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Are these really Pakistani channels?

Its simple.

After 67 years you guys continue to be Indian muslims who just did not want to live with Indian hindus. But still Indian all the same, in spite of 67 years of systematic institutionalized arabization.

That's how.

The irony is that in the end, it was you, the patriotic and selfless Indian Hindus who rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan, ended any future confederation and separated the state. 67 years later, bitter Indians perpetuate senseless lies amongst eachother about how Pakistanis betrayed their "roots and heritage" (i.e. a bunch of "glorious" Indian empires which died a few thousand years ago) and are trying to be an Arab state (based on evidence from bloggers and "cultural critics". :sarcastic:)
Lol good story bro! but its just a story nothing else. Zia when came, he didnt added cheap contents in the films or contiminated it instead he purified the film industry by stressing on displaying contents with more moral and islamic values. In fact the zia time was also regarded as one of the greatest era in history of our film industry. And it was must for the womens who had been in tv to wear dopata, which we dont see nowadays.
The matter of fact is the decline of our film industry started in the early or in mid 90s when we completely shifted off from our culture and adopted the contents of indian films, due to their influnce over us. This obviously has led us to the path of destruction. People then moved away from our films which shattered the roots and very bases of our films, and then we started to lose complete ground when indian films were succedded in securing their position in our country.

Well i agree, the success of bollywood in here is also because of the very reason that they are bit close to our language. But one thing should be kept in mind that hindi and urdu still are the different languages, and the films not only made its impact on our culture and society but also in our language as well.

I cant say decent but yes they did overcome Pakistani films numerically. After when bollywood succeeded in gaining ground in our country, they then one after the other brought new movies from india which deprived the very space of our industry to compete with indian films or even survive.

Look i am just implying that the cheap contents, including dancing etc, which is being displayed nowadays in our media, due to indian influnce, is not the very soul of our culture. Believe me bro sometimes when the cheap contents pops up then we had to change the channel, our culture is totally different from india we dont deem right when our females dance over some songs, its completely against our culture but its obviously not a big deal for india as dancing is also sort of part of your countries culture. These sort of things have been criticized in all fronts by our public but the problem is the media is actually trying to impose such things on us. Just look at the very first page where i had posted a picture which i took from a Pakistani tv show. This is more than enough to tell you whats being happening in our media and why we shifted away from our films. Slowly and steadily they are crawling into our society and moulding our culture, this is what their prime goal is!

Look bro we dont like watching these films, this is an unimpeachable truth. The people nowadays are more interested in other things, no one now a days really give too much heed about bollywood. But as i said earlier that our private media is imposing these sort of environment in our country. And i will blame them solely for their actions for effecting our culture. I may sound conservative or narrow minded person to you but thats the fact. In other words you can say that we have been forced to see this. And tell you what we have mentioned indian films only but never shed lights on the overwhelming dramas and indian ads which is being aired over here.

No actually the truth is totally opposite to what you have stated. Putting ban on indian films will give the platform to our films to take their work into the next level which is not possible otherwise. And we will hopefully gather more money than from propagating bollywood films and not only that it will also help in employing our talented actors and actresses which are going elsewhere for the work.
Always bear in mind bro, money which we gather from working with our own hands is thousand times more better than what we get from begging.
Pushing our government to ban it will not only be crucial for our films but also for our society as well, as it will also be fruitful in addressing the key issue of our society which we cant under the bollywood films.

Yes i agree! government should take step to revive films by giving funds to the industry and should immediately ban indian films, if they ever wish to see film industry growing. But the thing is indians watch their film, not because they are decent, if this was the case then there are tons of other films industries out there in the world, with much better contents. They just watch this because these films have been displayed in your country and people have an access to them.
While in Pakistan same thing but in an opposite tone is happening, here we have been exposed to indian contents rather than pakistani ones and people over here are compelled to watch what have been displayed in tv set.

Pakistan case is not similar to kannada, what so ever. They are all indians and these sorts of competition do exist with in country, i think what i know is that they dont talk about the cultural invasion.
But on other hand we have been in complete different ball game, we have been affected with the cultural invasion and and our countries industry is destroyed by the country which is not so friendly to us plus if we had similar sort of competition(which you have mentioned) with in our country then we would not be obsessed with it, infact it would have been much better for us as it will gather more cash for us and will make our society more strong, but as i mentioned earlier we have been affected with cultural invasion via the media houses which has not only destroyed our culture but also our industry.

As per our supreme court, our channels cant broadcast foreign contents more than 10% of the total programs they have and further more they are also not allowed to air foreign programs in the prime time. But these channels are exceeding this figure by a large value and you may see many Pakistani channels airing indian dramas in prime time.

Bro just recall your memory, there are plenty of Pakistani songs which is being used in Indian films.
"Woh Lamhay" by atif aslam and jal is the example.

Look we have produced many awesome films, but how many of which is being played in our channels? Instead our channels proudly plays indian films even if they are as old as hell. And thus people are shifting towards bollywood thats because they dont have any thing to watch, our media only gives heed to bollywood.

What we are asking is to ban indian films, musics ,dramas and all indian contents from our country inorder to protect our society and culture from indian contents which are contaminatingour minds. And to revive our film industry, so that they would get back to their own feets.

Well yes few of the saints does used music for a tool to spread islam, but the women half claded and dancing like a monkey is not islamic nor a decent thing to do or neither does islam prevailed by this.

Its not about islam. Islam is never in jeopardy, its the religion which Allah has promised to protect. And it is prevailing in this world and will be till the end. But the thing is more than 60% of our population is younger than 16 years old and these budding and immature minds are directly becoming target of this cultural invasion. And have you ever imagined why is there so much rape cases in subcontinent especially in india, i know you wouldnt believe me but its true that media do play its part in creating these sorts of problems.


If south indians dont watch bollywood then its not our problem bro!
We are worried about foreign films which are being aired over here because such films has uproot our social values and effected the budding minds ,culture and growth of our industry. This is the concerning thing for us, we dont yearn to gather money by showing everything even if it is damaging for our society. My friend! always remember, people perceive media as its the source of entertainment, but they fails to see beyond it, its actually more than that, its the source to controlling mind.
And our industry is in constrain just because of foreign contents other wise our films would have been going by nicely as we they were long ago.

Each and every channel is showing indian contents, what should we watch? From sports to dramas, from ads to songs, each and every channel nowadays are showing indian contents. So by just saying, "change the channel" will not going to solve our problem, its just like saying that "close your eyes if you came across lion".

Look mate! what if each and every channel of your country starts showing Pakistani contents, what will you do then, will you switch channel, obviously, not! you guys will speak up to protect and promote your industries. This is eexactly whats happening in Pakistan.

He why go to the zoo if a lion is on the leash.. Sell your TV. :D ;)
A country cannot be everything to everyone. Clearly the OP and a few others have a difference of opinion about the mythical Pakistani "culture". Firstly it would be good for everyone's learning to know what is the Pakistani culture? If anyone can please educate us ?

Secondly, Pakistan being an independent country run by its own elected representatives, affords all of its citizens the right to differ and to use all lawful means (courts, peaceful protests, petitions, movements, etc.) to change the prevailing laws. If the majority of Pakistani's find Indian movies and TV shows to be against their culture then they should use all lawful means to ban the screening of Indian content.

If YouTube can be banned surely all Indian content can be banned, in fact, why not ban all Western content including all the Western Internet sites? Why not run a Pakistan only Internet? Then surely the "true" Pakistani "Culture" can be safeguarded?
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