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Dubai, at least, is not Muslim. The Azan is banned, the majority population is Indian (of which many are Hindu) and overall, it just seems like an extension of India (no offence meant just showing my point).
I have to agree with SMM as the arabs who are mainly muslim are a minority in their own country.
Dubai, at least, is not Muslim. The Azan is banned, the majority population is Indian (of which many are Hindu) and overall, it just seems like an extension of India (no offence meant just showing my point).

Azan is not banned in Dubai....where did you get that fallacy? the Indians are there are expatriates and will never get a passport or any other right...so their presence is not an issue...they are not allowed to build their temples or worship their idols in Dubai. Also, I dont think that Hindus are the majority in any way at all....you have Pakistanis, Lebanese, Sudani, Irani, Jordanian and pretty much every other nationality there. I don't know how you can just call them a non-muslim country like that. I dont like the way they are promoting western culture and loose morals, but I dont think you can say its a non Muslim country. Its certainly not an Islamic country...but then there isnt a single one in the world today...and from my discussion with you on the other threads...it seems you dont even want one.
Azan is not banned in Dubai....where did you get that fallacy? the Indians are there are expatriates and will never get a passport or any other right...so their presence is not an issue...they are not allowed to build their temples or worship their idols in Dubai. Also, I dont think that Hindus are the majority in any way at all....you have Pakistanis, Lebanese, Sudani, Irani, Jordanian and pretty much every other nationality there. I don't know how you can just call them a non-muslim country like that. I dont like the way they are promoting western culture and loose morals, but I dont think you can say its a non Muslim country. Its certainly not an Islamic country...but then there isnt a single one in the world today...and from my discussion with you on the other threads...it seems you dont even want one.

As far as I know, Azan is banned. If I'm wrong, then I retract that comment.
But Indians are the major population group there (I'm talking about Dubai specifically, not UAE).
Don't you consider Saudi Arabia an Islamic country?
And you're right, I don't want an Islamic country, I want a secular country like Turkey. To me, that seems the best option.
I was there for 6 days 2 weeks ago for business and i did not hear AZAN at all which shocked me it was my first trip there !! but yes Indians are the maj there we are alot less In Dubai plus Alcohol is allowed and sold every where i saw unreal but forsure beautyful place and different and good for business :coffee:
I don't mind the alcohol thing. That's fine.
But the Azan is banned and majority Indian and the overall culture just disgusts me.
I was there for 6 days 2 weeks ago for business and i did not hear AZAN at all which shocked me it was my first trip there !! but yes Indians are the maj there we are alot less In Dubai plus Alcohol is allowed and sold every where i saw unreal but forsure beautyful place and different and good for business :coffee:

Dude....Azan is not banned in Dubai...that is for DAMNED sure....I know cause I'm there all the time. And Indians are not the majority...they are definitely there in great numbers...but who cares?
As far as I know, Azan is banned. If I'm wrong, then I retract that comment.
But Indians are the major population group there (I'm talking about Dubai specifically, not UAE).
Don't you consider Saudi Arabia an Islamic country?
And you're right, I don't want an Islamic country, I want a secular country like Turkey. To me, that seems the best option.

Saudi Arabia is NOT an Islamic country. It has strong Islamic traditions which is respects greatly...but it is not an Islamic country by any means.

An Islamic country would give citizenship to every Muslim in the world...and even non-Muslims who are escaping persecution. It would not be a nationalist country run by a King. They would not deal in Fiat money. There is a lot more, but you asked me if I thought it was an Islamic country and I dont....there is not a single one today.

And I keep telling you...Secularism is not what you think it is. Turkey is a repressive state and you should not be surprised if the fanatic secularists try to ban Azan there.
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