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Arab News: Huge Chinese trade boost for Middle East with CPEC


Dec 11, 2016
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United States
Despite the current wave of rumors, CPEC is on track because it's critical for China. This article explained it very well and shows what's in it for Pakistan as well.

Huge Chinese trade boost for Middle East in the pipeline?
RICHARD WACHMAN | Published — Sunday 10 December 2017


LONDON: China aims to ramp up its economic and soft power in the Middle East as part of a wider offensive to bolster trade and national security, experts told Arab News.

The move is contingent on the development of a massive new trading hub at Gwadar port in Pakistan which lies at the southern extremity of the much-touted $55 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The corridor is Beijing’s flagship infrastructure project which involves building an oil pipeline, refineries, power stations, roads and railways to boost trade from Gwadar on the Arabian Sea, northwards into western China. CPEC is one of the most important elements of Beijing’s new global network of Silk Roads, dubbed One Belt, One Road.

Critically, construction of the corridor and development of Gwadar is a way to convey crude and liquified natural gas (LNG) from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf into the Middle Kingdom, instead of having to go the much longer way through the Malacca Straits and South China Sea, a journey that takes at least an extra week for container ships.

In 2014, China imported an average of 6.1 million barrels of oil a day. Of that, more than 52 percent — or 3.2 million barrels — came from the Middle East with Saudi Arabia in the lead, according to a paper published in 2016 by the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU).

Seen from that angle, little wonder China views CPEC as a vital strategic imperative: In the event of a conflict with the West, the US could blockade the Straits and choke off vital oil supplies. This is referred to as the “Malacca Dilemma,” where 80 percent of China’s oil imports traverse this potential chokepoint, said Gareth Price, a senior fellow at London-based Chatham House.

“CPEC offers the Chinese a hedge against blockade,” added Price. Yue Jie, head of China Foresight at the London School of Economics told Arab News, China will be the biggest single user of oil by 2030, according to the International Energy Agency. Additionally, Chinese oil imports have increased as a result of a steep fall in domestic production from the long-established Daqing and Shengli fields inside China, said Jie.

She added that protecting its mushrooming global strategic interests is forcing China to realign its policies and relationships in the region. China, for example, wants to expand its financial clout by increasing circulation of the remnimbi, the Chinese currency, in the Middle East, she said.

Christian Zhang of BMI Research, the global geopolitics and country risk consultancy, told Arab News: “There are advantages for China to further develop relations in the Middle East, which accounts for about $200 billion worth of trade, making the region China’s fourth largest trading partner after the US, Japan and South Korea.

“When CPEC is up and running, that will offer more opportunity for trade with the Middle East, and Europe, through Pakistan,” said Zhang.

China can help Pakistan modernize, and Chinese companies view the country as a place where they can produce more cheaply than in China, where wage inflation has taken off, explained Zhang. Pakistan-made goods could then be sold to the Pakistani domestic market or shipped to Europe and the Middle East, he said.
All Pakistanis are pro-CPEC and China.

Only an idiot would not be pro China.
Gentlemen we live in a multi polar world and it was overdue.

Anyone who is not, should get on board because the CPEC train is on its way by bringing in the manufacturing supply chain of East Asia directly to Pakistan. It's in the interest of all Chinese and Pakistanis to secure and increase this region for mutual safety and benefit.
All Pakistanis are pro-CPEC and China.

Only an idiot would not be pro China.
Gentlemen we live in a multi polar world and it was overdue.

You need to realise there are some Pakistanis only care about their own individual rather than Pakistan as a nation as whole. Dawn is one of them serving the American and India. There are the biggest traitor to Pakistan.

They are some Pakistan still having the delusion that American is the best friend for Pakistan and having the most advance technology while China is just a low tech poor nation that is not needed.
To Chinese friends most of the News papers , in Pakistan written in "English" have some outsider financing the operations inside Pakistan

Majority of Pakistanis read Urdu newspapers anyways
Love You China.. Helps us grow with you.. make industries in Pakistan.. let stupid say any thing Inshallah our Army will secure CPEC and not let any one derail or destroy it.. there are people in Pakistan who wants to make CPEC into Kala Bagh Dam.. By Allah's blessing CPEC will be complete and profit for both China and Pakistan will start flowing..:china::pakistan:
A lot of Pakistanis traitor paid will show post fake article to denounce this great project for the benefit of China and Pakistan

This is what the West and Americans are afraid of.
If China gets straight & Direct land route to warm water and energy lines
then the over priced, over protected, and IP plagued western businesses are doomed !

This why they are stationed in Afghanistan, and this is why they will keep making life difficult for Pakistan.

This port has to be a success, and it must be a success.
This is what the West and Americans are afraid of.
If China gets straight & Direct land route to warm water and energy lines
then the over priced, over protected, and IP plagued western businesses are doomed !

This why they are stationed in Afghanistan, and this is why they will keep making life difficult for Pakistan.

This port has to be a success, and it must be a success.
Yes American soldiers are getting killed and maimed in Afghanistan.

Let USA sit there in Afghanistan and get killed and maimed there.


You need to realise there are some Pakistanis only care about their own individual rather than Pakistan as a nation as whole. Dawn is one of them serving the American and India. There are the biggest traitor to Pakistan.

They are some Pakistan still having the delusion that American is the best friend for Pakistan and having the most advance technology while China is just a low tech poor nation that is not needed.
You got to be kidding me right. Most Pakistanis want to distance themselves from USA.

All Pakistanis prefer China over USA. That is a fact.
A lot of Pakistanis traitor paid will show post fake article to denounce this great project for the benefit of China and Pakistan

.The So Called Free Media and "Democracy" Have Given Us Nothing But A Ruined Economy.
Yes American soldiers are getting killed and maimed in Afghanistan.

Let USA sit there in Afghanistan and get killed and maimed there.
Pray for america to stay there for another 15 years. That will be the end of it, just like ussr. It is already visible.
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A lot of Pakistanis traitor paid will show post fake article to denounce this great project for the benefit of China and Pakistan
500 million dollar is this year investment by India for this purpose only brother. But we all know and we are always with you. We both knows who is our enemies and this year is very tough for Pakistan and from 2019, Pakistan will give economic blast to the world and our economy will be move in faster pace InShaAllah
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