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Are BBC Documentaries as Smearing Campaigns?


Jan 20, 2011
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Are BBC Documentaries as Smearing Camapigns?
July 13, 2013Uncategorized
Facts about Past Documentaries and the Present Documentary of the BBC

I am not affiliated to the MQM, nor do I have an axe to grind by writing this blog. But I am a freelance columnist and a blogger and have always tried to write for sake of highlighting the issues and exposing hidden truth to the general public.

I have been compelled by my heart to write about the neutrality claims of all channels of BBC and its recently released documentary about alleged money laundering of the MQM Quaid Altaf Hussain. Some, especially anti MQM elements, believe that the BBC documentary is cent percent true and reality based, while the MQM sympathizers refuse to believe the documentary and call it propaganda launched by anti MQM forces. Now take a pause for a moment and ask from yourself that if you take BBC 2 documentary true about alleged MQM money laundering, will you take with the same heart as true all the BBC documentaries made in relation to Pakistan? After reading my article and going through the given links of BBC documentaries, you would certainly be clear about the BBC documentaries.

( Link of BBC 2 alleging the MQM chief of money laundering :http://www.speedproxy.co.uk/permali...nIJ10zdNIMDI50BCCJD/w7D1mYPslyOjDcbk/qmiMlg== )

The above documentary is not the first documentary of a BBC channel about Quaid of a political party, but before this a number of documentaries were prepared by BBC with serious allegations about the heads of the parties and the reputed state agency of Pakistan, ISI. And the allegations were similarly rejected by the heads of the parties and the ISI. BBC has also alleged martyred Benazir Bhutto and her husband of corruption, looting and plunder in its documentaries. But these were firmly rejected by the PPP and its workers. The link of that BBC documentary is:


The documentaries of the BBC allegations do not end here. BBC prepared a documentary soon after alleged murder of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan by the US forces. The BBC documentary hurls serious allegations at the government of Pakistan, the army and the ISI of being complicit with the Alqaeda , supporting terrorists and hiding Osama bin Ladin. The link of that documentary is:


The BBC also made another documentary in which it blamed Pakistan army and the ISI for training alleged suicide bombers against the ISAF forces in Afghanistan. The link of that documentary is as follows:

http://www.speedproxy.co.uk/permali...98gADHs/Y6idIVaWSBzRG/z/a1U5Yh/s8jUoje+nV7A== .

Now being a patriotic Pakistani, ask a question from yourself that shall we accept as true the BBC documentaries alleging the Pakistan government, army, and the ISI of being allies of Alqaida? Our army laid down their lives fighting against terrorists. Our billions of dollars economy has been destroyed. Our cities have been turned into living graves. Our agencies provided every information to the US. When despite all these sacrifices, BBC calls our institutions as complicit and criminal in its documentaries, how can we Pakistanis take BBC documentaries as true and reality based, be it against Altaf Hussain, Benazir Bhutto, our institutions or against anyone from within our country?

My appeal to all Pakistanis is that kindly use your brains about BBC documentaries keeping the past hatred based record of the BBC allegations about our army, agencies and the world renowned leader and twice PM of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto. Pakistan has been passing through a critical phase of history and all the anti Pakistan forces have united to create rifts among political parties of the country and cause a civil war in the country through hatred campaigns amongst the workers of different political parties.
Scotland yard is investigating a murder and money laundering case. The UK government and adherence to the UK law are two different matters and are practically treated as such.

MQM was funded by Zia to control the PPP influence back in the day. I agree that there are millions of ideological workers based in the party plus the grievances of the Urdu Speaking folks are not beyond merit either.

MQM needs a better leader, someone who does not believe in the politics of use weapons and extortion. This is of course possible only in the absence of the current.

The new generation in Karachi is a mixed breed. Anyone who has lived in Karachi for more than decade, be it punjabi, pathan, sindhi has a karachite urdu dialect. The on ground demographics have meshed up to form a complex mix of all ethnic backgrounds.

I will give you my example. I have lived in Karachi since my early teens. My parents are from Punjab. I have a typical Karachite accent so until I tell you that I am a Punjabi, you would think I am an Urdu Speaking.

Hence my fellow pdf member, Karachi needs to be treated like Hong Kong or Singapore in the context of its dynamic populous. I am more Karachite than my fellow memons. ;)
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