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Are most of the Pakistanis patriotic?

salman nedian

Jun 18, 2007
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Are most of the Pakistanis patriotic?

Every day I meet with people and watch TV and I am amazed to see that how easily people say that God Forbid Pakistan will disintegrate, The politicians do not have any concerns over the world situation they are only concerned about restoring CJ (so that he can provide benefits to them in return), cricketers are dying to Play in other countries, actors are acting in anti-Pakistani films and than shamelessly coming back here and working here as well. Pakistan was disintegrated in 1971 and many people are falling in trap of Indians, thinking of eliminating the borders.

Members comment please!
I think by and large the people of pakistan are as patriotic as they come especially in the rural areas. people who live for their livelihood by tilling the lands. for them it is all they have and as long as pakistan exists forever, it is all they will have. religion is the other binding force. they would like improvements in their living standards (elec, water, hosp, education, roads etc) would further strengthen their patriotism.
mostly........ yap.. by the grace of allah.... pakistans..........are ,, patrotic?
I think the other way buddies, actually due to the bad security and total chaos, no respect for minorities, lack of infrastructure, bad situation making people think otherwise.
Have you seen guys the cue of the people trying to purchase flour out of stores? No drinking water, high utility bills, poor not only getting poorer but vanishing of the screen and rich is getting hold of everything, i think these are the factors and many more.


it doesn't matter whether we say we're patriotic or not. what matters is if we prevent chaos and turmoil from spreading, unlike GEO TV which did a pretty good job at that.

we need to educate people about who gains from pakistan's loss and turbulence. apparently many nations want to nab our nukes, we can't let that happen. we also need to have the will to project our power, the key to that lies with the large ummah.
Most Pakistanis were or are patriotic, not because of their love of Pakistan but their hate for the foreign elements. The past 3 decades have seen in some areas of Pakistan patriotism and love of Pakistan go out of the window, due to oppressive governments that have killed and alienated some regions.

Lack of real democracy and human rights, corruption from top to bottom has made most people think, is Pakistan really the land of pure which our forefathers have died for.

The way forward for Pakistan is devolution, all states totally independent, but with common armed forces.
Most Pakistanis were or are patriotic, not because of their love of Pakistan but their hate for the foreign elements. The past 3 decades have seen in some areas of Pakistan patriotism and love of Pakistan go out of the window, due to oppressive governments that have killed and alienated some regions.

Lack of real democracy and human rights, corruption from top to bottom has made most people think, is Pakistan really the land of pure which our forefathers have died for.

The way forward for Pakistan is devolution, all states totally independent, but with common armed forces.

Probably the correct word for this is provincial autonomy.
With the exception of 1971 fiasco, probably Pakistani nation is passing thru the most depressed period of its history and I don’t think that we should blame Americans or Indians or anyone else for this present state.

With bigger issues like political uncertainty and chaos, insecurity, root level corruption in all departments, abysmal business environments, doubtful economy, bad press for Pakistan world over, terrorism issues, and false/bogus promises by leadership, down to the day to day issues like load shedding, inflation, price hikes and lack of basic necessities (flour, sugar etc), how do you expect an average Pakistani to remain motivated???? I don’t remember that when was the last time that I heard the word ‘Pakistan’ in the news and it was about something GOOD. :hitwall:

I don’t have doubt about Pakistanis being patriotic and they know that their survival is with Pakistan but what they are getting in return for their patriotism? They can’t feed their families on words coming out of leaders’ mouth, they can’t live on the false promises and there is nobody who can assure them that their children will not suffer from the same treatment that they are passing thru…..

Unlike many of us on this forum who are probably blessed with all the amenities and goodies, Life isn’t rozy for a common Pakistani and it’s becoming a matter of survival for him/her. So in my opinion, I don’t think that a common Pakistani is Unpatriotic or in favour of disintegration of Pakistan but definitely he is disgruntled, unmotivated, depressed and uncertain about his future. I hope that the very few people, whose decisions affect rest of us Millions, feel some responsibility and get us out of this mess instead of making life more difficult.
Are most of the Pakistanis patriotic?

Every day I meet with people and watch TV and I am amazed to see that how easily people say that God Forbid Pakistan will disintegrate, The politicians do not have any concerns over the world situation they are only concerned about restoring CJ (so that he can provide benefits to them in return), cricketers are dying to Play in other countries, actors are acting in anti-Pakistani films and than shamelessly coming back here and working here as well. Pakistan was disintegrated in 1971 and many people are falling in trap of Indians, thinking of eliminating the borders.

Members comment please!

Pakistanis are not patriotic and that is exactly the problem. Corruption crime murder and stupid idiotic attitude would not rule us if we were patriotic. Most of our forefathers gave their lives for this nation. My family is still ******* in India and God knows what its like. The idea of Pashtunistan sindhu des balochistan etc should be in the ******* dustbin of history today but still i hear it. Why? Because some Pakistanis are mother fuckers who forget the sacrifice of 4 million for this Nation and an escape f4m indian oppression murder and madness. I have seen people dying in India because they were muslims. Why we are betraying their sacrifice!!!!!

InshaAllah The PN however will replace such ultra madness with extreme patriotism. We must love this nation above everything else. We must carry out our responsibility with honor and do justice even if it means the difference between life and death. Corruption, injustice and crime are our utter enemies. Everyone who practices them should be slaughtered and his family jailed so that a precedent may be set. We are sick of anti pakistani motherfuckers like Bhutto family.

It is sad situation for us. Some Pakistanis are selling their country to India. What tells us they are Pakistani if they don't? They listen to indian music go on about indian movies. Know nothing about Pakistan or about sacrifice of thousands. This is utter madness. We are destroying ourselves when we should be supporting our own people. I am sick of this.

Yesterday i was talking to a bangladeshi bihari about getting citizenship. This man has always been loyal to Pakistan despite Yahya dog and Bhutto being greatest motherfucker in the history of Pakistan. He is still loyal to union of Pakistan despite his mother being killed by powerhungry bhutto asshole and still we did not accept him as citizen. He wants bangladesh and Pakistan to be reunited still and we nationalists after such long time are able to give him citizenship. This is what he says despite his mothers death at hand of Pakistani troops:

Mistreatment doesnt mean that I will forget I am Pakistani. Jinnah did not betray me but it was a government that came after which ignored Jinnahs words. I will always be loyal to Pakistan but can I speak for other 155 million people? No. That is why it is a must to treat all people fairly. Think about what we have suffered. No one can still be loyal to Pakistan after all this but still we believe in unity. If Bangladesh and Pakistan was still united we would have the largest muslim population in the world. We were torn apart not only by the Indians but by our own Leaders. If another person like Zulfiqar comes to power the same thing may happen again.

Every word he says is true!

These things are getting on my nerves. I am getting sick of this. I will personally support Pakistan Patriotic Fronts activities from now on no matter how they pick out government officials for corruption and torture them. This is sick. Why our own people are doing this to their own nation???? Is this why we came to Pakistan? Is this what we deserve? To be killed by Indians first and then our own people being unloyal to the vision of Jinnah? I believe extreme nationalism has to replace this utter madness taking place in Pakistan. Corrupt bastards that follow legacy of Bhutto family must be hanged.
I think the right to question to ask...

Why we have so many Pakistanis willing to go against country's interests?
Majority of nation is more islamist (class of people who are misguided and do misinterpretation of Islam) then nationalist. We need nationalism for progress of country. Otherwise islamist will turning the country into den of terrorist.
I think the right to question to ask...

Why we have so many Pakistanis willing to go against country's interests?

Speaking out and standing against a corrupt system that runs pakistan does not mean you are against pakistan.

Racial tension etc is all brought upon due to uncertainty, there is no law and order, you can bribe your way to anything. Lack of jobs and prosperity makes you wonder where your next meal is going to come from.

However the rich have got richer in pakistan, luxury resorts being built in karachi yet a common who is probably working on site to build them lives below the poverty line.

Too many rich and influencil and men with military family history have taken top jobs and controlled the running of pakistan.

Classic example is bb her husband and son now inherited ppp, is this what we should be patriotic about, should we be patriotic at what mushy has done?
Speaking out and standing against a corrupt system that runs pakistan does not mean you are against pakistan.

Racial tension etc is all brought upon due to uncertainty, there is no law and order, you can bribe your way to anything. Lack of jobs and prosperity makes you wonder where your next meal is going to come from.

However the rich have got richer in pakistan, luxury resorts being built in karachi yet a common who is probably working on site to build them lives below the poverty line.

Too many rich and influencil and men with military family history have taken top jobs and controlled the running of pakistan.

Classic example is bb her husband and son now inherited ppp, is this what we should be patriotic about, should we be patriotic at what mushy has done?

I am talking about the elite class; the actors, politicians, cricketers who have got all the luxuries are not patriotic.

It has been observed that a common man is more patriotic than them, besides all the hardships that he faces.
I think Pakistanis tend to have a strong socialist/welfare streak in them - possibly due to the concepts of Zakat, Fasting and the equitable sharing of wealth that Islam talks about.

Charity and equitable sharing of wealth are not bad concepts, but when "traditional governments (non-Shariah based) struggle to provide even basic services to the people, that socialist streak that already views capitalism (interpreted as the rich getting richer at the expense of everyone else) as a "Western evil", takes over and then you start having questions about the nature of the State, and often this gets confused with being "anti-Pakistani", when the nature and cause of the complaint has more to do with the system that prevails. The system is symbolic of the State however, so in some cases the State become the target of criticism, rather than the system.

When our governments are able to offer development and progress to a larger portion of the population, you will see most of these tensions die down.
No offense my brothers
but Mark twain said " Patriotism is the last refuge for scoundrels"
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