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Arab fighters in Pakistan.

im confused with all this Crap going on , who the hell sends these wenkers to us ?

we have to protect our land from someone comming from Medina , jeddah ? .. we must cut those hands who are bringin a muslim against a muslim.

it puts a feeling on me that i cant explain !!
but it does make my heart heavy:hitwall::pakistan:
im confused with all this Crap going on , who the hell sends these wenkers to us ?

we have to protect our land from someone comming from Medina , jeddah ? .. we must cut those hands who are bringin a muslim against a muslim.

it puts a feeling on me that i cant explain !!
but it does make my heart heavy:hitwall::pakistan:

Clearly, these scumbags were financed and sent by the pro-TTP Saudi Salafi network active in the Gulf.

At the end of the day, the TTP is simply a gang of foot soldiers promoting the agenda of the Arab Salafis and their local like-minded stooges(pro-taliban ex-military officers, political clerics and the salafi-funded madrassa network) in Pakistan.
Aren't they mujahideen trying to protect Islam. Just kidding

Eliminate all terrorists - there are no good and bad terrorists. Live in peace

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