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Arab and Middle Eastern Intelligence and Espionage services

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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This is a thread about Arab and Middle Eastern Intelligence and Espionage services, their achievements and failures, and true stories from credible sources and books related to the Intelligence field..


let's start with this old but fascination story:

A Snake and a Viper in the streets of Baghdad

Naji Zalakha: The Jewish spy who killed the Iraqi pilot for refusing to deal with Israel

The discovery of Dr. Issa Khuzam and his assistants cells, and the fall of the Mossad networks in Iraq was the result of serious errors in the system of communication between networks.
The mistake, which benefited the Iraqis, enabled them to easily detect nine networks at once, creating a huge intelligence vacuum in Israel, because of the flow of information about the different life in Iraq.

Ezera Naji Zalakha was one of the fiercest and most brilliant spies of the Israeli intelligence services who led the brainstorming conflict between Israeli intelligence and Iraqi intelligence.

He was an Iraqi Jew, as wily as a fox, as witty as a rabbit, as fierce as a thousand-claw tiger, very easy to change colours like a chameleon according to circumstances and attitudes, but in any case a snake like character, from which rarely anyone escapes the bite.

He was born in Mosul, northern Iraq, or January 1927, and received an intermediate certificate that allowed him to work as an employee in the archives of the Ministry of Commerce in Baghdad.

He came to know a Jewish teacher called "Malaz" in the Jewish temple, she did not carry much beauty, but she was fine, full of sweetness and tenderness. . He loved her sincerely and got married in 1952 and lived happily together until she was suddenly afflicted with typhoid fever, she quickly became infected and died after one year of marriage. Since then, he lived alone, preoccupied from the pleasures of life by swimming in the sea of memories.

In a bid to help him out of his ordeal, some of his friends helped him to get an evening job at a medical lab. He became preoccupied with work day and night, but he remained loyal to his late wife. He didn't respond to any other woman who approached him.

On one of the Jewish holidays, he carried a bouquet of flowers to his late wife grave, his head resting on the wall of the tomb, and his memories were like hurricanes that took him completely, and turned into a bitter weeping. His tears pierced the bowels with two grooves dripping on his cheeks.

Suddenly he turned to the compassionate hand that had been felt on his shoulder, and found a man about sixty years with time carving traces on his face. He was pulled by the old man and walked beside him talking about his story, his grief affected the man who asked him patience, and started telling him stories and effects to relieve him, and then talked about himself and his wife, the beauty of beauties, which also died in her youth giving birth to their daughter, and that he never found a similar beauty, and thus lived Without a wife, and he gave his life to his only daughter.

The old Jew - his name was "Bouashat - worked as a travelling merchant among Baghdad's popular neighborhoods, selling his various commodities on a long-term dept basis. He was famous among the poor women who accepted his goods, smiling and happy with his fresh talk, and his kind kisses to their children.

The first time visit by Ezera to Bouashat was an exciting start to a story of love, espionage, and savagery.

Bouashat the merchant, who has long been trapped in espionage, joined a secret cell working for Israel. His task was to collect information on the poor Jews in the popular neighborhoods, their living conditions, their numbers, their education, their character, and their attitudes on immigration. So he intensified his visits to the Jewish neighborhoods to write reports about them. And he frequented the graves to catch the news from the mouths of the oppressed, without informing his daughter of his espionage activity, or trying to drag her to work with him.

Ezra went to his new friend, Bouashat, who welcomed him with great pleasure, and was pleased with his faithfulness and great love for his late wife. And he called upon his daughter, and she came. . Here came "Rawan". . As if I came with her all the wonders of life, and gathered in her pure, magical and charming face.

Like a mummy he dropped his jaw and thought to himself, it was unbelievable that there are human beings with such fascinating beauty.

She stretched out her hand, welcoming the guest, and his mind was shattered when her fingers touched his hand, the gleam of her deep blue eyes took what remained of consciousness in him.

Ezra returned to his residence another man, who felt in his own mind that the daughter of Bouashat defeated him, and won against the memory of his late wife. It is his feet that lead him against his will to "Rawan". And here his heart beats whenever he mentions her in his imagination, or sat in front of her, his veins sprang with love again, in joy and recovery, even his perception of life around him has changed and the pictures in his mind beatified.

He visited Bouashat one evening and Rawan was alone. . The seventeen-year-old daughter invited him to come in and he sat down with her like a stupid, dumb student who was ignorant of talk or speech.

He gathered his courage and asked her if she would accept him as a husband, she laughed like an innocent child full of femininity, and said to him: This matter is in the hands of her father not within her hands. So he asked Bouashat. The old man laughed, and asked him how many dinars he had for her dower?

Ezra replied that he saves 1,000 dinars, and has housing and government work, and his salary meets the requirements of married life.

Bouashat the Jew giggled, aware of the extent of his daughter's influence on Ezra, and told him that the dowry for his daughter hand was ten thousand Dinars and not a Dinar less..

He passed through bitter long nights thinking about what to do? Bouashat's intuition was confirmed when Ezra visited him saying he'll pay him 2,000 dinars for Rawan dower.

The old man asked him about the source of the second thousand dinars, and he said he had applied at work for an "advance" deducted from his salary. When he rejected his request for the second time, Ezra offered to write it for another 1,000 dinars. But Bouashat agreed that the value of the dowry would be 8,000 dinars ... on one condition.

Ezra asked him about his last condition. When the expert Jew closed his grip on him, by offering him to help in persuading the Iraqi Jews to immigrate to Israel, So, the date of their marriage depended on the extent of his efforts in this field.

Ezra immediately agreed as long as the dowry obstacle was removed, and the issue of Jewish emigration was a duty and not a sacrifice in his eyes. The Jewish state was through its Arab broadcast, broadcasting its propaganda day and night about the right of the Jews of the world in the Promised Land. He is a Jew. . He wished to travel to Israel to see it before he decides, since Anti-propaganda in the Arab media described Israel as a state of terrorism and massacres, depicting life as hell, spreading many unfortunate incidents, exposing the claims of Israel, who has faced all this rejection and condemnations, accusing the Arab media of lying and trying to deceive Jews to refrain from emigrating.
The propaganda war has always been in an endless state of boiling. Ezra Naji Zalkha was confused about Israel as his nation, since he has known only Iraq as his homeland in which tens of thousands of Jews were enjoying freedom and security.

He then asked himself: Why would Israel not be sincere in what it claims? That the Jews lived on the land of Palestine for thousands of years, and have a historical right in Palestine. Why do Arabs fight them?
Then what will he lose to win Rawan. . ? Just "convincing" some Jews to emigrate is not difficult. The poor who will speak with them feel distress for their poor living conditions and may see immigration as a way out from their crisis. So. . What will he lose?

This is how Bouashat recruited a new agent for the Mossad, working "free" by conviction.. Confident of his dedication to this work, to win his brilliant daughter afterwards.. !! She knew..

At that time when Ezra was ready to work. . There has been a major event in the Arab arena. The tripartite aggression against Egypt took place in 1956, Israel occupied the Sinai peninsula and, with the intervention of the United States, the aggressor armies withdrew

The conquest of Sinai was a surprise for the Arab Jews. They had long been suspicious of the ability of the Israeli army to confront the Arab armies, and had abandoned the idea of emigration, believing in the Arab deterrent force.
The aggression, the occupation of Sinai and than the withdrawal, have shaken the perception wall.. Most Jews believed that the Arabs were surprised by the Israeli military force. They are undoubtedly preparing and waiting for the right opportunity to strike and destroy Israel after it became a threat to the whole region.

This view spread like the wildfire among Arab Jews in other countries. Instead of trusting in Jewish power, the situation was reversed and the occupation of Sinai turned into a devastating setback for Israel's political and military strategy. . The majority of the Jews retreated from their views, and thus. . Many attempts to influence the Jews and urge them to emigrate have failed.

For this reason, the Israeli intelligence service deliberately broadcasted the radio messages of Ibrahim Dar, the hero of the "Toshia" operation, the most daring operation to smuggle 65 Jews from Port Said during the tripartite aggression. The intention was to broadcast his radio talk for several days with an intelligence significance.

This was accompanied by the killing of an Iraqi Jewish merchant by two thieves who stormed his house. Mossad agents capitalised on it by saying that the operation was designed to terrorize the Jews.

Bouashat took advantage of the killing of the merchant Jew to stir up Ezra's anger and create a psychological climate to awaken his enthusiasm. Ezra reacted with his own daring, as a Jew who had in his veins the virus of treason, and was much more devoted to his work.

And it was only a few months of wok till he managed to convince twelve Jewish families to flee to Iran , .. And from there to Israel. The escape route often started from the north-east, where some Kurdish agents a key and effective role. Guiding the fugitives across mountains, plains and rugged paths to the Iranian border. . Where the border guards and Mossad officers awaited them.

This is how Ezra began work, feeling a sense of heroism and pride in his deceitful abilities that enabled him to support Israel. Now he was absorbed by this dangerous and fateful game .. He went a long way in giving Bouashat confidence that he would not back down, so he rewarded by marrying him to Rawan.

Beautiful days in honey and bliss. . He walks in the sea of pleasures floating and drowning in the arms of his bride. It was not long before Bouashat died, and the depts with him...

During the funeral, a man he did not know approached him. He whispered a few words to him and disappeared. He returned home disfigured by anxiety. Rawan asked him about what was bothering him, so he confessed to her about her father's identity and that he has helped him smuggle the Jews to Israel. "So you are a hero." . So was her comment as she hugged him, and detonated the bomb he was holding in his hands when she said: I knew.
She has shortened the road for him. . And as long as he is a hero in her eyes, everything goes.

At Qasim's cafe, the mysterious man came to him. . Gave him five hundred dinars and asked him to meet after a week in the same place and time.

He is a Mossad agent in Iraq. his mission is to train new spies, collect information from them and compile them, and connect networks.

Their meetings were held in various locations in Baghdad, and Ezra was subjected to courses in the arts of espionage. In a short period he learned a lot. . He accepted his career with passion and graduated from the Mossad school as a trained spy, familiar with this amazingly exciting world. . The espionage world.

Ezra's work focused on intensifying his efforts to smuggle the Jews of Iraq. . In two years he managed to smuggle more than 400 of them to Abadan across the Shatt al-Arab. In this he followed diabolical methods, which, despite the strong security presence, fulfilled the mission, making him the most sophisticated spy of the Mossad in Baghdad.

While Ezra was working successfully, Rawan was busy with her reproductive failure, filled with nostalgia for a child who will shine her life.

Despite her husband's silence and lack of interest in the matter, she sought doctors and took interest in popular recipes without results. She was torn by worry and grief, So she convinced herself to ask her husband to flee together to Israel, where rumours were circulating that she could be treated there.

He refused at first and then returned and asked her to wait until they "authorized" them to flee. He then took the opportunity to speak about it with the contact person he meets on specific dates. The contact asked him for some time to bring the matter to his superiors in the Mossad.

Of course, it was not easy for the Mossad to pull out Ezra after he mastered his work and prepared it with great craftsmanship. The process of withdrawing agents is subject to complex calculations, the most important of which is when the agent's confidence in himself is tantamount to vanity. . Which may result in a serious error revealing his identity as a result of excessive confidence in his abilities, and underestimating the capabilities of security personnel in the country in which he was planted. Ezra's work has not yet reached fear for him. What is expected from him is still waiting on the road. . It must be exploited and "consumed" before permission to stop, or allow him to leave.

The response came as expected. . He is very sad for Rawan, and at the same time he is proud to know that he was awarded a military rank in the Israeli army, guaranteeing him and his family a respectable pension when he finishes his mission and flees to Israel. He took a new training course to learn how to use wireless transmission after they handed him a sophisticated wireless device. . It can not be detected by oscilloscope devices that did not even exist in Iraq.

Ezra believed in the importance of his role in serving Israel's interests in Iraq. He covered many of his espionage tasks to include the collection of important reports obtained from his work at the Ministry of Commerce.

He also managed to develop his relations with some officials, and asked permission to recruit from them but Mossad did not authorize him to do so. Despite the extent of his superiors astonishment in the Mossad by his skill in wireless broadcasting .. they were more so astonished by his abilities to penetrate the various communities and the delivery of very important reports about the economy and agriculture. . The information he transmitted to Tel Aviv was in category (A), which merits great financial rewards that changed his life style and spending habits.

Ezra felt sorry for Rawan, who is fed up with her worries because of her longing for a child. And offered her as an "entertainment" to participate with him. . Also. . Hoping for more Mossad money. She was asked to show her Joviality to an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ezra befriended recently.

At first, the task seemed difficult. She did not yet know the limits of that vulnerability. . This left her to assess the situation by herself. It was seen as her permission to walk the way to its end.

Too patriotic..

Rawan simply tried as an erotic girl that is an order. . And very easily made the Christian employee fall for her love .. She convinced him that she loves him, and that she is not thinking of fleeing to Israel in order to remain next to him.
"Kamil" was disturbed when he heard the name "Israel" but in order to grab his mind and paralyse his thinking, she surrendered herself to him, so he slipped in her embrace drunk by pleasure. . He keeps asking for more and more..And with an astonishing young beautiful woman like her, does a man come back to his senses?

In the absence of consciousness, Malik declared in full frankness that he was with her everywhere.. Even in Israel.. Thus he confirmed that she has complete control of him.. She then asked him for the price. . The price of their entry into Israel .. The flow of secret documents and reports from the archives of the ministry started soon.. The more he handed over dozens of dangerous documents, the more she ridiculed them as not relevant.
Days passed by and her talk about love and escape diminished. . As the talk about his adventures to bring documents took all the space between them.

Kamil realized that he had signed his faith in the well of betrayal.. And he immersed himself in it desperately, unable to retreat or to be saved.

Rowan enjoyed the game. . Adventure, and murder with her femininity weapon, it is an exciting game that pleases her. . And takes her away from thinking about procreation. She was dedicated to the game and went further..

Ezra did not waste much time relieving his new partner. As he asked her to catch the first lieutenant of Baghdad airport, arrogant in his official uniform and in the government car that brings him to and from the airport every day.

And because he lives in the house facing theirs. . It was very easy. . When Rawan took her deadly anthropomorphic weapon in his face, he surrendered. . He then approached Ezra, who created a healthy climate for the fall .. The young man fell without thinking .. Then started the flow of the most secret information about the airport, and cargo planes loaded with military equipment, dumped in private sheds subject to tight security measures, as well as the numbers of Soviet experts and Czechs who arrive and leave, and the secret flights to the presidential plane.

The Hottest information was disseminated by Ezra that opened the Israelis' appetite. And they were amazed by the daring of their agent, who had a heart of steel. . has no fear .. Or trembling horrified if read in the Iraqi newspapers about the fall of Mossad spies or their execution.

The warnings came that he should not read the "false" news that the Iraqis propagate. But he did not pay attention to those fears, but read to take benefit from the mistakes that led to the fall of the spies, and avoid them, multiplying his experiences. . And wealth .. thanks to his sense of security. . And the precious information he gets thanks to his wife's body.

Especially when he told them about joining her to work with him, and her superior ability to control and recruit new agents. Their response was that they appreciated it. . And that Rawan had also been granted the rank of first lieutenant in the Israel Defense Forces. . In recognition of her honorable cooperation .. !!

For purely security reasons, Ezra bought a new one-story house in the Kadhimiya district. . The house had a back garden with thick trees. . And a door leading to a deserted area full of bush.. , he "cleared" the area leading to his home with a magnifying telescope before he left. . Or before the visit by an important agent.

This house has been turned into a serious operating room where the process of controlling who is being recruited was carried out.

Within three years of Rawan's involvement in espionage.. she managed alone to recruit 13 public officials in important positions. Four of whom were officers of different ranks in the Iraqi army, and an officer in airport security.. And six others hold administrative positions in various ministries. All of them fell into Rawan's grip thanks to body language and excitement through which Iraq's secrets flowed to Israel.

Rawan also sat her nets around an army doctor with the rank of captain. A plan was drawn up by an agent to bring the captain to her and to cover her husband. As the viper prepared herself she seemed as if all the seduction of the world had inhabited her attractive body. And that as a fruit she was full of longing for her captor.

When the single doctor came in, he stood in his place. He looked like a hungry child, his limbs twisted and trembling. . Her transparent clothings did not hide from her charms more than she revealed, and her beautiful body was calling: O stunned and hungry creature. . Come on . . Taste volcanoes of pleasure. . tons of eternal bliss, and pick the fruit..

And like all his predecessors. . The doctor lost his resistance and drowned in it. And shakes to the peak. . She gave him only a few. . Until the moment when his mind was completely lost, the swap then began. . Everything has a price.
And when the moment of revelation came. . And fall. . Captain Hussein Ali Abdullah did not believe that he was in the arms of a professional spy, in a den for spies, and he jumped out of her arms and screamed and threatened her with a dark destiny.

She threatened him with his sexual records with her, and he answered that as a man it was not a disgrace to him, but it confirms his manhood. She again threatened him with what he said in politics and the military and that his future was in her hands. He spat at her saying they would reward him with a promotion because he was handing them over an Israeli spy. And then he assaulted her trying to tie her and take her to the authorities, but he was surprised by Ezra with his pistol in front of him.

He felt his great mistake as a military man, he had to agree with her until he came out of the house of snakes. But he "believed" they were alone.

Ezra did not give him a chance to deal with him. The bullets went to his head, and the fragments of the bones of his skull were scattered on the walls of the room.

Rawan screamed in alarm. She stopped screaming when Ezra became furious. . His yes twinkling like flames, She was trembling in a faint moan. .Ezra blamed her because she could not control him like his predecessors. She was very quick to reveal her identity and had too much confidence in her beauty.

She fearfully and in horror assured him that she did her work professionally and was serious, but " the captain was too loyal and patriotic". they spent the nigh preparing his grave in the back garden. . Then the dirt ran over the body. . And Rawan shrank in panic. . She sleeps in the arms of a murderer.. And a step from her bed.. A dead man lies..The dead pilot..

Melancholy filled the viper's thoughts and shredded her mind to pieces. . But the poisonous snake was not to surrender. . The glory awaits him in Israel. . Now he is making his history.

The shrewd spy went on his way forward with confidence and vanity. For nine years he was tireless and not afraid. . His aides are spread throughout Iraq's vital institutions. . Providing him with astonishing information about Iraq's internal organs and the various arteries of life.

In the new letter of assignment received by radio. . It was different this time. It was necessary to recruit an Iraqi military pilot - at any cost - to escape with his MiG-21 fighter jet to Israel.

Ezra began his search for a traitor. .And through military traitors members of his network, Ezra met_apparently_ spontaneously with captain Shakir Mahmoud Yusuf, born in Mahalla Hassan Basha in 1936, who had previously attended training courses in Moscow and London to increase his efficiency as a pilot of the Mig-21 interceptor fighter,.

Ezra and his wife met him at a party. . Rawan, with her overwhelming female weapon, tried to catch his attention but he ignored her. . She was angry disappointed, she complained that she was a female who did not attract anymore and doubted her thoughts of the female that can not be rejected. Days later after gathering hear breath, she announced her decision to Ezra to retire from the hunt for new Iraqis.

But he surprised her that evening when he came accompanied by Shakir, and explained to her that the young pilot ignored her in the ceremony because of his wife presence with him, and that a "mediator" talked with Shakir and saw his desire to get acquainted with her..He pretended to befriend him and began contacts between them.

Rawan almost regained her confidence in her charm and attractiveness. . And was about to control the nerves of the pilot lover, when he suddenly travelled to America to take a course in the "formation leadership" in Texas.

There the CIA took over. . And she put another viper on his way. . She was brought specially from Austria where she worked as a nurse at the American Hospital in Vienna.

She is "Crowther Helker". . Extremely attractive and highly beautiful. She worked as a supervisor at the Eastern Pilots Club at the Texas Air Training Base. . And set her nets around Shakir Youssef who fell in her ropes powerless. He wanted a temporary mistress in America, while she wanted him as a husband.. to complete the plan. .

He refused her desire of course, because he was married and loved his wife. But she did not give up. . She was trying. . Times and times, but she failed. . The ignorance of the Mossad and the CIA became apparent.. Arab military men are forbidden to marry foreigners.

But Israelis and Americans had a strong desire to control and recruit him. . To give them the secrets of the Soviet plane puzzle .. And when he returned to Baghdad without realizing their dream. . Crowther flew behind him and landed at the Baghdad International Hotel and called him.

And because she came for him - he was embarrassed as an Oriental - and rented a furnished apartment for her in the eastern Karrada area overlooking the Tigris River. He visited her in secret and tried to persuade her to go back because he was married and had a child.

When she told him about the "World Peace Organization", which was interested in spreading peace around the world, he shouted at her and threatened her to travel immediately outside Iraq, otherwise he would have to inform the authorities that dhe was seeking to recruit him for foreign entities.

Then. . Because she had a licence to kill, she felt that he had to be liquidated as soon as possible for fear of being discovered. Thus revealing the intentions of the Americans and the Israelis, which will lead the Arab countries to forbid the pilots who were sent on missions outside of their countries from piloting the Mig-21, hence orders were given to Ezra Naji Zalkha to get rid of Captain pilot Shakir Yusuf.

Here some may wonder:

What is the relationship between Ezra, the Mossad spy , and Crowther Hellker, the CIA spy?

The answer is very simple. . Mossad and C.I.A. Both of which are closely linked by common interests and intentions. Whether an Arab pilot is recruited by the Mossad or by C. I.A. He will flee by plane to Israel, to be examined by the Americans.

from here . . the C.I.A. had to help the Mossad in the liquidation of Shakir by its agents in Baghdad. The Mossad sent an urgent request to Ezera to contact Crowther, who is fluent in Arabic, and they agreed on the plan.

During the last visit of Captain Shakir to the furnished apartment, and as in previous visits, he used to leave his car two streets away in anticipation of any emergency. In a heated discussion between them, she threatened him with movies and sex pictures of them taken in America, but he did not care.

In the last attempt to keep him alive, she offered him a million dollars for a MiG-21 flight to Israel, and he slapped her face with a powerful slap that spilled blood out of her mouth. Before he came out of the room to inform the authorities, Ezra surprised him with his silenced pistol, and a Shakir fell instantly before he could use his own pistol..

While Helker prepared her travel-case to catch the plane bound for London, Ezra was busy removing the traces and fingerprints, dragging the body of the pilot under the bed wrapped in a blanket, then opened the air conditioners .. and left the apartment.

The body was discovered on July 6, 1965, a week after the crime.
At that time Ezra was spending the worst days of his life. Iraqi newspapers published the news of the killing of Crowther Helker in a London hotel in mysterious circumstances, two days after leaving Baghdad, and a security official said the body was found torn, with thirty stab marking the thirty years span of life. If this was the way of the C.I.A to get rid of Crowther to hide the crime of Shakir forever. What about him?

The world turned around on Ezra. His nightmare was that the Mossad would kill him too, because he was a criminal. . He did not know that the method of killing agents after their assignment was used by C.I.A only. The Mossad spies were considered great heroes, being a pride and immortalized them. He did not know that because the radio was malfunctioning. And hid in one of the apartments from which he or Rawan did not come out except for necessity.

After the New Year celebrations. . It was in the first days of January 1966, when the discovery of his network amongst the nine networks came about .. he was wanted and hunted all over Iraq.

He was unaware of the search for him by the intelligence service - the second office - his relationship with his assistants was cut off throughout those five months.

And since the criminal is always hovering around the scene of his crime, it happened that he went with Rawan to the Kadhimiya house where he hid the espionage devices. He was assured they were still there. In the evening, he drove alone to the old house o fBouashat. He slept exhausted until dawn and hurried back to Rawan again and did not expect what was awaiting him.

In the atart of dawn, the security forces stormed the house, and Rawan was alone like a ghost. She was laying like a fetus in the belly of his mother. . There was no surprise or shock.
They asked her about Ezra, and she said quietly: "he will be here soon."

She admitted on her own that she was an Israeli spy, she was able to recruit an army of Iraqi Jews and others with seduction and sex. They were led to the doctor's grave in the back garden and then to a secret bunker with a broken radio, a code book, several secret cameras, and movies and documents not yet sent to the Mossad.

Security vehicles had disappeared from the place that looked normal. Several officers hid inside the house waiting for the big snake. After he came and took a few steps inside he was immediately neutralised and put under arrest .. He was taken to a secret place for questioning, he confessed in details his activity for ten years in favor of the Mossad.. his confessions filled many gaps that prevented access to the rest of the networks before,,.

While he was in the cage, waiting with Rawan and nine others for the death sentence by hanging to be heard, and five soldiers by shooting, Rawan who became very skinny looked at him and told him that she was sorry for everything. . But she is very happy not to have had children who would have been tormented by them all their lives. . Where people will shout all over the streets of Baghdad: These are the children of the snake and the viper .. !!

Ezra network

@Gomig-21, @mahatir , @AmericanEgyptian, @Saif al-Arab
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Some of the most famous women spies in then Middle East:

Shula Cohen

She was the mother of the former Israeli ambassador to Cairo, Yitzhak Levanon. Cohen served her sexual services to hundreds of senior civil servants in Lebanon between 1947 and 1961 and was greeted by her clients in her home in Wadi Abugmail, an old Jewish neighborhood in downtown Beirut. In the field of illegal relations, to penetrate the influential circles in the Lebanese state.

In 1956, Cohen expanded her work. She became the owner of five additional houses in different parts of Beirut. Cohen was supplied all the necessary recording equipment by Mossad, such as secret cameras for bedroom. Cohen used Lebanese girls as a mean to attract politicians and Lebanese and Syrian officials. She played a prominent role in the displacement of Arab Jews to Palestine, visited Jerusalem continuously, was arrested by the Lebanese authorities in 1961 and sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment.

Amina Al Mufti

The most famous Arab spy .. A Lebanese-Jordanian woman who lost her body in the service of Israel, loved a Jew named Moshe and married him, and sold her country and her religion, causing the killing of many Palestinians. She was arrested by the police and exchanged for two Palestinian resistance men. Received by the Mossad in Israel and given 60 thousand shekels, She lived in Tel Aviv.

Heba Salim

The first Egyptian spy, worked for the Mossad in 1973 and joined the Zionist entity thinking it was "undefeatable force" during her studies in the French capital Paris. She then recruited her fiancé, engineer in the Special forces Farouq El Fiki, Director of the Office of the Commander of the Thunderbolt SF at the time.

The Egyptian intelligence service prepared a plan to sting Hiba till she was caught red handed and was brought before the Egyptian court to be sentenced to death by hanging after admitting her crime. She appealed to the late president Anwar Sadat to commute the sentence, but her request was rejected. A personal request by Golda Meir, Henry Kissinger, the US secretary of state, called for a reduced sentence, but they were told that she had been already executed.


They all have fascinating stories to them.. I will try to bring them here on this thread..

Shula Cohen - the most dangerous Israeli spy known to the Middle East

For the first time, the real story of the spies Farouk Faki and Heba Salim

The Complete Story of the spy (Amina Al Mufti) "Annie Moshe Perrad"
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Shula Cohen

She was the mother of the former Israeli ambassador to Cairo, Yitzhak Levanon. Cohen served her sexual services to hundreds of senior civil servants in Lebanon between 1947 and 1961 and was greeted by her clients in her home in Wadi Abugmail, an old Jewish neighborhood in downtown Beirut. In the field of illegal relations, to penetrate the influential circles in the Lebanese state.

In 1956, Cohen expanded her work. She became the owner of five additional houses in different parts of Beirut. Cohen was supplied all the necessary recording equipment by Mossad, such as secret cameras for bedroom. Cohen used Lebanese girls as a mean to attract politicians and Lebanese and Syrian officials. She played a prominent role in the displacement of Arab Jews to Palestine, visited Jerusalem continuously, was arrested by the Lebanese authorities in 1961 and sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment.

Shame on her! lol. The Mossad used prostitutes all the time. IIRC, there was a story that one of them was discovered in the 70's by members of the PLO at the time, either in Germany or France and was killed in a rather gruesome manner. Though business.

I enjoy hearing the ones who claim it's an easy target. :-)
Shame on her! lol. The Mossad used prostitutes all the time. IIRC, there was a story that one of them was discovered in the 70's by members of the PLO at the time, either in Germany or France and was killed in a rather gruesome manner. Though business.

I enjoy hearing the ones who claim it's an easy target. :-)
That was Hiba Salim.. an extremely interesting espionage story with an international scope .. I'll try to bring it when I have time.. it is a long story..


Ten Arab scientists assassinate by the Mossad

These are also good stories of this mysterious world.. hope anyone who can bring them to this thread do so.. I'll try my best.. I have the stories, but they all need comprehensive translation..
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The assassinated scientist (First Egyptian nuclear scientist) in the US , "Samira Moussa"

Samira Moussa was born on March 3, 1917 in the village of Sinbo al-Kubra, the center of Zefta in Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Her father had a prominent social status among the people of his village, and his house served as a council where the villagers meet to discuss all political and social matters. Since childhood, Samira has learned to read and write. She has memorized the Koran and was interested in reading the newspapers and had a photographic memory that qualifies her to memorize the thing as soon as she reads them..

Her father moved to Cairo with his daughter to further her education and bought a small hotel with some of his money in the Hussein neighborhood to invest his money in Cairo's life; Samira joined the Qasr al-Shawq Primary School and then the Banat Al Ashraf special Secondary School.

Samira won the first prizes in all stages of her education. The first was the guidance certificate in 1935, this girls' achievement was not common at that time, since they were only allowed to enter the exams from their homes, until the law was changed in 1925 with the establishment of the Princess Fayza School, The first high school for girls in Egypt.

Her continuing success had a great impact on her school, where the government provided financial aid to the school from which she graduated. The school's mentor, Nabuiyeh Mousi, paid for a private lab when she once heard that Samira was planning to move to a government school. It is worth noting that she republished the government's algebra book in the first year of secondary school, printed it at the expense of her own father and distributed it free of charge to her colleagues in 1933.

Samira Moussa chose the Faculty of Science at the University of Cairo, despite the fact that she was qualified to enter the Faculty of Engineering when she was a student at the time. She was attracted to her teacher Dr. Ali Mostafa Mosharrafa (who was also assassinated by the Mossad!), the first Egyptian supervisor of the Faculty of Science. She has been directly influenced by him, not only scientifically but also by the social aspects of his personality.

Samira Musa received her bachelor of science and was the first in her promotion, she was then appointed as a graduate at the Faculty of Science thanks to the efforts of Dr. Mustafa Mosharrafa, who defended her appointment strongly and ignored the protests of (Brithish) foreign professors.

  • She obtained her master's degree in the topic of thermal contact conductance of gases.
  • She traveled on a mission to Britain where she studied nuclear radiation and got her PhD in X-rays and their impact on various materials.
She completed her thesis in a year and five months and spent the second year in continuous research in which reached an important new equation (which was not known yet in the Western world at that time).. She succeeded in fragmenting cheap metals such as copper and thus making nuclear material that could be accessible to all. But Arabic scientific books did not publish research conducted by Dr. Samira Mousa.

Her works

Dr. Samira was influenced by the contributions of the early Muslims and also by her teacher Dr. Ali Mustafa Mosharrafa, she has an article on al-Khwarizmi and his role in the establishment of algebra science. She has several other articles, including a simplified article on atomic energy and its effects and methods of prevention, in which she explained what is the atom in terms of history and construction, and talked about nuclear fission and its destructive effects and the properties of radiation and its biological impact.

Travel abroad

Samira traveled to Britain and then to America to study at the University of Oakridge in Tennessee. She was not dazzled by the US charms; In a letter to her father, she said: "There are no customs and traditions in America like those we know in Egypt. They start everything in an improvised way, The Americans are a melting pot of different cultures and societies, many of whom came here with nothing at all, their behavior was often like a stranger visitor who travels to a country where he believes that no one will criticize him because he is a stranger.

Her death

Dr. Samira responded to an invitation to travel to the US in 1952, she had the opportunity to do research at the laboratories of the University of St. Louis, Missouri..She received offers to stay in the US but refused and just a few days before her return to Egypt she responded to an invitation to visit nuclear plants in California suburbs on August 15, and on California's rugged, high and difficult roads a transport vehicle suddenly appeared and collide with her car which was thrown into a deep valley, the driver of the car - her Indian colleague at the university preparing for his doctorate - jumped and disappeared forever.

The beginning of doubt about the fact of her death

Investigations revealed that the driver had a pseudonym and that the management of the reactor did not send anyone to accompany her. She told her father in her letters: "If there was a laboratory in Egypt like the factories here, I could do many things." Mohamed Al-Zayyat, Egypt's cultural adviser in Washington, commented that the word "many things" meant that she could invent a device to break down cheap metals into atoms by thermal conductivity of gases and then create a cheap atomic bomb.

In her last letter she said: "I was able to visit the atomic plants in America and when I return to Egypt, I will provide my country with great services in this field and I will be able to serve the cause of peace.", She intended to establish a special laboratory in the area of the pyramids in Giza.
The newspapers are still publishing her story and her file has not been closed, all the evidence indicates - according to observers - that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence is the one who assassinated her, a penalty for trying to transfer nuclear science to Egypt and the Arab world in that early period..

This scientist has reached an equation to obtain energy from the splitting of cheap metals such as copper and others.. Her research if was continued would have changed the world somehow ..
The story of her assassination indicate the betrayal of an Egyptian actress of Jewish origins called Raquia Ibrahim (on the left of the following picture)


Today, September 17, 2017 :lol:

The least one can say is that the Arab women are very persistent..

Deutsche Welle radio station reported on the first Saudi space rocket engineer, Mashael al-Shammari, who joined the US space agency, NASA, in which she revealed her dream of flying her country's flag high in space.

She is the first Saudi engineer in the field of missiles and spacecraft. She joined the US space agency NASA as a researcher in the field of missile design.

Mashael owns a private company called Mashael Aerospace, which manufactures spacecraft and hybrid rockets.

NASA praised her achievements and research, as well as the US military.


The dream of Mashael: Moving the rocket industry to Saudi Arabia, at the "Misk UNDP".

she said: "Many people said I was mad and I do not know what I am doing,and she answered them saying: Maybe that is true.. I'm crazy and I do not know what I'm doing, but I'm experimenting with something different. "I try to strive, and beyond the limits of my energy, I try to achieve something, because if I set a goal in front of me, I will achieve it whatever happens."

The assassinated scientist (First Egyptian nuclear scientist) in the US , "Samira Moussa"

Samira Moussa was born on March 3, 1917 in the village of Sinbo al-Kubra, the center of Zefta in Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Her father had a prominent social status among the people of his village, and his house served as a council where the villagers meet to discuss all political and social matters. Since childhood, Samira has learned to read and write. She has memorized the Koran and was interested in reading the newspapers and had a photographic memory that qualifies her to memorize the thing as soon as she reads them..

Her father moved to Cairo with his daughter to further her education and bought a small hotel with some of his money in the Hussein neighborhood to invest his money in Cairo's life; Samira joined the Qasr al-Shawq Primary School and then the Banat Al Ashraf special Secondary School.

Samira won the first prizes in all stages of her education. The first was the guidance certificate in 1935, this girls' achievement was not common at that time, since they were only allowed to enter the exams from their homes, until the law was changed in 1925 with the establishment of the Princess Fayza School, The first high school for girls in Egypt.

Her continuing success had a great impact on her school, where the government provided financial aid to the school from which she graduated. The school's mentor, Nabuiyeh Mousi, paid for a private lab when she once heard that Samira was planning to move to a government school. It is worth noting that she republished the government's algebra book in the first year of secondary school, printed it at the expense of her own father and distributed it free of charge to her colleagues in 1933.

Samira Moussa chose the Faculty of Science at the University of Cairo, despite the fact that she was qualified to enter the Faculty of Engineering when she was a student at the time. She was attracted to her teacher Dr. Ali Mostafa Mosharrafa (who was also assassinated by the Mossad!), the first Egyptian supervisor of the Faculty of Science. She has been directly influenced by him, not only scientifically but also by the social aspects of his personality.

Samira Musa received her bachelor of science and was the first in her promotion, she was then appointed as a graduate at the Faculty of Science thanks to the efforts of Dr. Mustafa Mosharrafa, who defended her appointment strongly and ignored the protests of (Brithish) foreign professors.

  • She obtained her master's degree in the topic of thermal contact conductance of gases.
  • She traveled on a mission to Britain where she studied nuclear radiation and got her PhD in X-rays and their impact on various materials.
She completed her thesis in a year and five months and spent the second year in continuous research in which reached an important new equation (which was not known yet in the Western world at that time).. She succeeded in fragmenting cheap metals such as copper and thus making nuclear material that could be accessible to all. But Arabic scientific books did not publish research conducted by Dr. Samira Mousa.

Her works

Dr. Samira was influenced by the contributions of the early Muslims and also by her teacher Dr. Ali Mustafa Mosharrafa, she has an article on al-Khwarizmi and his role in the establishment of algebra science. She has several other articles, including a simplified article on atomic energy and its effects and methods of prevention, in which she explained what is the atom in terms of history and construction, and talked about nuclear fission and its destructive effects and the properties of radiation and its biological impact.

Travel abroad

Samira traveled to Britain and then to America to study at the University of Oakridge in Tennessee. She was not dazzled by the US charms; In a letter to her father, she said: "There are no customs and traditions in America like those we know in Egypt. They start everything in an improvised way, The Americans are a melting pot of different cultures and societies, many of whom came here with nothing at all, their behavior was often like a stranger visitor who travels to a country where he believes that no one will criticize him because he is a stranger.

Her death

Dr. Samira responded to an invitation to travel to the US in 1952, she had the opportunity to do research at the laboratories of the University of St. Louis, Missouri..She received offers to stay in the US but refused and just a few days before her return to Egypt she responded to an invitation to visit nuclear plants in California suburbs on August 15, and on California's rugged, high and difficult roads a transport vehicle suddenly appeared and collide with her car which was thrown into a deep valley, the driver of the car - her Indian colleague at the university preparing for his doctorate - jumped and disappeared forever.

The beginning of doubt about the fact of her death

Investigations revealed that the driver had a pseudonym and that the management of the reactor did not send anyone to accompany her. She told her father in her letters: "If there was a laboratory in Egypt like the factories here, I could do many things." Mohamed Al-Zayyat, Egypt's cultural adviser in Washington, commented that the word "many things" meant that she could invent a device to break down cheap metals into atoms by thermal conductivity of gases and then create a cheap atomic bomb.

In her last letter she said: "I was able to visit the atomic plants in America and when I return to Egypt, I will provide my country with great services in this field and I will be able to serve the cause of peace.", She intended to establish a special laboratory in the area of the pyramids in Giza.
The newspapers are still publishing her story and her file has not been closed, all the evidence indicates - according to observers - that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence is the one who assassinated her, a penalty for trying to transfer nuclear science to Egypt and the Arab world in that early period..

This scientist has reached an equation to obtain energy from the splitting of cheap metals such as copper and others.. Her research if was continued would have changed the world somehow ..
The story of her assassination indicate the betrayal of an Egyptian actress of Jewish origins called Raquia Ibrahim (on the left of the following picture)

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Today, September 17, 2017 :lol:

The least one can say is that the Arab women are very persistent..

Deutsche Welle radio station reported on the first Saudi space rocket engineer, Mashael al-Shammari, who joined the US space agency, NASA, in which she revealed her dream of flying her country's flag high in space.

She is the first Saudi engineer in the field of missiles and spacecraft. She joined the US space agency NASA as a researcher in the field of missile design.

Mashael owns a private company called Mashael Aerospace, which manufactures spacecraft and hybrid rockets.

NASA praised her achievements and research, as well as the US military.

View attachment 426045

The dream of Mashael: Moving the rocket industry to Saudi Arabia, at the "Misk UNDP".

she said: "Many people said I was mad and I do not know what I am doing,and she answered them saying: Maybe that is true.. I'm crazy and I do not know what I'm doing, but I'm experimenting with something different. "I try to strive, and beyond the limits of my energy, I try to achieve something, because if I set a goal in front of me, I will achieve it whatever happens."

First introduce Arab Agencies their names name of their heads size and other things than tell stories about spies.
First introduce Arab Agencies their names name of their heads size and other things than tell stories about spies.
This is about espionage operations.. you'll come to know the Arab intelligence agencies in due time.. through true stories.. for the rest it is public knowledge.. you can google country by country.. but the Arabs like to be discrete about their intelligence services.. some publish a bit about themselves though..
The Legend…..Ali Moustafa Mosharafa


“I can not believe that Mosharafa is dead, he is alive through his researches. We are in need of his talents, it is a great loss, and he was a genius. I used to follow up his researches in atomic energy; definitely he is one of the best scientists in physics.”
By these words Albert Einstein expressed his sorrow on the death of his friend and colleague Ali Moustafa Mosharafa.

Mosharafa was born on the 11th of July, 1898 in Damietta. Members of his family were known of their piety and interest in science. His father was a religious scholar who belonged to the school of Gamal Al-Din Al-Afghani and Mohammed Abdou, so he was raised from his early beginning in deep relation with the Quran and since his childhood he used to link science with the presence of God.

Moustafa was the youngest student in his class, but the most knowledgeable. His teachers used to call him “Sir” for his profound knowledge and character. He obtained his primary certificate in 1910 ranking first nationwide although his father died one month before his exams. At the age of 16 he obtained his Baccalaureate in 1914, being the youngest student at that time to be awarded such a certificate. He preferred to enroll in the Teachers’ College rather than the faculties of Medicine or Engineering due to his deep interest in mathematics. He graduated in 1917. Due to his excellence in mathematics, the Egyptian Ministry of Education sent him to England where he obtained BSc (Honors) from the University of Nottingham, then the Egyptian University consented to grant Mosharafa another scholarship to complete his doctorate. During his stay in London many of his scientific researches were published in prominent scientific magazines. He obtained a PhD in 1923 from the Royal College of London in the shortest possible time permissible according to the regulations there. In 1924 he was awarded DSc (the greatest academic degree in Sciences), the first Egyptian and 11th scientist in the entire world to obtain such degree.

When the Egyptian University was opened in 1925, he became an assistant professor of mathematics in the Faculty of Science because he was under the age of 30, the minimum age required for fulfilling the post of a professor. His promotion to professor was raised in the Parliament chaired, then, by Saad Zaghloul. The Parliament lauded his qualifications and merits which surpassed those of the English dean of the faculty. In 1926 he was promoted to Professor.
He was the first Egyptian professor of applied mathematics, the Faculty of Science. Then he became dean of the faculty in 1936.
The American broadcast announced him as one of seven scientists in the world who knew the secrets of atom structure. He also wrote a book on the theory of relativity translated into English, French and German. It was reprinted in the USA. He produced around 15 scientific books about relativity, mathematics, atom and space invasion. His most important books are:
– We and Science
– Science and Life
– Atom and Atomic Bomb
– Scientific Claims
– Engineering in Pharaohs Times.

Mosharafa was one of the distinguished few who were in close contact with the great scientist Einstein, as he enriched Einstein’s theory on relativity.
He was keen on disseminating public scientific awareness, and wrote several articles and books for the public about science in simple forms, he also contributed in a lot of social organizations.

“Egypt & Europe Magazine” published a cartoon of him standing between Russia and the USA holding in his hands rolled paper, and both super-powers awaiting him to unfold the secrets of science.
Moustafa believed that the Egyptian desert is rich in uranium and he considered the desert to be the second richest source after the river Nile of national income and raw materials.
He participated in establishing the students and professors association, he was one of its activists until he became its president , he made it like a parliament including within it the best amongst students and professors , giving amazing examples for freedom of speech and how different issues could be discussed in a civilized manner.

He accepted, for the first time, students from other Arabic countries and he said “the national restrictions and sexual discrimination is nothing but satanic ways used to distribute hatred and envy between the harmonic hearts “

In the year 1950 Moustafa Mosharafa died in unclear circumstances that point to be murdered by the hands of the global Zionist movement whose reaction was not much different towards his clever student Dr. Sameera Moussa.

Shula Kohen (The most dangerous Israeli woman spy known to the Middle East)


Eliahu Cohen
(The Israeli spy who infiltrated the highest Syrian authorities)


Ali Hassan Salameh
(The Red Prince: The young Palestinian intelligence chief, assassinated in Lebanon, by the Mossad and the CIA)
First introduce Arab Agencies their names name of their heads size and other things than tell stories about spies.

As far as I know, they don't really have specific names that are in famous acronyms like CIA or FBI or even have names like Mossad and anything of that sort. They're only known quietly as Saudi Intelligence, or Jordanian Intelligence etc.
Playing cards - a very special operation from Egyptian intelligence files


With the death of the leader Gamal Abdel Nasser and Sadat taking power in Egypt, things seemed quite calm and everyone thought that the state of non-war and non-peace, will last forever, especially with Sadat's virtual calm and his suggestion to all that he can not enter into a new war with the Zionist entity. But in reality things were very different . All the organs of the state were in a state of general alert in preparation for the battle of fate..

Among these organs was the Egyptian General Intelligence Service, which launched its men in all corners of the world to create the largest information network since the end of the Second World War. Soon followed the Successful operations of this legendary apparatus in a way that surprised the enemy before the friend. During this critical period, new orders were issued to the Egyptian intelligence for a special mission to obtain the Israeli air defense code.

Despite the difficulty of the mission and even its impossibility, the intelligence men, as usual, held an immediate meeting to discuss the best way to obtain this dangerous war secret, which will ensure the eagles of the Egyptian air force to roam freely and carry out their tasks when the decisive hour comes without Israeli air defense systems being able to intercept them.

As a traditional procedure, everyone reviewed everything they had about the Israeli air defense system in terms of its methods, weapons, commanders and soldiers.

And on everything and every point there were dozens of files and information collected by these men with patience during many months, these intelligence men were reviewing all the files and information, however small, and after a week of discussions, everyone agreed that the only way to know the required code will be through (Yitzhak Rabinovich), who was of the first Russian Jews to immigrate to Palestine before the 1948 war and the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel, he joined its first army and took up positions until he became a general after the war of June 1967..Despite his Russian nationality, Rabinovitch did not have any Russian features at all, but he looked like Oriental Jews, black haired and dark skinned, and then he loved money more than anything in the whole world. It is strange that despite his passion for money and his Jewish stinginess he was famous for among his colleagues and men, he was not able to resist playing cards on Saturday evenings and was very happy when he won and almost cried when he lost, even if it was a small amount. His passion for playing cards was a clear weakness that the Israeli leaders did not pay attention to, knowing and counting on Rabinovich's great loyalty to Israel..

The intelligence men were lost on how to exploit this weakness to obtain the desired secret, until they were informed by a thorough investigation that General Rabinovitch kept a copy of all the very secret documents in a hidden safe in a carefully chosen hiding place inside his home, which no one knows where it was, not even his wife..

And since any storming operation was totally out of question _ because the secrets lose their importance if the opponent realizes that you got them_ , it was necessary to search for a genius way to reach the General's house and search for the safe, open it and get the documents without him being aware of it !!

And here came the genius idea to carry out the operation by someone from inside Israel to hold the general confidence quickly and easily.. The Egyptian intelligence men came to choose one of their agents in Israel, an Israeli businessman named David Barahuda, who had emigrated to Israel and hated that despotic life, to be taken over by the Egyptian intelligence service to work for it with the utmost sincerity since early 1970.
The process of the new operation began in the winter of 1972 when David traveled to Paris in response to a secret message from the Egyptian intelligence, and there he met with intelligence operative Amjad and a number of other men, including a card game expert, who teached him its best tricks and deepest secrets. In the end, David returned to Tel Aviv with a French businessman with a valid passport (Francois Moulier) who also enjoyed playing cards..

After a short time, David and Francois' team was famous for their skill in this field and had a number of friendships with those playing on Saturday evenings. One of them presented David and Francois to General Rabinovich as card-playing enthusiasts with the same caution and small amounts he likes to play. It was natural that Rabinovitch would accept to play one round with the new players as a kind of caution, and he threw a small sum for fear of loss.. But he won this time and the second time, the fourth and the seventh !!! He won three games for the first time in his life until he forgot his self-respect and his usual security measures. He shouted out of joy and continued to play and won again. At the end of the evening he insisted on meeting the two again on the following Saturday and every Saturday, and with weeks going by and profits coming in regularly, the man became addicted to the game, he played till midnight and stayed on the play table as he never did before, he began to consider David and Francois as close friends, especially as they were accepting the loss with a clean mind and without anger..

In fact, the two men were playing brilliantly and unrivalled to lose a cycle of two for the general who was impressed by the profits and believed for the first time of his life that the game became a semi-regular mean of profit, until that day at the beginning of the summer of 1973, where everything was going as usual and the general earns and counts his profits from that evening, when a quarrel erupted between the French and the playroom bartender, the fight quickly developed to end with the Frenchman out of the coffee shop and swearing on the lives of his parents and grandparents that he will not enter this place again, and because he is David's guest, he come out with him trying to calm him while the General is doing his best to calm the situation to complete the profits of the night he was used to by now..The general, angry, left hoping for the next Saturday's profits, but David and François did not attend the next Saturday or next. Four weeks later, the general's resistance collapsed and he searched for the two playmates with great emotion. When they were found the shock came as the Frenchman swore he would not enter that place ever again. And he also swore he would not play in any public place again in order to preserve his dignity and prestige, and of course David agreed with his guest on that position..

The general was looking for a suitable way to complete the profit loop, which he loved and was addicted to and can no longer abandon it, and then came the opportunity on a plate of gold when his wife won a free trip for a month fully free from the *(Peton) tourism and travel company, which announced that it will ensure the expenses of travel and accommodation in addition to a financial award for special expenses!!

And because the offer was irresistible, the wife of the general traveled and left him alone in their home from mid-August to mid-September 1973. David Barahuda and Francois Moulier were invited to spend Saturday evenings at the home of General Yitzhak Rabinovich at a private play table..

And thus the Egyptian intelligence reached the heart of the house of the man who holds the most important secrets of the Israeli military. When the profit drunkenness came and the general drowned in a deep sleep still holding his profit money and playing cards, David sits down to guard him, while the Egyptian agent, who impersonates the Frenchman, Begins to roam freely inside the general's house to inspect every inch in search of the secret safe containing all the Secret papers and documents of General Rabinovich.. In fact, the hiding place for the safe was a masterpiece of security by all standards, so much that the experienced expert needed three full evenings before finding it and four full hours on the fourth and final evening before the wife of the general returned, to open it just before the sun's first light.. Then the search began for the secret documents that contained the air defense code..

It is certain that the Egyptian intelligence realized how its plan was a genius one when it received three microfilms containing dozens of photographs taken by the Egyptian agent of all the secret documents contained in the safe before it was closed in such a way that it is not possible to reveal what he did with them and their contents. At the same time when the Egyptian Air Force received the documents, David and François continued to play and lose to General Rabinovich in the same cafe, which the two agreed to return to after the wife of the general came back from the trip paid by the Egyptian intelligence through one of its most important and dangerous agents in Tel Aviv.

On October 4, 1973, David and Francois (the Egyptian intelligence man) traveled to Paris with a promise to the general to spend the next Saturday evening in the cafe to continue his profits. This was the last time the general received the Egyptian intelligence funds. On Saturday afternoon, October 6, 1973, The Egyptian planes attacked the Barlev line and all the camps and airports of Israel in the heart of Sinai, the Israeli madness was at its peak when their air defenses failed to track and intercept the eagles of Egypt who set out to destroy Israeli arrogance and the myth of the invincible army.

In Cairo, President Sadat congratulated the victorious army and received the congratulations
of his people, who were thankful for the victory and reassured him of his leadership and his government. At the same time, Egyptian intelligence officers reviewed the latest operations reports and smiled confidently after realizing that they were holding the game cards in their hands all the time.

* Jack Peton a.k.a Ra'fat Al Jamal..the most notorious Egyptian spy inside Israel (I will bring his famous story soon..)
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The operation of transferring the secrets of the missile "Hetz" Arrow to the Egyptian intelligence
The shocking facts of a scandal that shacked Tel Aviv:

February 16, 2004

It is certain that the minds clash between the Egyptian intelligence service and the Israeli intelligence service is a long battle, not one of its chapters ends, until another begins. Certainly, we are not surprised every day by the frank Israeli recognition of the Egyptian genius and the Egyptian victory over its arch enemy. It was a pleasant surprise for every Egyptian to read the main headline of the Israeli daily Maariv on Saturday. The news has provided a maximum of excitement and pleasure: "Missile program "Hetz"-"An open book to the Egyptians", "Scandal missile system"Hetz".

The Arrow missile system is not a simple surface-to-air missile used in Israeli air defenses to protect Israeli skies, it is in fact the most important and dangerous air defense system in Israel and perhaps in the world, in which Israel has invested hundreds of billions of Dollars, and decades with the help and open support from the USA, after the Israeli and American strategists concluded immediately after the second Gulf War that the real threat that Israel might face in any comprehensive war with the Arab front countries is ballistic missiles on which the Arab armies depend mainly.

The United States was keen to help Israel seriously in the implementation of its missile defense project after the failure of the US "Patriot" air defence system, which was deployed in Israel at the time to repel Iraqi Scud missiles that fell deep inside Israel, although these rockets did not cause serious damage, the speed with which ballistic missile fly and the accuracy in identifying and hitting targets made the Arrow missile system an Israeli national project. Israeli scientists have been developing the electronically operated missile system "Hetz" and spent millions of dollars in a parallel project to build a high-tech control system for the operation of the missile batteries, and linking it to other radars and electronic control systems. The last system was known as "Homa" ("the wall") in Hebrew. The Hebrew language, which was the narrow hole in the door, through which the eyes of the Egyptians exploited the useful information about the missile defense system "Hetz", transforming it from a safety umbrella for Israel, to a pierced umbrella that reveals more than what it covers.

The surprise that rocked Israel on Saturday (14-2-2004) was revealed by the Maariv newspaper by sheer coincidence, and was not discovered by Israel's security apparatuses of Mossad and Shabak, Aman Intelligence Intelligence and Technology Intelligence Unit (8200), was that the engineer and electronics scientist who supervised the development of the Israeli "Hetz" program is an Egyptian engineer named "Khaled Sherif" who lives in Cairo and works as a software designer at the International IBM branch in Cairo.

The truth is that there is nothing in this world more truthful than the praise from your enemies, especially if they are like the Israelis who argue on the simplest of the obvious facts, and deny historical facts..
"The Egyptian programmer, Khaled Sharif, played an important and pivotal role in protecting Israeli skies from the threats and dangers of ballistic missiles," said Maariv.
Khalid Sharif is a brilliant and talented computer engineer working for IBM, the global technology giant in the Cairo branch. In recent months, Sharif and a team of Egyptian experts have exchanged e-mails with their Israeli counterparts in the IBM branch of Israel. The discussions and messages exchanged were on identifying and fixing a number of flaws in the computer program, known as "motif", which is the main program through which the Israeli missile defense system, known as the "Hetz missile", operates.

"The previous information is not a story of science fiction, nor is it a story of interesting excitement. It is the truth discovered by the Maariv newspaper and overlooked by all the security services in Israel, and it only knew about it when the newspaper's editorial board rushed to submit an official communique containing all the information they have gathered. It was all about Egyptian scientists and programmers living in Cairo have been working for many months with Israeli scientists and programmers living in Tel Aviv and are collaborating on repairing a number of technical and electronic flaws that have emerged in the defense system of the Arrow missile. Specifically in the software of the secret system known by the code name (Homa "fence") and its mission to operate "Hetz" missile batteries.

Maariv explained that all information is now in the possession of the Egyptian intelligence, after confirming certain directives from the Egyptian intelligence to Khaled Sharif.
The darkest scenario is that all the information is now in the possession of hostile parties that may have succeeded in sabotaging the missile system.
The newspaper also stressed that it publishes this information awhile being very sad, it is inconceivable to imagine that the American scientists, who in the 1940s developed the first nuclear bomb, sat down discussing the details of building the bomb with their counterparts in Moscow, via telephone wires, for example.

Maariv considers what has happened was an intelligence scandal by any measure, and what doubles the size and extent of the scandal is that the relevant bodies in Israel have been soaked in deep sleep until a number of Maariv journalists have approached them with information that they have discovered by chance when visiting the IBM branch in Israel. However, the newspaper was only allowed to publish on Saturday after teams from the Defense Ministry and Israel's intelligence service began investigating the case several weeks ago. And after the formation of technical crews to conduct a thorough combing of all electronic systems, inside the missile system, and clean them, according to the newspaper, and identify the sites of spy programs planted by the Egyptians and neutralize them. And the search for any spyware from those known as "Trojans" that might have been installed within the system of the "Hetz" Arrow missiles to serve the Israeli opponents in a timely manner.

It is not clear whether Egyptian attempts have been made to control the Israeli defense system or to instigate espionage programs within it. Of course, even if they discover such programs, they are not expected to publish the full details of their potential. Ben Caspit, the most famous journalist in Maariv, asserts that the Israeli security failure occurred in good faith and that there were no criminal or espionage motives. But the big mistake is the foolish violation of the most basic rules of logic. Indeed, there are relations of peace between Egypt and Israel, and the latter seeks to encourage trade and agricultural relations, and all means of cooperation with them, but a clear and absolute red line should be drawn when it comes to such a sensitive missile defense system.

The Egyptian intelligence is famous with its successes, and creative operations. There is no doubt that they have the means to see what is going on in an international electronics company operating in the heart of Cairo. "Ben Caspit added:"Therefore, the logical assumption now is that all the information exchanged between Egyptian scientists and Israeli scientists is well-intentioned, Known and fully available to the Egyptian intelligence services."
An Israeli military expert explains the danger the Israelis feel from this mysterious operation, saying: "The Israeli army relies for more than 80 percent of its performance and operations on sophisticated combat systems, including the Arrow missile system, which depends entirely on electronic operation methods."

Just like the Israeli Air Force, which relies on electronic systems in the implementation of its operations, and the rest of the weapons that use dozens or even hundreds of other electronic programs. The Israeli expert adds: "In the past we were pressing the trigger strongly to launch a bullet, but now we launch a "Hetz" missile, or a laser guided bomb, or to turn on or off advanced radar system, we lightly press the "Send" key on the computer. One of the most practical examples of this was when Israeli F-16s flew over the Ayn al-Saheb camp in Syria. The Israeli Air Force Commander Dan Halutz sat on a seat in his office in Tel Aviv and sent the pilots pictures of the area they were flying over by email, and on the pictures there were red arrows determining the target to be destroyed, at this moment only, the pilot matches these images with the region's images on his aircraft's computer, selects the target and presses the key "Send" .

Thus, based on this extensive explanation, a small penetration program if installed inside this electronic system is enough to destroy the whole operation carried out by the F-16. But if we are talking about the HETZ missile, it is much more complicated. An experienced computer expert can plant a small Trojan horse program, an effective and destructive program designed to run when the system is started and destroys it immediately.
Based on this information, Maariv draws the following scenario: "When the day of reckoning comes, the ballistic missiles (Arab, of course) begin to make their way at lightning speed towards the Israeli skies, and their shrapnel falls on the heads of the Israelis. And orders are also issued quickly to run the Homa electronic system, we may be surprised that it is unable to work and that it is falling before our eyes.

And defensive missiles on which we have spent billions do not launch at all, or missiles launched but deviate from their path and miss their targets, and in the worst case burst into the air on our heads as soon as they are launched. Although some may think this scenario is a bit fanciful, unfortunately it is the same scenario that is now being studied in the most important security and intelligence agencies in Israel..

Ma'ariv editors who discovered the details of the scandal declared that they had documents attesting to the close ties and the almost daily contacts between the engineers of IBM Israel branch, and their Egyptian counterparts in the company's branch in Cairo. And the joint efforts they have made to repair the defects of the "Heyz" missile program. What is more serious however, is that the information obtained by Maariv and published confirms that the next generation of this program, known as "motif", will be designed and developed at the company's branch in Cairo, by "Egyptian engineers" of course, and then sent to Tel Aviv;s engineers to be trained on it to replace the current generation of the program.

The obvious question that has now begun to be raised is how Egyptian and Israeli engineers cooperated in developing a program of such a high degree of sensitivity to the Israelis. In fact, it is very simple, perhaps the main key is Hebrew, yes Hebrew. The problem with the engineers of the Israeli Ministry of Defense is that all the electronic programs are compatible with English. If the Israelis want the Hebrew version of the program, the solution is to go to the IBM branch in Cairo, which is the largest branch of the company in the Middle East. It is also the only authorized branch to convert the programs from English to Arabic and Hebrew. Thus, the Israelis came with their feet and their information to the Egyptian experts, to solve their technical problems that they were unable to address. Although the Maariv newspaper reported all this information, and pointed out that Israel can not accuse Egypt of any responsibility, which was the negligence of Israeli scientists, but it has of course denounced that these rules apply to the program of the operation of the Israeli missile defense system, especially as it is extremely sensitive and unjustified, from their point of view, to develop this dangerous program that will protect the Israeli skies at laboratories in the heart of Cairo.

The newspaper quoted a senior official of the Israeli Air Force as saying: "The Israeli scientists responsible for the process assessed their situation, and stopped communication with the Egyptians, although this step was delayed a lot, but everything is under control, or check, led by a special crew set up for this purpose."

However, the Maariv newspaper quoted sources in the Israeli Defense Ministry as saying: "The codes and information packages, and data on the program have been exchanged for a long time between the two branches of the company, and during the discussions the code name of the project which is considered an Israeli war secret was leaked. This is of course unlike the new generation of the program being developed in Cairo, which the Israeli authorities decided to stop, and end dealing with Egyptian scientists in this regard indefinitely.

These contradictory statements of Israeli officials confirm the magnitude of the disaster, they double the dimensions of the scandal, and launch the beginning of a new phase of the intelligence war, the era of the electronic spy, and "Trojans." And that the Egyptian intelligence has started the process of this war .. Unfortunately, according to the Israeli newspaper .. The Egyptian intelligence has scored a very early goal .. At the beginning of the game..


@Gomig-21, @EgyptianAmerican
If the Israelis want the Hebrew version of the program, the solution is to go to the IBM branch in Cairo, which is the largest branch of the company in the Middle East. It is also the only authorized branch to convert the programs from English to Arabic and Hebrew.

Thanks for the tag, bro. I remember reading this a while back. What's your feeling about the validity of this story? The Israelis couldn't make the conversion from English to Hebrew on their own? And especially for software that pertains to the Israeli Arrow ADS they came to Cairo to do it?
Thanks for the tag, bro. I remember reading this a while back. What's your feeling about the validity of this story? The Israelis couldn't make the conversion from English to Hebrew on their own? And especially for software that pertains to the Israeli Arrow ADS they came to Cairo to do it?

Well I mean it certainly seems very valid. Since the Egyptian branch is the largest branch in the Middle East it makes sense that the manager of the middle eastern division to be stationed there and probably confirm and deal with everything going on there.

The Israeli's probably could translate English to Hebrew but IBM is a private company with it's own managers and way of working things. I seriously doubt seeing a HUGE private company like IBM letting Israel dictate what it does especially since it's Israel that needs them and not visa versa.

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