there permanently.

Yes there are few sikhs and hindus left in Pakistan but don't you see where is that population graph heading ??It's downward. Now don't play games and just answer why ain't Indian Muslims are leaving India for Pakistan while Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs are leaving for India ??

Cmon that is hardly representative of anything. What is the Sikh population in Pakistan? 50 K? Is that something to boast about considering Punjab is the birth place of Sikhism and of the 27 million Sikhs in the world only 50 K choose to call Pakistan their homeland?

Even Canada has more than that.
Hardly an example again. The number of Muslims killed in such instances are not even in single digits. Cannot say the same for what Muslims do to their minority community.
I dont want to start this tit for tat debate ..point was that you are as extremist and violent as mob than any others group so stop riding on high horses..partition saw the violence from boht sides

Sikhs visit there on visa which brings tourism and added economic benefits for Pakistan. They don't go to settle over there permanently.

Yes there are few sikhs and hindus left in Pakistan but don't you see where is that population graph heading ??It's downward. Now don't play games and just answer why ain't Indian Muslims are leaving India for Pakistan while Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs are leaving for India ??
You see many Indians are leaving India and getting settle in Canada/Usa or England does it mean they did hate India ? Hindus sources even combine the figure of minority in boht east and west Pakistan at the time of partition and then compare it with current figure of just Pakistan(west) to put Pakistan in bad light that we did ate all Hindus lol Did Pakistan Muslim did not suffered in Pakistan because of religious intolerance or terrorism? They equally did then why just highlight Hindus?

This is our identity and our constitution allow us to follow any religion.

Satyamev Jayate - Truth Alone Prevails

The origin of the motto is a well-known mantra 3.1.6 from the Mundaka Upanishad. The mantra is as follows:

satyameva jayate nānṛtaṁ
satyena panthā vitato devayānaḥ
yenākramantyṛṣayo hyāptakāmā
yatra tat satyasya paramaṁ nidhānam

Truth alone triumphs; not falsehood.
Through truth the divine path is spread out
by which the sages whose desires have been completely fulfilled, reach
where that supreme treasure of Truth resides
I dont want to start this tit for tat debate ..point was that you are as extremist and violent as mob than any others group so stop riding on high horses..partition saw the violence from boht sides

Where threatened everyone is permitted to defend one self. Hindus have always defended themselves unlike Muslims who offend. Partition riots were instigated by Muslims and answered back in the same coin.

No, we are not as extremist a mob as Islamic mobs. Have some sense of proportion.
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