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Arab, Sudanese & Chechen militants in Kashmir

These foreign separatist are responsible for massacres of local kashmiri pandits we must make sure to completely clean our valley from these foreign separatists before we start rehabilitating the kashmiri pandit community so they dont face same situation in future
The Arabs were not much of fighters but it is the Afghans the most battle hardened of the militants who were responsible for making the conflict extremely bloody:

By now the insurgency was a full scale low level conflict and its primary flag bearer was not the local insurgent but the battle hardened veterans of the Afghan jihad. With the winding down of the Afghan conflict a large number of Afghan mujahids were freed up. With no other occupation but the thought of jihad they now turned their attention to Kashmir. Known as the Mehmaan (Guest) militants they were eager to take on the Indian Army. Where as the Kashmiri insurgents would open up from more than 100 meters away the Afghan would come in as close as 30 meters. Along with their battle skills they brought in another legacy of the Afghan War the gruesome torture of civilian and military prisoners. A unit guarding the outskirts of an airbase was overpowered and all its members shot in cold blood. A BSF unit was likewise ambushed. Head constable Bikash Nazary was captured. He was put in chains and taken from village to village. His eyes were gauged out, skin ripped off before being executed. A Rashtriya Rifle (RR) unit was betrayed by their informer and captured. The men were castrated, skinned alive, eyes gouged out and beheaded. Many other prisoners had their throats slit especially in front of villagers. But the Afghan tough as they were soon realized that this was not Soviet conscripts but the tough and motivated men of the Indian Army. Furthermore unlike the Soviets the Indian Army was fighting on its own land. In the battles even though the Indian Army and other forces had higher losses than before the Afghans more often then not were eliminated.
:: Lt Gen (Retd) Arjun Ray ::
let the Muslim youth everywhere gather in Kashmir to participate in the holy duty of the Jihad against Indian / Hindu occupation of J&K.
but sadly no one is willing to gather in bangladesh to participate in the holy duty of the Jihad against R&AW / Hindu occupation of Bangladesh.
We should simply burn their bodies. It makes no sense to waste 6 feet land on them and then that land will always be used by the same propaganda and terrorism factories to do more propaganda.

Maybe we should keep them for a month, if nobody collects - and nobody would as most of them are foreigners, then due to failure to establish identity we should simply burn the bodies. This may hurt the feelings of terrorists, but thats just a bonus.
We should simply burn their bodies. It makes no sense to waste 6 feet land on them and then that land will always be used by the same propaganda and terrorism factories to do more propaganda.

Maybe we should keep them for a month, if nobody collects - and nobody would as most of them are foreigners, then due to failure to establish identity we should simply burn the bodies. This may hurt the feelings of terrorists, but thats just a bonus.

Why do Hindus burn dere dead?
Why do Hindus burn dere dead?

Even Sikhs and we Buddhists cremate.

The idea is that the body is made of 5 elements of the nature and must be returned back so that the soul can go to the purgatory and beyond. The mainstream Hindu belief I think is marginally different from what I said here.
but sadly no one is willing to gather in bangladesh to participate in the holy duty of the Jihad against R&AW / Hindu occupation of Bangladesh.

1.The lead report left out BD youth who have been fighting the occupation forces in J&K. Our youth were among the largest in anti-Soviet Jihad. We have shed blood in the way of Allah SWT in Palestine, Bosnia and Chechnya also.

2. Should there be a need and Jihad becomes necessary then definitely Muslim youth from all corners will bite the invader without even our asking. Hindus haven't been able to comprehend this Islamic characteristic even after a thousand yeaRight now we are quite okay and internally powerful enough to crush a Hindu invasion. In the case of RAW and tricks learnt by Hindu strategists in The Arthasastra, we will rely on our years.iend and natural allies like Chinese MSS and ISI.
Arab,Sudanese,Chechen Militants in Kashmir!!!!:what:

Does nt matter much... where they come from...
They all go bacK to same plaCe. Amen.
Alhmadullilah! Allah swt be praised. Marhaba!
Allah SWT has promised Heaven to shaheeds. It is enjoined on the Muslim to stand by his brother in distress. A Muslim is a Muslim first and foremost. Political nationality or other identities are later, and not important. Like in the anti-Soviet Jihad in Afghanistan, let the Muslim youth everywhere gather in Kashmir to participate in the holy duty of the Jihad against Indian / Hindu occupation of J&K.
Allah O Akbar! Allah is Great.

First of all... what's with you speaking in Arabic? I thought you're Bangla? :blink:

Secondly, we don't entertain foreign pests in our territory. Keep sending them, we will keep snuffing them out.

This will continue until either they surrender or even better: join the list of Extinct Species. :D
First of all... what's with you speaking in Arabic? I thought you're Bangla? :blink:

Secondly, we don't entertain foreign pests in our territory. Keep sending them, we will keep snuffing them out.

This will continue until either they surrender or even better: join the list of Extinct Species. :D

The sooner terrorists become extinct, the better. :tup:
EzioAltaïr;3410884 said:
The sooner terrorists become extinct, the better. :tup:

What Israel does to them is a befitting answer. Unfortunately, we have some rear-cleaning government pandering to the fancy of a few traitors inside the country for cheap vote and making a larger section of people look bad.

If only we had a government like Israel's....
well Atleast they ll get 72's what about Hindu soldier when they get killed??reborn as a pig in the next life? :D

Yep still better than getting beahded like rosters by some tribles or getting there @ss whipped in jalala like incident and still not getting sorry from @sswhipper.
Talking **** on Internet is more easy why dont you meet me in some neutral country where i cud f*** ur face:) n btw wht a ***** in ur avatar...cant be satisfied by men so she hired snakes for tht
Your coments shows how much you have respect for religions. Must not have got proper upbringing, or your religion have some issue. Does your god use to have animals for **x, like the current report says, your country is top in seraching animal **x.
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