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Are TTP mullah coming in Swat, Again?

WHAT is the TTP mullah doing in SWAT?
They are there to heat up the ground for PTI in KP, as Mulla Fazlurrehman threatended PTI earlier "ham aap ke liay zameen garam kar dain ge".
In Punjab, same objectives are supposed to be achieved by using TLP.

Bro you remember what Hamid Gul said?

The situation is a lot more complicated than army bad or army good.

There are patriots within the army and there are also dollar khor generals as well.

Right now we have a gang of dollar khor in the top brass.

Bajra is basically a dictator hiding behind his puppet government with the full nod of approval from Uncle Sam.

Army boys that are saying he will be retiring this year are living in denial. He is actively seeking out extensions and is creating fasad to strengthen his own position.

Name of the game is to consolidate power and lut maar.

The thing is its a whole process where american agents are given promotions. All the good ppl in army i know get retired at major or lt col. All chamchad and agents are promoted. This shows the GHQ and its officials are all sold out. Therw not a single senior person to stop this, all are haramkhor. Tjese haramkhors are destroying our beloved country. These ppl killed quaid, these ppl killed fatimah jinnah, they derail democracy, they loot and plunder.
Daal Mein Kuch Kala Hai,
Itna Asani Se TTP Mullah Swat Mein Kaisy A Gaye?
Aur Ab Check Post Bhi TTP Ne Bana Li.
When Pakistani officials often implied, that U.S. exit from Afghanistan and the return of the Taliban would limit the TTP’s threat against Pakistan, it was a wrong calculation. TTP seems to have been energized with the Taliban’s takeover and looks stronger than before. The depth of the TTP-Afghan Taliban relationship became evident after the Taliban’s August takeover. Almost immediately, Taliban leadership released senior TTP leaders and a large number of fighters imprisoned by the former Afghan government. Taliban can easily supply weapons, ammunition, human resources, intel, contacts etc to TTP to strengthen TTP against Pakistan.
Lots of factors ignored in the statement.
1- Pakistani officias (or other people) expected return of peace after US exit from Afghanistan, because US presence was exploiting regional peace e.g. it was facilitating indian presence in afghanistan to twist pakistani arms. IEA had no natural inclination towards india and it was expected to be cooperating with Pakistan. IEA was/is indiginous afghan entity (unlike installed proxies in the past), and it was not supposed to use pretext of Durand Line to spoil the peace. In short,IEA genuinely owned Afghanistan and wanted to build it (with whatever philosophy/understandingthey had/have.
2-The government of Pakistan at that time was aggressively pursuing a "region" centered foreign policy, in which interests of Pakistan and Afghanistan were overlapping by the proposed regional connectivity projects, along with China, Russia, Iran and central Asian states. The government of Pakistan at that time was steering Pakistan like a soverign state, keeping its interests first and alligning its intersts with neighbours (conditionalizing same process with India with returning IoK to pre- August 2019 status).

The whole Idea was sabotaged by some (not so) unknows within and outside, through western establishment backed regime change in Pakistan, reducing us to a colony, ready to act as proxy, incapable of making decisions suting our interests (As precisely described by implanted PM, "beggers can't be choosers", right after regime change)
Pakistan has to become a soverig state. If we act as western proxy and colony in the region, delivering the masters their objecti8ves, creating conflicts in the neighbourhoods, conflicts, which have got nothing to do with our own interests, we are bound to get problems. You may call it TTP, BLA, ISI or whatever.

Nobody can bring peace i nthis region, unless all local parties behave independent of any influence of outsiders (namely american and western establishments), set common goals and pursue them, like EU or SEA regions have done.
Lots of factors ignored in the statement.
1- Pakistani officias (or other people) expected return of peace after US exit from Afghanistan, because US presence was exploiting regional peace e.g. it was facilitating indian presence in afghanistan to twist pakistani arms. IEA had no natural inclination towards india and it was expected to be cooperating with Pakistan. IEA was/is indiginous afghan entity (unlike installed proxies in the past), and it was not supposed to use pretext of Durand Line to spoil the peace. In short,IEA genuinely owned Afghanistan and wanted to build it (with whatever philosophy/understandingthey had/have.
2-The government of Pakistan at that time was aggressively pursuing a "region" centered foreign policy, in which interests of Pakistan and Afghanistan were overlapping by the proposed regional connectivity projects, along with China, Russia, Iran and central Asian states. The government of Pakistan at that time was steering Pakistan like a soverign state, keeping its interests first and alligning its intersts with neighbours (conditionalizing same process with India with returning IoK to pre- August 2019 status).

The whole Idea was sabotaged by some (not so) unknows within and outside, through western establishment backed regime change in Pakistan, reducing us to a colony, ready to act as proxy, incapable of making decisions suting our interests (As precisely described by implanted PM, "beggers can't be choosers", right after regime change)
Pakistan has to become a soverig state. If we act as western proxy and colony in the region,
Do you have proof for the first claim because the actions contradict it, the Pakistani Army had to beef up security massively for the Afghanistan border due to how unstable things had become and they were forced to try and buy up the Gun/Military equipment market to prevent proliferation of arms. So no they were not at all expecting peace by any metric.

The Taliban hosted and continuous to host regional spoilers like Al Qaeda's head and TTP high ranking officials, if anything the recent strikes on Maulvi Faqir (TTP Head) and AQ head shows this and also shows how they are in no mood to respect treaties either.

Militancy redux

August 12, 2022

THE ghosts of the past are coming back to haunt the residents of Swat Valley in the Malakand Division. Several recent incidents indicate that militants are reasserting themselves in the area, and have become emboldened enough to commit brazen acts of violence that hark back to the bad old days.

Last week, PTI MPA Malik Liaquat Khan was seriously injured and three others were killed in Lower Dir when the vehicle in which he was travelling came under attack by militants. A few days later a video surfaced on social media showing a man claiming to be a member of the TTP interrogating an army major whose hands had evidently been tied behind his back, and asserting that the militants had taken him and two others — a DSP and a soldier — hostage. A jirga later successfully negotiated the release of the captives.

These are highly disturbing indicators that have alarmed the people, many of whom turned out in various parts of KP to protest against the resurgent Taliban. A revival of the horrors witnessed during the years when the TTP’s Swat chapter led by Mullah Fazlullah — who was later to become the TTP emir — was in control of the area cannot be countenanced.

When the cleric first began inciting rebellion in fiery sermons on illegal FM frequencies in the mid-2000s, he caught the locals’ attention. Fed up with the dysfunctional governance and judicial system in the area, many were swayed by the words of the ‘Radio Mullah’; women even donated their jewellery to his cause.

The state apparatus was curiously lethargic to his tirades in which he also railed against girls’ education and polio vaccination. But the brutalities visited upon the locals by the militants when they held much of Malakand Division in their grip shocked the nation.

It took two kinetic operations to flush them out and establish the writ of the state in the area. That writ is once again being tested, and this time the authorities must not allow violent extremists a comeback.

While Mullah Fazlullah was killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan in 2018, others from his outfit have been taking refuge in that country’s Kunar province which borders Dir, and from where they are believed to have crossed over into Pakistan.

There have been increasing reports over the past month about them establishing their presence in the area. But that begs the question why, of all the TTP chapters, are only militants from the Swat chapter evidently returning home?

What are the terms of the ceasefire that the Pakistani state has agreed with them? Have they been allowed to return without laying down their arms, contrary to what had been publicly stated?

There is fear and confusion all around. It is for the state to bring clarity to the situation. The people have a right to know.

Published in Dawn, August 12th, 2022
The thing is its a whole process where american agents are given promotions. All the good ppl in army i know get retired at major or lt col. All chamchad and agents are promoted. This shows the GHQ and its officials are all sold out. Therw not a single senior person to stop this, all are haramkhor. Tjese haramkhors are destroying our beloved country. These ppl killed quaid, these ppl killed fatimah jinnah, they derail democracy, they loot and plunder.

Yep many patriotic men find their careers cut short.
Do you have proof for the first claim because the actions contradict it, the Pakistani Army had to beef up security massively for the Afghanistan border due to how unstable things had become and they were forced to try and buy up the Gun/Military equipment market to prevent proliferation of arms. So no they were not at all expecting peace by any metric.

The Taliban hosted and continuous to host regional spoilers like Al Qaeda's head and TTP high ranking officials, if anything the recent strikes on Maulvi Faqir (TTP Head) and AQ head shows this and also shows how they are in no mood to respect treaties either.
Well, if you mean record of official comunication of the people involved during regime change, no sir, I don't have it yet, just like you don't have the record to establish your claims of spikes in purchases of Pakistani institutions during mentioned period. Even if you have it, and somehow, you establish that purchases were linked with unstability of Afghanistan due to US exit, still that only proves the point that the institute prepared for unforseen circumstances which is, how it should be. My conclusions were based on the observation of an unusually aggressive region-focussed diplomacy of IK government, series of regional summits involving CHina, Russia, Iran and central asian states, visits of officials, discussions on regional connectivity proposals, interests in purchase of energy from the russian sources etc. which were obviously not liked by the western powers and were all of a sudden dupmed by the implanted govt., with PM justifying it by saying "beggers can't be choosers".
We all know forced regime changes arround the world are part of US history, I am sure you are capable of googling and finding their official communication records, available out there on internet, as per US's right to information policy. For this particular incident, I can only share the proofs once I get them, after US officlas make it public. Meanwhile if you have means to get the proofs of Taliban doing what you claimed, please do share it here. Though I am more interested in what people calling shots in my own country, I may give a read to your proofs on weakend, analyse their quality and give my verdict to you.
If by chance, you can't get the proofs, just like i can't, that does not mean Taliban and US institutions are not doing what you and I have written.

Protest rallies held across Swat against recent ‘wave of militancy’

Fazal Khaliq
August 12, 2022

<p>The people of Swat took to the streets on Friday against the appearance of militants. — Photo by author</p>

The people of Swat took to the streets on Friday against the appearance of militants. — Photo by author
A large group of people on Friday took to the streets across Swat to protest against the presence of militants in mountains bordering the area, asserting that they will never allow any elements to sabotage the “hard-earned peace” in the region.

The protests, titled ‘We want peace in Swat’ and ‘No to terrorism’, were held near the Matta Chowk in Khwazakhela tehsil and Kabal Chowk in Kabal tehsil.

The demonstrators were seen holding white and black flags as they walked through the markets of the districts. They also chanted “We want peace in Swat and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa” slogans.

The protestors, led by civil society activists Dr Amjad Ali, Advocate Ali Namdar, Ghairat Yousafzai, Ibne Amin Yousafzai, Rehmat Ali, Fawad Khan, Ehtishamul Haq, Mehtab Khan, Anwar Ali and Aftab Khan, said that the people of Swat would not be fooled again by any elements.

The demonstrators were seen holding white and black flags as they walked through the markets of the district. — Photo by author

The demonstrators were seen holding white and black flags as they walked through the markets of the district. — Photo by author

“We are peaceful people and we want durable peace at any cost. These elements must know that we have earned peace after extending unlimited sacrifices and we will not allow anyone to sabotage it,” said Ali, while addressing the rally.
He continued that the residents of the region had earned peace over the years and were not ready to be “disgraced, displaced, or killed”.

The participants of the rally expressed anger and sadness over videos recently released by militants. Last week, a video surfaced on social media showing a man claiming to be a member of the TTP interrogating an army major whose hands had evidently been tied behind his back, and asserting that the militants had taken him and two others — a deputy superintendent of police (DSP) and a soldier — hostage. A jirga later successfully negotiated the release of the captives.

On August 8, it was reported that four policemen, including a DSP, were injured in a clash between police and suspected militants at the mountainous border of Swat and Dir districts. While Swat’s district police officer said only one policeman was injured and the militants suffered heavy casualties, unofficial sources said four policemen were hurt.

Also last week, PTI MPA Malik Liaquat Khan was seriously injured and three others were killed in Lower Dir when the vehicle in which he was travelling came under attack by militants.

At today’s protest, Namdar said that the residents wanted the district administration and the provincial government to investigate the incident through a judicial commission immediately and put its findings in front of the entire nation.
“Ensuring peace in Swat is the duty of security agencies and if they fail to do so, it will be a violation of the Constitution,” he added.
Furthermore, the protesters questioned the role of the security and law enforcement agencies regarding the reappearance of militants in the mountains of Swat.

The protestors said that they had earned peace over the years and were not ready to be “disgraced, displaced, or killed”. — Photo by author

The protestors said that they had earned peace over the years and were not ready to be “disgraced, displaced, or killed”. — Photo by author

“We are shocked to see the videos of Taliban and we want to know how did the militants enter Swat despite the presence of a huge number of security agencies,” another man, Yousafzai, demanded.

He demanded that the government immediately eliminate militants from Swat if “any such elements existed in a real sense”.

Today’s protest was among several others continuing in North Waziristan and neighbouring areas for more than 25 days against lawlessness and targeted killings in different areas.

In the wake of these demonstrations, the government, on Thursday, constituted a 16-member committee to hold talks with relevant stakeholders with a view to controlling the deteriorating law and order situation.
خدا ایسی فوج دشمن کو بھی نا دے جیسی ہمیں دی ہے ۔ مجھے تو اب انڈینز پر رشک آتا ہے کتنی وفادار فوج ہے انکی ۔
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