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Are Pakistani Security forces & Intelligence even capable of dealing with Talibans & other threats??

Good Query and you yourself can see the replies of the countrymen.

I will put it in other way.

1. The institutions are very capable and can definitely ensure peace and security in country without any foreign assistance or interference.

2. >200 million nation with great capabilities is among very few nations in the world. I count it among top 5 in terms of capabilities and dedication. some may oppose.

the Only reason of failures I have is that it is the Saudi wahabi lovers and monarchists does not allow this nation to progress and are running the country on alms, donations and loans to keep nation cowed.

There cannot be any other reason that could justify inaction against saudi wahabi madarasah politics.

You sure again its not the SHOs responsible for all this :undecided:
You sure again its not the SHOs responsible for all this :undecided:

SHOs are not responsible for the ill functioning and losses borne by pia or railways or steel mills or other departments. none of the department is working normal. except telecom that is owned by sheikhs. anything you give to sheikhs will work fine and terrorists will not com near it.

Try this one too to punish SHO each time the terrorists strike.
SHOs are not responsible for the ill functioning and losses borne by pia or railways or steel mills or other departments. none of the department is working normal. except telecom that is owned by sheikhs. anything you give to sheikhs will work fine and terrorists will not com near it.

Try this one too to punish SHO each time the terrorists strike.

Yes they are responsible for not arresting all these corrupt people. I cannot arrest them its their job to do, so why don't they do it :undecided:
Yes they are responsible for not arresting all these corrupt people. I cannot arrest them its their job to do, so why don't they do it :undecided:

they are not allowed.
Even if they catch they have to release.
I personally think without putting blame on any one; there is alot of room for improvement in all spheres of security from armed forces and intelligence to civil security forces.

Our responce to a emerging threat is usually reactive not proactive.. for instance as a result of talibinization of pashtun area; training and tactics were adopted for close quarter combat
It took couple of years to get enough troops trained .. and eventually tide has been turned for past few years...my question is why such training was not started before emergence of threat? Especially when some other militaries like americans extensively train their troops in close quarter combat.
Similarly in intelligence field alot of technologies adopted reactively...

Approach needs to change from reactive to proactive ...for starters...

Rangers need to be expanded in civil law enforcement roles and need training in forensic evidence collection and investigation. All major cities in country need to be under ranger control caz police is obsolete for 21st century threats. Motor way police can be merged with rangers and all highways need to be tightly controlled..

Paramount is to adopt technologies as they become available. Automatic number plate recognition and automatic facial recognition needed for all cities. This is crucial technology which is already in use in many western countries.
Drones with infra red cameras need to be brought into civilian forces and made part of quick reaction force.
Also personal mobile phones can be changed and companies can be bound to only sell sets that report their own position every 5 minutes..similar thing is widely being used in trekker fitted cars.. but this can also be made compulsory for every to have a tracker. Thus you can reconstruct scene of crime on real time
But all of above is going to be useless if asma jahangir is going to perform a sexually provocative dance in supreme court and supreme court is going to let all terrorist walk free...
Judicial reforms are must....
If all this can be allowed even after me reporting it then what is wrong with my signature? This guy labelled me ASWJ, LEJ, TTP, and then Infidel, just because he is a bralevi so he can assume a alot about me and suggest to kill me and others.

Read this thread and tell me how would you react, @Tipu7

Aga Khan Speaks Out As Pakistan's Ismaili Shiites Reel From First Major Attack Against Community | Page 13

:rolleyes: yeah and we have proven them wrong by our actions :rolleyes:. Pakistanis are not munafiqs how can land of pure breed and give space to Munafiqs right? ;)
@Horus @WebMaster @Oscar @Emmie @Jango @Manticore @waz

I reported this guy but he is quoting a whole sectarian war going on in PDF. Please take action or state if they are within limits!
You reported me and I reported that already. Nothing happened and that too when a senior mod was present in that thread. And what do you think there is another thread running on this shit.
Its better not to be personal in religion. If u r Muslim, u should be tolerant enough of these attacks. There are right ways of protest. Else leave it to Allah, He know better about us. I request u to modify ur signature and be a good Muslim
Only thing that Pakistani intelligence agencies can be blamed for is shortsightedness.......... not criminal negligence........... they are just plain incapable of drawing out a "long-term" plan, the reasons for which are manifold.......... few bad decisions of the past are haunting them now, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future..........

@Icarus, do you agree?
Its better not to be personal in religion. If u r Muslim, u should be tolerant enough of these attacks. There are right ways of protest. Else leave it to Allah, He know better about us. I request u to modify ur signature and be a good Muslim

Bro I am a sunni Muslim myself. Who has been called LEJ, ASWJ, TTP and finally an infidel. And a genius TT even called for wrath of ALLAH on me and my family. My crime was to provide links that attacks have happened on Tableeghi jamat as well when a nutcase (Pakistani bralevi Muslim) tried to paint a sectarian picture of what we Pakistanis have been facing for last 12 or so years.

Anyways I would honor your request
A good read . It's hard to find threads with so many good posts .
Maybe u r right but it is not the place where we should fight carrying our believes and start enforcing upon others. I have my belief but i will never impose it upon u or anyone else. If he says, it is his POV. We should respect each other :pakistan:

Sorry to interrupt you guys just ask him bring proof of me supporting terrorists or celebrating deaths of minorities or any Muslims. My problem with them started because they assume just because someone does not agree they assume that he is terrorist.
Yaar a person who denies sectarian violence in Pakistan since late 90s is a partner in crime with these wahaabi+deobandi terrorist movements. It's no secret that many of these movements have received funding from Saudi Arabia since the 80s. These closeted lovers of terrorists always mention "sunnis getting killed", when the deobandi and wahaabis are highly unlikely to be killed for their sect. I merely pointed out that attacks on Tableeghis and isolated hate preachers are extremely rare compared to the attacks on shrines and shias. Have shias ever stopped a bus full of sunnis, and shot them after reading their id cards? How many times have these !@#$s done that to shias on the other hand?

There is a difference between deobandi and wahabi movements.

A NON HIJACKED deoband ideology taught nationalism in south asia against the british empire through methods of al Wahab and Ibn Tehmiya. It was created against Aligarh Muslim Uni which promoted division of the subcontinent in the name of two nation theory.

Wahabi is more like centred to Arab Nationalism and Arab supremacy.

People are welcomed to disagree with a reason.
There is a difference between deobandi and wahabi movements.

A NON HIJACKED deoband ideology taught nationalism in south asia against the british empire through methods of al Wahab and Ibn Tehmiya. It was created against Aligarh Muslim Uni which promoted division of the subcontinent in the name of two nation theory.

Wahabi is more like centred to Arab Nationalism and Arab supremacy.

People are welcomed to disagree with a reason.

Frankly I don't have detailed knowledge of what Wahabi is how he is different. But I have only one question do people who keep quoting word "Wahabi" in all negative sense even realize that "WAHAB" is one of names ALLAH chose for HIMSELF?
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