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Arabs vs Israel


Oct 28, 2008
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By Dr Farrukh Saleem

Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb: "If God were to humiliate a human being He would deny him knowledge"

The League of Arab States has 22 members. Of the 22, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman are 'traditional monarchies'. Of the 22, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Tunisia, Algeria and Somalia are 'Authoritarian Regimes' (Source: freedomhouse.org: Home). Of the 22, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Morocco and Somalia are among the 'world's most repressive regimes' (Source: A special report to the 59th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights). Of the 330 million Muslim men, women and children living under Arab rulers a mere 486,530 live in a democracy (0.15 per cent of the total).A mere two hundred and fifty miles from the 'League of Dictators' HQ in Cairo is the only 'parliamentary democracy' in the region; universal suffrage, multi-party, multi-candidate, competitive elections. Israel's 6,352,117 residents are 76 per cent Jewish and 23 per cent non-Jewish (mostly Arab).Israel spends $110 on scientific research per year per person while the same figure for the Arab world is $2. Knowledge makes Israel grow by 5.2 per cent a year while "rates of productivity (the average production of one worker) in Arab countries were negative to a large and increasing extent in oil-producing countries during the 1980s and 90s (World Bank; Arab Development Report)."Facts cannot be denied: The state of Israel now has six universities ranked as among the best on the face of the planet. Hebrew University Jerusalem is in the top-100. Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Tel Aviv University and Weizmann Institute of Science are in the top-200. Bar Ilan University and Ben Gurion University are in the top-300. The Arab League does not have a single university in the top-400 (arwu). One in two Arab women can neither read nor write (remember, "If God were to humiliate a human being He would deny him/her knowledge").Israel's universities are producing knowledge. Israeli society is applying that knowledge plus diffusing knowledge produced by others. On the other hand, within the Arab League, repressive regimes have erected religious, social and cultural barriers to the production as well as diffusion of knowledge.Look at how knowledge is abandoning the Arab world: Between 1998 and 2000 more than 15,000 Arab physicians migrated. According to the World Bank, "roughly 25 per cent of 300,000 first degree graduates from Arab universities emigrated. Roughly 23 per cent of Arab engineers, 50 per cent of Arab doctors and 15 per cent of Arab BSc holders had emigrated."Israel, on the other hand, has more engineers and scientists per capita than any other country (for every 10,000 Israelis there are 145 engineers or scientists). Israel ranks among the top-7 countries worldwide for patents per capita. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Israel's pharmaceutical giant, is the world's largest producer of antibiotics (Teva developed Copaxone, a unique immunomodulator therapy for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, the only non-interferon agent available).Facts are hard to deny: Most members of the Arab League grant Muslim women fewer rights -- with regards to marriage, divorce, dress code, civil rights, legal status and education. Israel does not. Spain translates more books in a year than has the Arab world in the past thousand years (since the reign of Caliph Mamoun; Abbasid, caliph 813-833). Six million Israelis buy 12 million books every year making them one of the highest consumers of books in the world. Israel has the highest number of university degrees per capita in the world; the Arab world has the lowest. Israel produces more scientific papers per capita than any other country (109 per 10,000 Israelis) the Arab world -- next to nothing.Results are for everyone to see: The average per capita income in Israel is $25,000 while the average income within the League of Arab States is $5,000.
Once the US backed monkeys that run the arab nations are overthrown we will see a different picture in the arab world.
Do tell us how many phd-degree holders the hamas movement has in its ranks?
US may back those monkeys, they were not installed by anyone but the Arabs themselves.

The others are dealing with what they have. There are no good choices to be made in that region.

But then blaming some others for all your failures just does come so easy to so many.
US may back those monkeys, they were not installed by anyone but the Arabs themselves..

No doubt that the arabs are to blame for the swamp that they are in starting from backing the british against the turks to siding with the US but trying to delink the support the US gives to these countries and the military help to keep them in power can not be ignored.
Without US support how long would these regimes last?
Do you think that the people of these nations can force a fair election to take place without getting killed.

The others are dealing with what they have. There are no good choices to be made in that region..

Yes there is.....force free and fair elections to take place or punish the leaders if non take place.

But then blaming some others for all your failures just does come so easy to so many.

Without US support the arab nations would not last more then a couple of months before the muslim brotherhood or some other peoples party wins and turns away from the US intersts in the region.
Would a elected arab govt turn a blind eye to what is happening in gaza like the egyptians.
Once the US backed monkeys that run the arab nations are overthrown we will see a different picture in the arab world.
Do tell us how many phd-degree holders the hamas movement has in its ranks?

And what has Arabs humiliation has any thing to do ith HAMAS.
Vinod2070;266346]US may back those monkeys, they were not installed by anyone but the Arabs themselves

Wrong dude every one of these so called Monharches(theives)are installed and protected by the west.
No doubt that the arabs are to blame for the swamp that they are in starting from backing the british against the turks to siding with the US but trying to delink the support the US gives to these countries and the military help to keep them in power can not be ignored.
Without US support how long would these regimes last?
Do you think that the people of these nations can force a fair election to take place without getting killed.

Yes there is.....force free and fair elections to take place or punish the leaders if non take place.

Without US support the arab nations would not last more then a couple of months before the muslim brotherhood or some other peoples party wins and turns away from the US intersts in the region.
Would a elected arab govt turn a blind eye to what is happening in gaza like the egyptians.

Ah, I see. So you expect the West to come in and clean up the mess there is. They are trying that in Iraq and I don't think you are in agreement with that too! Am I missing something?

Second, it is obvious that the people who will replace the current crop of incompetents will be another set that will also likely be anti West to boot. Why would the West help in that?
Vinod2070;266959]Ah, I see. So you expect the West to come in and clean up the mess there is. They are trying that in Iraq and I don't think you are in agreement with that too! Am I missing something?

wrong again they took out there installed dog in iraq and killed him to replace with another iam not sure where you getting the idea that west is trying to clean up.

Second, it is obvious that the people who will replace the current crop of incompetents will be another set that will also likely be anti West to boot. Why would the West help in that?

Wow i didnt no these corrupt puppets are anti west ?
Ah, I see. So you expect the West to come in and clean up the mess there is.

No...i expect the west not to interfere in the affairs of others.

They are trying that in Iraq and I don't think you are in agreement with that too! Am I missing something?.

Yes you are missing something.......saddam was backed by the west and overthrew the the non western supporting govt.
Do tell us how khomeni became the leader of iran if not without western support.
The list is endless of nationlist govt being overthrown with help of the west so there agenda can be spread.

Second, it is obvious that the people who will replace the current crop of incompetents will be another set that will also likely be anti West to boot. Why would the West help in that?

By anti western you mean anti isaeli.......thats the second reason why the arabs dont like the US.
Any democratic govt will have to forfill the wishes off the people which will be anti isaeli.
Do you think egypt would so silent over the massacre in gaza if the muslim brotherhood was the govt.

PS why not follow the same logic in kashmir and forget about who is training and arming the kashmiris.
And what has Arabs humiliation has any thing to do ith HAMAS.

The starting post tries to give the impression that all the arab govt are totally inept and lack higher education.....my point was that hamas where democratically elected and how many of its membership-leadership hold phd-degrees compared to other nations.
Are HAMAS just like the arab govt ...example being have they filled its postion in govt wth family/friends or the people in hamas a educated bunch.
I cant find the link at the moment but i think there over 500 degree holders in the hamas movement.
No...i expect the west not to interfere in the affairs of others.

Yes you are missing something.......saddam was backed by the west and overthrew the the non western supporting govt.
Do tell us how khomeni became the leader of iran if not without western support.
The list is endless of nationlist govt being overthrown with help of the west so there agenda can be spread.

By anti western you mean anti isaeli.......thats the second reason why the arabs dont like the US.
Any democratic govt will have to forfill the wishes off the people which will be anti isaeli.
Do you think egypt would so silent over the massacre in gaza if the muslim brotherhood was the govt.

The Arabs don't like the USA and the feeling is reciprocated I guess.

Is there ever a thought given to the reciprocal part?

Is anyone preventing the Arabs from having a democratic government? Did they have democracy to start with that someone took away and installed dictators?

Also Khomeni was fiercely anti US, no? So who among the Western countries supported him?

PS why not follow the same logic in kashmir and forget about who is training and arming the kashmiris.

I fail to see any parallel here. Kashmiris are having democracy for the last 60 years.
The Arabs don't like the USA and the feeling is reciprocated I guess..

The question is why do the arabs not like the US........it supports israel to the end right or wrong.Its really as simple as that.

Is anyone preventing the Arabs from having a democratic government? Did they have democracy to start with that someone took away and installed dictators.

How far back do you want to go history.....the turks ruled up until the first world war and after that its been western backed dictators.
It is naive to think that a small group of people that run the arab nations are not clinging on to western support to keep there postions in power.
Who supplies the tanks and guns to keep these people n power.

Also Khomeni was fiercely anti US, no? So who among the Western countries supported him..

France and the US.....google it

I fail to see any parallel here. Kashmiris are having democracy for the last 60 years.

We can debate the "kashmir having democracy for the last 60 years" some other time but my point was does india not blame the pakistani govt for arming and supporting the kashmiri freedom fighter and hold them responsible for the freedom movement in kashmir.
The same way india can blame pakistan is the same way the arabs blame the US for supporting israel and corrupt arab regimes.
The question is why do the arabs not like the US........it supports israel to the end right or wrong.Its really as simple as that.

Yes, that is one question that the Americans asked themselves on 9/11. I hear that sales of books on Islam and Afghanistan exploded in the USA as people set about educating themselves on the reasons.

There is a counter question to that. Why is there so much anger against Arabs and Muslims among many? What did you guys do about answering that question?

Other than dismissing it as Islamophobia!

How far back do you want to go history.....the turks ruled up until the first world war and after that its been western backed dictators.
It is naive to think that a small group of people that run the arab nations are not clinging on to western support to keep there postions in power.
Who supplies the tanks and guns to keep these people n power.

France and the US.....google it

They sell the guns to whoever happens to be in power. They supply it to Pakistan too whether it is democracy or dictatorship there!

How else would you like that to be?

We can debate the "kashmir having democracy for the last 60 years" some other time but my point was does india not blame the pakistani govt for arming and supporting the kashmiri freedom fighter and hold them responsible for the freedom movement in kashmir.
The same way india can blame pakistan is the same way the arabs blame the US for supporting israel and corrupt arab regimes.

Let's not discuss Kashmir here. Anyway this did not make head and tail to me.
once the arab leaders grow balls then they'll fight for whats right
until then nothing can be done

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